* Posts by spoofles

27 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jan 2021

One-year countdown to 'biggest Ctrl-Alt-Delete in history' as Windows 10 approaches end of support


No, never...

A rather timely critical issue with the largest share of WIntel processors in the marketplace presently would never be used to push users on to new boxen and cough, Ultra series...

No, no , never...

Chinese satellite broadband launch rocket breaks up into space junk


Re: Let's hopes those Everest drones really work

On Everest Rainbow Valley is not named for picturesque beauty but for the number of colorful winter jackets on the deceased who died on their trek up the mountain.

I agree that keep beautiful natural places like Everest should be kept clean and there are efforts to get climbers to bring their trash back down from the mountain with them.

If they are not reclaiming the dead what hope do they have of cleaning up trash?

Perhaps the drone props can work better in thin air but as it is helicopters cannot reliably work on Everest above Camp 2 / 6,400 meters.

The air is too thin after that for the blades to reliably generate lift.

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots


Selective memory

Seems pop media is only reporting part of the rioting neglecting to report the progressive leftists that are involved.

Instead, they only seem to focus on "far-right" protestors.

Its not like the media has an agenda or anything, right?

Maybe Starmer could also use facial recognition to determine if his office parties are permissible events or to track the thousands he claims to have prosecuted.

Then he could use "fecal recognition" to find his own arse.

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


Posh dosh

These things never work, no one will buy a car with this.

One wonders why they never talk about how much the buyer will have to pay for tripe like this?

Beijing says state owns China's rare earth metals


Cheap pollution

Rare earths are not so rare and if you have one of them you can extract the others.

The catch is that a lot of industrial waste is created when processing them.

Environmental conservation, the CCP has heard of it but never seen it so it far cheaper to process them in the PRC.

Microsoft makes it harder to avoid OneDrive during new Windows 11 installs


More evil than Satan himself

To the surprise of no one M$ is driving nubs using the OS that the PC came with to a service that will give them food for CoPilot and a pay day later when the measly 5G of OneDrive space runs out.

Really, if you care about privacy at all you can't use M$ Windows.

Record labels gang up to sue AI music generator duo into utter oblivion


Control freaks

In all aspects of music from album, to charts to the office box it was never about music, it was always about control.

Its the reason the studios are paying record prices for catalogs.

Uncle Sam to inject $50M into auto-patcher for hospital IT



What a boondoggle in the making with the added benefit that if anything materializes out of it the black hats will repurpose the tool to make their attacks easier and more effective against hospitals.

H-1B visa fraud alive and well amid efforts to crack down on abuse


H1-B and other programs of its ilk should not exist and have been a fraud since its inception.

The trouble is both parties have moneyed constituents who benefit from the exploitable labor and salary depression.

Trumpy tried to do something about it and received an excessive amount of flack from both parties.

Its no wonder Joe Biden lifted restrictions on visas within his first week in office.

Ahead of Super Tuesday, US elections face existential and homegrown threats


In addition the US government invested Billions in voting machines that are unsecure, possibly by design.

There were procedural issues as well, voting requirements were outright ignored in 2020 with truckloads of ballots with no chain of custody were arriving at all hours of the night and were still counted.

Power grids tremble as electric vehicle growth set to accelerate 19% next year


Evolutionary dead end

Why are people using EVs?

If its to lower cost, as data has become available it is showing that on average it is more expensive to run an EV then an ICE vehicle in the US.

The current administration in the US did everything it could to drive up the cost of ICE and fuel to make make EVs more attractive and still had to provide subsidies to get people interested.

It is likely most US buyers are in EVs more for the subsidies then because they were lookign at an EV.

If its to save the planet then you are barking up the wrong tree.

In the US the same mad<people> that are jamming EVs down the collective throats of the driving public are also that same people that forced the US to generally abandon nuclear.

This means that generally all fo the electricity for charging EVs is generated by CNG or diesel.

Coal would be another option but the same group has been largely successful under the current administration in shutting down coal plants even if the coal they burn is very clean.

The same wags often like to point to alternative sources like solar or wind.

Even at the best of times these sources cannot provide enough electricity.

They also produce wast i nthe form of hard to dispose of turbine blades and solar panels that can require more energy to dispose of then they generate.

then there are the batteries that EVs and hybrids use which require rare earths.

Yes, they are not that rare and if you have access to one you can make the others but processing them creates an environmental nightmare.

Then there is the lousy, creaking electrical infrastructure in the US.

Electricity is expensive to store and the US has little to no capacity to do this.

Electricity is expensive to transport, the infrastructure imposes huge losses on generation.

Perhaps the US would be better off putting its research and financial capability behind something like hydrogen fuel cells?

They seem to be able to deliver everywhere electricity fails.

Though perhaps billionaires would not be able to increase their fortunes with tax supported subsidies.

That may be the real reason for EVs.

One problem with America's chip ambitions: Not quite enough staff



Title should read: "One problem with America's chip ambitions: Not quite enough staff - willing to work to death for crap pay".

Its the same whine from big tech, so they can twist politicos arms a little more to let in even more crap outsourced labor.

China sets AI rules that protect IP, people, the planet, and The Party


Re: What is "The Party"?

What is the Party can be demonstrated more succinctly by the actions taken by it in 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ”

- George Orwell, 1984

Don't worry, folks, here comes Chuck Schumer with some ideas about regulating AI


Conspicuous absence

Note that Chucky Cheese is not talking about the job losses that are already occurring due to high level executives embracing AI as a replacement for middle management and information workers not that he would ever do anything about it considering who donates to the DNC.

However he is talking about putting taxpayer funded "Biden Bucks" behind efforts to thwart antics that contorted M$' Tay in such a way that a quiet execution was the only answer.

Adidas grapples with $1.3B in unsold Yeezy sneakers after breaking up with Kanye West


$$ + Mouth

Maybe the board and execs at Adidas can contribute their already bloated salaries to reimbursing stockholders who paid for their politics.

Core-JS chief complains open source is broken, no one will pay for it


On the shoulders of giants

It's tough for developers in FOSS.

They cannot ignore that their project benefits from other projects because those projects are also FOSS but they also need to eat.

As core-js is popular why not fork it to free and premium versions with core functionality in the free version and desirable features offered under a BSD type license?

Would this break things or make broken things worse?

And then the SEC said, we'll claw back bad bonuses


Re: Voted along party lines

Is it November already?

That must be why Dem social media shills are in full flame.

Linus Torvalds suggests the 80486 architecture belongs in a museum, not the Linux kernel



Sequents, think of the Sequents!

Poor things, whence the DYNEX.

NIST thinks US public should weigh in on CHIPS Act programs


This is an industry that usually does not hire from the domestic workforce preferring to bring in visa slaves then hire citizens.

That said, arguably, its necessary as long as the funding does not go abroad like it did with solar and other projects of this sort.

US executive order a long way from settling EU privacy cases


An executive order can be overturned by a subsequent administration, unless its DACA.

Engineers on the brink of extinction threaten entire tech ecosystems


Greedy corporations and corrupt government

Engineering in general has been hit hard by wage deflation caused by poorly regulated outsourcing,in-sourcing, near-sourcing and whatever-sourcing.

Why put the effort and time into obtaining an EE so that you can be forced to compete with foreign labor with possibly fake credentials for nothing wages.

512 disk drives later, Floppotron computer hardware orchestra hits v3.0


Most excellent abuse of old, worn out tech though hardly original.

One could do all sorts of tunes using Commodore 1541 and 1571 disk drives.

There was even a virus that would do this.

Still, magnificent!

US winds up national security team dedicated to Chinese espionage


A big concern is that the decision is not based of effectiveness but is feeling based. A group "feels" that they might face decriminalization and so causes the shutdown of a possibly effective program. That or the check from the CPC cleared.

Apple responds to critics of CSAM scan plan with FAQs, says it'd block governments subverting its system


Apple has likely already done this.

Hiding behind "But its for the children..." is just low and unfortunately typical since they believe this mollifies criticism.

Citizen 4 already showed us the Apple was among the usual suspects in Big Tech taking $$$ to grant access to customer data.

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

US cyber intelligence officer jailed for kidnapping her kid, trying to hawk top secrets to Russia in Mexico


Grail?, we've already got one.

The FSB and the PRC have become surprisingly stingy when it comes to dosh for treason.

There was another story about a bloke who had missile engine secrets in the offing and the PRC was only offering 10k USD.

Maybe they already had one.

Shirley got off lightly as they used to shoot traitors.

Trump pushes anti-immigrant policy into Biden term with extended freeze on H-1B and other work visas


Re: Full rewrite of H1B is needed

No, you must be thinking about Pelosi.


Re: Full rewrite of H1B is needed

The trouble is there is no enforcement of the requirement that corporations attempt to find a citizen before bringing in H1B labor like other countries require. The way it really works is that the head shops exhaust the visa pool in the first hour of the new year and then sell the visa to the company that wants access to incompetent but cheap exploitable labor. What should be done is to strip all tax incentives for H1B labor and force corporations to pay the same rate as they would a citizen worker and of course have them truly exhaust all possibilities of hiring a citizen and document the attempts before calling the head shops.