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Windows Maps definitely needs Copilot. What could go wrong?
1860 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jan 2021
"I'm just vaguely wondering why a TUI or GUI at all?"
It's the installer equivalent of a shell script. The first time you perform a complex set of steps, you research the commands, finding the options that fit your use case, and documenting them. The second time, you work from your document, fine tuning the commands as you go. The third time, you edit your document, adding # and ${} and $() where needed, with #! /bin/sh at the top. Now you at least won't miss a step.
The TUI or GUI donates the benefits of scripting to people who know _next to nothing_ about installing your distro, or indeed any distro. Of course _you_ don't need the hand-holding, but you are not the audience.
"The only tricky bit is if you want to edit the disklabel ..."
Another tricky bit is lack of a Back or Previous function.
The Reg article's link to security roles "Security roles and privileges", https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/security-roles-privileges , doesn't have any information on the Power Pages roles discussed, "anonymous users" and "authenticated users". That link is for Power Platform, and Power Platform is apparently not the same as Power Pages.
From The Reg article: `The problem is that many companies treat the "authenticated user" role as belonging to someone inside the organization and grant permissions accordingly – even for outsiders who register for their websites.`
I wonder where they got that idea? I found a link for Dynamics 365 "Secure your Power Pages", which does discuss those two roles, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/guidance/implementation-guide/security-strategy-product-portals , wherein we can read the next gem of a first paragraph. It doesn't explicitly state that authenticated users are internal, but mightily implies it.
From Microsoft: `Power Pages let internal and external users access Dataverse data through external-facing websites. You can expose your data to anyone—that is, to anonymous users—or only to authenticated users. For example, you can create a landing page or a home page that anyone can see, or a page that's only for users in your organization. To secure your Power Pages sites, you need to use authentication and authorization.`
Maybe that's not the link most low code users would find? I found a link for Power Pages "Power Pages security",
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/security/power-pages-security ,
From Microsoft: `Authenticated users **can be** (emphasis added) assigned web roles that provide specific access to information on the site. ... Web roles allow users to perform special actions or access protected content and data on the site. Web roles link to users, table permissions, and page permissions. Because users can be assigned multiple web roles, they can get cumulative access to site resources.`
In the unix www, "anonymous users" and "authenticated users" means roughly the same as how Microsoft intends it. "Authenticated users" doesn't mean all records, it means access is controlled by work **already done**, by a different admin, when the account was previously created. That's a missing step in Microsoft's implementation, and expecting low code users and managers to understand the implications of umask 000 is a bit much (pun intended), when their primary goal is simply to "make it work".
Anyhow, I didn't see any mention of Web roles in The Reg article? A quick scan of "Power Pages security" with the "what will my users think of this" cap on and I conclude: They will run away screaming! From bitter experience with SharePoint, business users and access controls don't mix. This is where I set up a meeting with my boss and they "decide" to let me set perms on the default Web role, assign the employees to a new team Web role, and create a process for my boss to switch people between the roles. Or would do, but wiser heads have prevailed and there are specially trained (thus oxymoronic) low code teams who implement all the details on behalf of the business teams.
All the fuss about Rust := fust. :)
Sorry, couldn't resist the joke. But seriously, what makes Rust good is what makes it hard. and this will always limit its growth on popularity surveys. The corollary is Rust developers as a rule are pretty sharp. Not a fan of the language though. (a) I'm no longer sharp enough to put in the effort. (b) Anyway the problems Rust solves are not my problems.
"it's only the gobshitery between tracks that changes"
The gobshitery is freely recycled. I heard the exact same story twice on the car radio, separated by four years listening time and 900 miles of driving distance, supposedly about a spider "yesterday" in some "local" DJ's garden. An LLM trained on all DJ patter could not do worse than that.
"somebody else handling the operational complexity"
That's the dream, isn't it? No complexity anywhere, or as Hans says in _Die Hard_: "We'll be sitting on the beach, earning 20%." And as everybody knows, there are no mosquitos in paradise. Whereas in the real world, managing suppliers is just as much work as managing employees. The complexity moves around, but it doesn't go away. This must be true, because if it were possible to outsource all the complexity, then anybody could be in the same business as you. Er, wait, that's what MBAs think already. Never mind, puts hand down.
"none of the links worked"
Try creating a Download folder on your microSD card and putting your reference documents there.
From a pair of CR312 batteries I get about seven days, sometimes eight, assuming "normal use" which is about 12 hours per day *not* using bluetooth. Using bluetooth 4 hours out of the 12 I can get about four days, sometimes only three.
I needed hearing aids for work and paid out-of-pocket for the expensive ones, but they are still going strong seven years later. The over-the-ear type work great, whereas I don't get along so well with earbuds. After surgery on one ear nothing stays in that side.
Double joke alert!! With these Airpods can the bluetooth be disabled? How many recharge cycles before the rechargeable batteries should be replaced?