I thought that it was more of a...
More of a motherfucker than a holy fuck moment. But that's just me.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2020
But can't you just add them to a group and change the permissions to 4x50 where x doesn't mean much on linux but might be useful on other un*xs and achieve the same thing? I have seen this done since the early 90s.
I remember writing of something like a wrapper for normal users a long time ago and I can remember that I was being called, I don't know if this word can be used in the workplace any longer, a shirt lifter for doing so. This was before urban dictionary, and you could imagine the laughter when I started asking people what this meant.
Gave up on sudo about 10 years ago. Real men just uses ssh and log in as root. They know what they are doing.
I never understood why something needed a convoluted wrapper to run as root when you could always use the SUID bits and let the executable decide on what privs it needed.
I think that the acronym came about around the time of TGS (The Great Three Letter Acronym Shortage) in the mid 90s.
Not many people know, for instance, that the real reason the 3GPP was formed was not to promote open standards but to homogenize acronyms and to promote higher order acronyms. Hence the four letter acronym 3GPP.
Just like I don't their machines reading my corporate mail that my idiot boss hosts on f*cken google server.
As being indirectly involved with a company that was suing Microsoft, I well remember the lawyers coming round to the people that I was hired to do the work for, while they searched for evidence in their emails. If the same thing happened today, and the company was using office 365 or whatever, would Microsoft even allow them to access their emails? For one sure thing, I would not be trusting that they would not be reading them.
I am sorry what pills are you talking about here? Are you qualified in anyway to offer medical advice? Anyhow, I shall give you the benefit of the doubt.
Didn't Rupert's henchmen start calling The Hon Danien Andrews Despot/Dictator Dan? And who was it that signed up for China's yellow brick road (or whatever it is called). If you have difficulty understanding something, or unaware of the context because you are just a cockroache a living in Mexico, then by all means ask.
Australians should be *really* scared. I mean "search" "youtube" and "maps" that stalk you are such an essential public utility, right up there with the the water mains that enters your house. If google left the population would be so, so unbelievably severely affected. Not. The only thing that would be affected would be Alfuckbets balance sheet.
Yeah right. I reckon despot Dan could have Baidu up and running in a week. And in return, they would probably censor the fox (sky) news corp bastards that call him Dictator Dan.
If we cannot rip off off Fairfax and News corp content in order to sell ads that have moved from them to use then we cannot operate in your country. I have never supported rupert, by for all I care google can just fuck on off back to the states and serve it state side shite downunder.
It's called, hold on, marketing. Come on Linus, these are the same guys that tell us that a monolithic kernel is better. The same guys that write a driver three or four times, well soon to be three for Intel (Firmware/UEFI, Windozzzzzze and Linux, for Intel - no more Mach based OSes).
I think that this is their usual boiler plate response:
The existing comments don't apply to use. We are a special case.
Your comments have no jurisdicktion as our domicile is a PO BOX or some serviced office on some tax shelter.
Make it impossible to be contactable like any entity that trades normally.
Throw money at lobbyists.
I think that we should have all seen this coming when the canary died. The canary being google's
"Don't be evil" being quietly removed. If you for one minute think that they youtube isn't aware of the advertising standards and requirements in most countries, and doesn't know what ads it is showing and to whom (and to whom I mean each and every individual) then you are very misguided.
Yeah, creating monstrosities of unregulated, untaxed, wild west like entities, that for instance flagrantly trample on our advertising protections for minor for instance (I am talking about all the ads that run on youtube that little kiddies see before they can even tell the difference between bullshit and dogshit) is something that you are proud of.
With UEFI and even before, the boot manager has always prevented you from booting. How many times do I get an error that I cannot load a driver for the storage device that I have been booting off until just now? And seriously it cannot figure out that the current partition is the one that should be booted? The is someone in in hell, someone looking up and laughing and saying how did I ever get away with it.
Naah you can cut the single layer circuit boards and count the rings. One for each year. Some gaps are more narrow than others (the Lisa years, when Yobs was in exile at Next, but you get the point). Also there are traces of black turtle neck fibers around the through hole components.
That Huawei virus needs a lot more $$$ to eradicate.
The most annoying aspect of the Huawei and China "problem" is that in the 80s and 90s and 00s when there were flagrant violations of IP, oppressive contracts requiring technology "transfers" (aka. show us how you do it so that we can rip you off) , nothing was done. I guess this is what happens when you don't act quickly enough to crush a rampaging destructive virus.