* Posts by Retiredwatcher

14 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2020

FTC urged to stop tech makers downgrading devices after you've bought them



Still using mine driven by a Rasberry Pi than you for open source.

My NAS stores the music and phone app and my orginal Logitech kit still works.

Very much the exception as I have a TV now unable to do much as it is "to old"

We just need a sensible life for stuff. 7 years or even 5 would be reasoable.

Microsoft really wants those old Exchange 2016 servers put out to pasture



I carried out a large Exchange migration one weekend. Having told all the users to tidy their mailboxes to speed up the process. The entire thing went without a hitch with much relief it was all done by Sunday morning.

Come Monday the MD's secretary rang at 9.00 saying where were all her old emails. After a brief panic I found she kept all here old emails in folders in the deleted folder as it was tidier!

Easily solved but no accounting for users stupidity in the plan.

Ransomware ban backers insist thugs must be cut off from payday


Payment options

Is not the issue that Bitcoin is a great way to hid where the money goes. Without that surely the money would be more difficult to launder?

Hold up world, HP's all-in-one print subscription's about to land, and don't forget AI PCs


They can fail

I worked for Xerox when they led the world and where are they now? They knew more about paper handling and printing than most but they did not pick up on the treads. Oddly they said the paperless office could happen but it was people that had to accept it first.

Not long before I retired I still had a company that printed emails for the users ...

Astronomers clock runaway black hole leaving trail of fresh stars


Plans have been avilable for 50 of your Earth light years ?

Nobody cares about DAB radio – so let's force it onto smart speakers, suggests UK govt review


Keep FM

I have loads of FM radio about the place all still working after many years 100% even the one in the shed.

DAB needs an external aerial here and is rubbish signal strength.

Yes I like variety but I have bought a couple of DAB radio to use in places like the garden and no good.

Smart speakers are ok but you need a good internet - here in the sticks of course .....

Cross-discipline boffin dream team issues social media warning: FIX IT NOW!


Re: Virtual Community

I think it does allow people who have extreme views to come together and become a force.

Before they presented no threat to a society as they were out voted.

Now they can prepare disruptive actions across many areas as a team.

While silent majority watch cats.

Mayflower, the AI ship sent to sail from the UK to the US with no humans, made it three days before breaking down


Trollface Re: "With no one onboard to fix it"

When many years ago I asked my instructor what job I would have when machines could fix themselves he replied:- "Who fixes the machines that repair themselves?

43 years and 14 billion miles later, Voyager 1 still crunching data to reveal secrets of the interstellar medium


Often overlooked

Our ability to get the really weak radio signals back from the probe.

We continue to pollute the radio spectrum on our planet like all the other things we screw up!

Also one has to wonder where our early radio transmissions have got to by now.

How do we stamp out the ransomware business model? Ban insurance payouts for one, says ex-GCHQ director


It starts at the top

How often have I been involved in cleaning up a mess all because the organisation is OK

However the MD - to whom the rules don't apply - clicked on it or went to that site.

Then the house of cards falls down.

Time to have some storage devices that disconnect the network interface unless it time to do a backup perhaps?

Google patches WebView component to end unexpected Android crash fest


Becoming the norm

Spent some time trying to work out why Outlook and Google kept crashing on my phone before finding it was not my new phone faulty.

To date all my phones have been very stable over the years looks like we are going down the Microsoft testing rabbit hole.

PLEASE stable and secure first function second!

US court system ditches electronic filing, goes paper-only for sensitive documents following SolarWinds hack


Trouble is

I to loved my first connection to the wonderful new world of the internet.

I reckoned it would go places from day one, however over the years I have seen the dream unravel.

I cannot understand why you can be anonymous to connect. It allows all the creatures to come out ruin it for the masses and crawl back under their stones.

People in the past like Martin Luther and Nelson Mandela did not hide their identities.

The trust in the web is in doubt and I cannot see how we get it back - bring on the paper records.

Maybe I should buy share in filling cabinets.

Deloitte's Autonomy auditor 'lost objectivity' when looking at Brit software firm's disputed books, says regulator


Beans counters

The bean counters have lost their way. Audits are all tied up by a big few and they are shielded from major penalty.

Audits should be representing honesty for the shareholders to get know what is going on.

Most of them sell more consultancy than audits and dare not bite the hands that feeds them

Cybersecurity giant FireEye says it was hacked by govt-backed spies who stole its crown-jewels hacking tools


As I was always taught

"Security is a philosophy not a solution"

Do you know the cleaners in the building that visit every night and work up from there.