* Posts by Phil

6 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2007

BAE lands US Army minidroid horde contract


Just dont let them replicate...

Anyone else get a vision of hordes of small spider-like creatures like something out of a sci-fi series...

Google sued for ad fraud


Pure rubbish.

To quote:

The case accuses Google of "redefining the universally understood meaning of an input box left blank".

According to the complaint, the advertiser "selects the maximum daily budget and the maximum CPC bid". The maximum CPC bid has two options, "Default CPC bid" and "CPC content bid", the second of which is specified as "optional".

To anyone with any sense, they should have read that as "optional maximum CPC content bid".

To follow from the above quote, the "universally understood meaning of an input box left blank" is that the variable has no value. in the context of the CPC content bid input box, leaving it blank would say to me "there is no maximum CPC content bid". As such Google have every right to charge the advertiser what they want as the advertiser has not specified a maximum.

Even though Google do not have a "no content ads" checkbox for opting out, they do give the advertiser the choice to specify a maximum cost for content ads of which 0 is a valid value. Almeider did not understand this concept yet stated in the complaint that the box is an optional value for the maximum CPC content bid and happily did not define a value for said maximum.

However I am not a lawyer so how this would hold up in court I don't know...

Europe too cynical for iPhone


Old tech at an older price.

I personally wouldn't bother with an ipHone as, apart from the multi-touch screen which has limited usability on such a small scale, it has absolutely 0 features above my 18 month old XDA Exec. A phone, I might add, that cost me £50 with an 18month contract (£30/mnth). Infact, my XDA Exec has more features and is more usable then the iphOne and it's 18 months old! It's open; I can use any sim I want without any lock in. I can read email and browse the internet on it - although that seems to be the innovative feature of the iphone..? And I even have the fabulous ability to quickly and easily type in a text/email and make calls.

So where is the innovation that warrants the vast additional cost?

Phones 4 O2

Thumb Down


"people wanting to see the iconic handset"

I'm dissapointed in the lack of comical capitalisation that could have been abused but wasn't.

Retail giants to crack whip over digital dawdlers


Why would you not go digital now anyway?

Although TVs with analog RF input are still needed by those who still use or would want to use their old classic Video Game systems or have extremely poor digital reception, I don't see why anyone would want to buy an analog only TV set.

The article doesnt actually state if the DSSCG will refuse to sell Analog capable or Analog only. At this point in time with the impending analog switch off I see no reason for them to sell Analog-only equipment however they should sell Hybrid (Analog and Digital) equipment for a long long time after the analog switchoff.

World's smallest economy dives into web scrum


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