Re: "dozens of lorries were being held at the government's control post... for up to 20 hours"
If you think what anybody cares about you calling them names on the Internet, maybe you should spend more time outdoors and outside of your echo chamber.
1268 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2020
So did Europe leave the EU too? Did America leave the EU?
If you're thinking of the Dublin agreement, that resulted in more people being sent to Britain than from it. Leaving the EU has freed us of this.
If you have to lie to further your cause, maybe you should reconsider whether you actually believe in it. Join us. We're better off out.
This is our problem. We have a permanent government that runs the country, badly.
And we have temporary democratic governments voted in who try (and fail) to get the permanent government to do the people's bidding*. And when things go tits up, the elected government gets the blame.
If Labour come in next year, they might perform better if the permanent government happens to agree with Labour's policies, but that really is not how a country should be run.
Outsourcing parts of government to a foreign permanent government is not the answer.
* Don't start, our FPTP representative democracy is a hell of a lot better than the way the permanent government are selected.
The Hunter Biden laptop story is true.
"It’s a lawsuit to contain the troubles caused by Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop computer, the one he left at a Delaware repair shop but failed to pick up and pay for. When he dropped it off, he signed the shop’s standard agreement saying that, if he didn’t return and pay for the work, the shop would then own the computer and its contents.
The computer repair shop owner examined the data on the laptop as a result, and this has caused a world of hurt for the Bidens. The repairman gave the computer to intermediaries who gave it to the New York Post, the only newspaper that was interested. Since then, the Biden family has been dealing with the consequences, mostly by denying the computer was really Hunter’s or the data from it was faked – claims which have been disproven by two different US media investigations. The idea that the data isn’t Hunter’s has also been contradicted by IRS whistleblower testimony. Nonetheless Team Biden has battled hard to suppress reporting of the data.
This suppression wasn’t designed to help Hunter. It was designed to help his father win the 2000 election. That’s why father, son, and the team surrounding them denied everything about the computer, claimed it was all a Kremlin fabrication, and tried to prevent newspapers from reporting about it and social media from discussing it or even circulating the newspaper articles.
These suppression efforts were largely successful when they counted, before Joe’s election for president. Now that Joe is running for a second term and the Republican House of Representatives is investigating him for alleged corruption, the laptop has become relevant again. And the Biden team has returned to the old playbook to limit the damage."
"The suit is part of a pattern. Hunter’s team has already sued once for violating his “digital privacy” while still refusing to acknowledge the content was Hunter’s. That’s right: they claimed his rights were violated even if the content wasn’t his. You can’t make this stuff up. Actually, you can. That’s why there are so many lawyer jokes."
You imagine facebook, Tiktok, etc to just be lists of what other people have posted, displayed in order.
They aren't. What you see is determined by algorithm. It was proven that Twitter, Facebook, etc, were (are?) surpressing conservative views as well as covering up whatever the Democrats asked them to ( eg: Hunter Biden's laptop ).
If you use TikTok, that's giving the CCP direct control over what you watch. That's a bad thing.
Obviously the data is a problem, but the indoctrination is a bigger problem.
Your last line is just silly. Why pretend that the alternative is moderate left wing or crazy Christian fundamentalist with nothing else? "Left-wing" now means pro-Hamas, anti-West, pro-mutliating-children-in-the-name-of-trans-ideology, pro climate-alarmism ( ignoring science where it contradicts ) and Malthusianism.
The BMA is the doctors trade union you absolute weapon. Anything less than 100% of GDP isn't enough spending for them.
Next up: Athur Scargill says that the mines were under-subsidised to the tune of 500bn/year....
Again. The waiting lists is because the left ( opposition and almost all the media ) wanted to entirely shut the entire country down including the NHS and castigated Boris for suggesting that might not be ideal.
> *They will probably be adults by the time they get seen by a professional because the tories have fucked the NHS (again).
Those bastards, increasing NHS spending to the highest level it has ever been in real terms.
( Covid, and the left-wing establishment campaign to shut down the entire country including the health service, is what fucked the NHS )
Collaboration is the worst thing to happen in politics.
It led to the post-war consensus in which Britain got to vote for their socialism in a red or blue tie.
There are downsides to FPTP that maybe AV could have solved, but a PR based system is a government where everything is decided in back rooms by parties horse trading away their promises in exchange for power.
There was some semblance of classical liberalism in that version of the Conservative party - Cameron et al hadn't quite completed the left-wing makeover of the party. And the Lib Dems in coalition were a little bit more classically liberal than they are now too.
Now they're all just statist parties fighting over who gets to grow the state by the largest amount.
It was never about "foreigners taking our jobs". Don't lie.
It was *partially* about importing millions of unskilled workers and using them to drive down wages.
That's why our productivity is so low ( why make capex investments in more efficient machinery when you can hire a Pole for minimum wage? ).
"British food is crap" is further manifestation of the Orwell quote 'almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during God Save The King than stealing from a poor box.
It's been fashionable for a very long time for that sort to hate their country and everything about it and wish that they were French.
It marks the speaker out as somebody without an original thought in their head but still considers themselves better than you or I.
Surely you know that is untrue. And surely you know that I know that that is untrue, so why post that lie?
All broadcast media was firmly against brexit to the point of repeating even the obvious lies by Project Fear ( what happened to WW3 that you promised us if we dared vote against your little political club? )
Vaguely adjacent to being on topic, but I'll tell you something that is better than I thought it would be:
Rustler burgers ( and similar chicken subs, etc )
They aren't spectacular but they are better than you'd think, especially if you follow the "advanced" instructions and toast the bread separately as it suggests. For something that cooks in a couple of minutes in they are surprisingly good.
The worst part about them is they have about 6 million calories in a single burger.
It is a lie to pretend that money was promised to the NHS. It was a strong suggestion that if we didn't send the EU money, we could spend it elsewhere - the NHS perhaps.
The NHS got that money by the way. T.May boosted the NHS funding by over £350m/week. That's partly why NHS spending is higher in real terms than it has ever been.
The sunlit uplands? Our politicians being directly accountable for how badly we are governed *is* the sunlit uplands. So is the CPTPP. So is not being part of the EU "regulatory superpower".
Where's the catastrophe that you pretended was going to happen?
We only do peasant food really well because our self-appointed "betters" have always wished they were French.
British sausages are underrated, Lincolnshire sausages are miles better than any plain pale German offering. Obviously British beer doesn't need me or anybody else to stand up for it.
( PS: The French call us Rosbif's for a reason - I assume it's because they are jealous of a people that every Sunday eat gravy with a knife and fork )