Plug a hole?
Could they make one big enough to fill the hole in the ozone layer?
All obvious But Plug jokes implied.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2007
OK, this is from memory of an article a while back so please excuse any errors.
A company that manufactures wax products is making a mint producing wax blocks to fit around the temperature sensor of commercial fridges. It smooths out the rapid variations during normal use. By reducing the high number of short active periods an overall saving is achieved.
Could this method be applied to domestic fridges? I have a few candles I can melt down so maybe I will experiment.
I use uTorrent as a P2P client. It has a feature called Scheduling that enables bandwidth throttling in hourly chunks with a separate schedule for each day.
As I am on a 50:1 contention connection. I throttle uTorrent to 25% bandwidth between 08:00 and 24:00 then run at 100% during the night. Sure it takes longer to get a file but my neighbours do not suffer and I do not get hustled by my ISP.
All it takes is a little consideration and a LOT less greed.
Maybe uTorrents next release/update should have a default configuration with this schedule rather than 100%. Would that make the problem go away?
Slowly but surely the paranoid morons are ruining our society. Soon you will need a permit for leaving your home.
The terrorists must be laughing their socks off at the way they are crippling us without putting themselves at any risk whatsoever.
Unfortunately we have allowed a special breed to be crated - the terrorist risk assessors. They HAVE to find risks even if they do not exist because if they don't then they are out of a job. End result - we all suffer for no reason other than to keep a few morons in a job.
What a sad country this is turning into.
For me, autologin is a must have. Why? Because I live in a house - MY house using MY computer for MY use only. I completely trust my wife and kids and have no security issues.
I WANT to convert to Linux but every time I try it I get soo fed up with having to enter a password every time I want to make even the most minor change that I end up going back to XP muttering 'maybe the next release...'. Unfortunately the control freaks still rule the roost so XP stays yet again.
Couldn't the install have a 'Are yo in a safe environment?' question which can turn off all that nonsense if you answer YES? As I understand it, W7 learnt from Vista that users are not happy and is doing away with that nonsense. Will Ububtu sort it out before W7? The race is on ;-)
To get that much SPAM you have to let people know you are there in the first place. Giving proper consideration to when/where you divulge your email address is one of the basics of avoiding SPAM. It would appear that this clueless person is a victim of their own lack of thought.
If in doubt - us a disposable address (mailinator etc.).
I sell a LOT of 99p items and asked people to consider cheque/Postal order when paying as eBay/PayPal fees add up to 53p (OVER 50%!). I did NOT say 'NO PayPal', I just asked people to think about it. I got slapped by eBay because their new terms do not allow you to 'discourage the use of PayPal'. Sheer greed on their part.
Someone in one of the forums said "If the people running eBay had to make a living of eBay the way that we do then they would not have done half the things they have done to us" - so true.
It has been my displeasure to use that pile of sh*t for the last year. The concept is good but the coding is the worst I have been subject to in decades. I would not attempt to list all the issues. Support is non existent apart from the usual cut/past irrelevant garbage you get from any eBay support request (use the forums for a REAL answer).
PLEASE let there be a proper product released soon. Hopefully a couple of competing products will stimulate a decent result at a reasonable price.
Mind you, the way eBay/PayPal are now treating us these days I doubt if I will be there to use a new tool as I have started looking into creating an independent website of my own. I am sick of being squeezed for every penny possible while being treated as a lowlife because I sell more than junk out of my attic. If I treated my customers the way they treat me and other sellers I would have gone out of business very quickly. </rant>
If you read the fine print you will find that "I made sure I added a comment that any prospective buyer should ignore it because I would not accept PayPal" is in breach of eBay's T's-n-C's and your account can be suspended/revoked.
I have an eBay shop and would LOVE to put that in a banner on EVERY listing but I would not be there for long before the goons found out and kicked me off.
Free market - NOT on eBay! Their way or no way.
"I have been wanting to get my hands on statistics for terrorist related deaths for a while now, to compare them to say, road or suicide related deaths."
When you get those figures, please publish them along with the expenditure in each field. I'll bet it is VASTLY disproportionate. Mind you, the anti-terrorist FUD will say "That proves it must be working".
Somehow I doubt it. Like most of the anti bunch all they have is opinion with no experience to back it up. Quoting hearsay and 'reports' has no value compared to true experience.
I am in my 50s and have indulged since I was 15 with NO adverse effects. I believe that all decision makers should take at least a full day to experience the effects (with the required munchies and a good movies) and find out how a good giggle session effects their perception of the evils of weed.
At the weekend, what proportion of places in A&E are taken up by stoners & drinkers? How much does it cost the NHS for drink related issues every year? What percentage of physical or sexual assaults are due to stoners?
I would love to see the results of a truly anonymous opinion poll of the whole UK. The same for parliament might be interesting if they could be trusted to be truly honest. Scrub that - they are politicians so honest is not in their vocabulary.
The real issue is probably revenue. The duty income from alcohol is massive. If they are unable to replace that with duty on cannabis they will never vote in favour of any measure that brings it closer to being legalised.
I use 2 banks. One has forced one of these blasted things on me. I am slowly moving everything to the 2nd bank so I can close the 1st account.
Why? If I want to check my account but have left the stupid thing behind I am stuffed. It is too big for its purpose and needs a chip & pin card as well. It is an absolute pain.
I understand the need for decent security but this blasted system is cumbersome and imposes too many limitations.
With my 2nd bank I have to enter PLENTY of separate security identifiers to ensure security. I can carry all of these in my head/stored in a password protected store on my laptop or even written down in an un-obvious way that I understand how to decode. For example £32.57 is a PIN hidden in a shopping list but the numbers are not in entry order. I can even 'hide' these details on-line if I wish.
Freedom is the issue. Freedom from being forced to carry both a bulky keypad/screen plus a chip and pin device. Freedom from being tied to accessing an on-line system ONLY from wherever the blasted device is.
I have taken more than 'reasonable care' to ensure the security information for my 2nd bank is not available to others yet is easy for me to use ANYWHERE.
In a short while I will rejoice in taking a large hammer to that bl**dy thing.
"The classifications will be voluntary because the Video Recordings Act doesn’t require downloaded content to carry legally binding BBFC classifications."
Of course it has to be voluntary. How can they 'enforce' it?
Paris because I think even she could see the stupidity of this kind of announcement
I just wrote to Tiscali stating that IF they join this cr*p I had better be given an Opt In option.
It will make no difference but it made me feel better.
Luckily I have learnt that you should NEVER use ISP provided email, hosting or any service they provide. I can jump ship quickly if they do sign up to this abuse of my privacy.
"We know there is at least some percentage that it could land on ground as opposed to in the water."
I wish I was clever enough to make statements like that.
They don't know where it will land. Therefore it will either end up in water or on land. The world has xx% water (any number of people know the xx% except me). Could it be that the "some percentage" is xx%?
They are producing these images on the same set that the so called Moon landing was created on. There must be plenty of places on this planet with this type of terrain. Use of a colour filter rather than the Black and White images from the 'Moon' now make it look like Mars.
Somebody obviously got through the security perimeter and ended up in shot.
Mine is the foil hat, thanks. Taxi!
The down side of this is that the ISPs are stuck between the Media Morons and the Idiots In Power who are being led by the nose by the MMs.
Unfortunately the 'get the pirates' gang will never listen to reason because the MMs are dinosaurs and the IIPs are totally clueless. The MMs have money and time to put pressure on the IIPs. The ISPs don't stand a chance, no matter how reasonable their argument may be.
Net Neutrality is about to get the first nail in its coffin. This will be the start of a flood of 'well justified' restrictions and invasions of privacy.
1984 here we come.
The police have caller ID and also ask for the callers number as part of the initial contact procedure.
If they billed £10 to £50 back to the calling number for every wasted call then maybe the idiots would stop and think.
Word would soon get about and the number of calls would drop quit quickly.
Why on earth was it posted?
Are they still living in the dark ages? With all the technology available today there are MANY alternatives.
Surely a VPN connection to a DMZ with a 'secure' access area for sensitive file transfer would have been better. Access details sent via an encrypted email. The technology is so simple that any home user can set it up if they put in a bit of effort. The MOD sites have a secure network, couldn't government departments use this, even if they only get access to a DMZ area tagged on the side? The technology is there but why aren't they using it?
Burning disks just does not make sense.
How hypocritical can you be? USA has a head in the sand approach to Global Warming. One of the largest polluters on this planet and they have the nerve to point the finger at China. Clean up your act USA and then maybe you will have the right but until that day - STFU on the subject.
The Music Industry funds lobby groups to feed FUD to the minister and like a good little public servant seeing an opportunity to raise his profile - off he goes.
The issue is the fact that the 'Music Industry' is a dinosaur that is not capable of modifying its business model to accommodate the changes in technology and public demand.
The vast majority of criminals are the general public reacting to the unreasonable constraints created by the Music Industry as it struggles to make its outdated business model continue to generate revenue. Admittedly there are a minority of offenders who deserve prosecution for abusing the law to make money. The minority do it so that they can use the music in a manner suited to todays technology. Price is also an issue as the majority are of the opinion that high volume low cost is the answer that is easily achievable by todays technology. The Music Industry is adamantly sticking to the opposite, hence the conflict.
Unfortunately the people that suffer will be the public who do not have lobby groups to represent their opinion. This imbalance causes the minister to incorrectly assess the issue.
I have sent my opinion to him. Just one voice from the masses against the lobby groups but it may help. If you feel strongly enough to add your weight to our side of the argument the minister can br contacted via
info@dius.gsi.gov.uk. (That's the best I could find)
The more he gets, the more chance he may see things from our point of view and see through the FUD.
Google Earth shows there are 3 atolls, spread over 100 miles, with most of the dwellings squeezed into a small area. The environment look idyllic.
Unfortunately global warming predictions are that environments such as these will soon disappear as the sea level rises. If that happens to this economy - what happens to the .tk domains if there is no geographic location? They could relocate to Australia if allowed back post independence. Do the domains then migrate to .au?