* Posts by LogicGate

562 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2020


Tesla sales crash in Europe, UK. We can only wonder why

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: What to expect

The reason WHY Tesla as a startup managed to bring a completely new car to market is that, compared to a conventional car, an electric car is easy. (The safety architecture required to manage the battery is not, but this does not prevent the car from driving).

Tesla put together a decent drivetrain, and solved the range issue by simply using a LOT of laptop-size cells. After all these years, they have not managed to figure out how to make the (relatively simple) bodywork, and you suggest that they should go for an IC engine solution (The truly complex bit)? No chance.

Democrats demand to know WTF is up with that DOGE server on OPM's network

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: President Musk does not care

Naah, Trumpistan sums it up nicely.

--A sort of Kult-Theocracy where no oposition is tolerated.

FBI's secret UFO hunters fear Trump's January 6 purge will send them into orbit

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: They'll never find us.

They came,

Looked for intelligent life,

Found none,


As Trump slugs Canada, Mexico and China with tariffs, industry groups hope trade war weapon isn’t pointed at their feet

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Well, I never ...

Last time around, the EU hit back with relatively smart tariffs aimed at creating maximum hurt in relevant red states.

We have now had 4 more years to prepare, and the power of the EU is in trade.

However, I would like to see a request for compensation for the US created refugee situation (middle east).

LogicGate Silver badge

Do not forget, that this is not the best time to migrate to the US for work.

Ah! I see that Mr. Hitler won the election. The industry and economy must be booming! I think I will move there and set up some factories for making Bar Mitzvah Party supplies!

LogicGate Silver badge

I am curious (but not sufficiently curious to really research it), what the US trade balances looks like when (digital) services is taken into account.

The amount of money that amazon alone brings in is mind-boggling. However, creative accounting in order to avoid handing any of it to the IRS may be keeping that number artificially low.

Also, I think it is high time that arms exports should be balanced. The US should import just as much for weapons as it exports.

European Space Agency picks Thales Alenia Space to build lunar lander

LogicGate Silver badge

trust me, I know all about this, however, the situation right now is particularily volatile, with starship beginning to demonstrate some capabilities which were unthinkable 3 years ago.

I grew up with TinTin flying to the moon in a rocket that landed on its tail. This rocket was big enough to take along a tank which could then be used to explore the surface of the moon. ..Clearlya pipedream

At the point where I could have directed my career into rocket engineering, the most exiting project was an upper stage which would use folding rotor blades to autorotate into a controlled landing. There was NO percievable movement on breaking the cycle of cancelling all new projects before they could get into orbit.

Today we may be on the brink of opening access to space for all sorts of non-governmental activities. It is exciting, and starting this month, very very scary....

LogicGate Silver badge

On first thought, this sounds like an attempt at building an old-school lander in a world where the technology is very much in flux, and wehere it is not unlikely that the Lander will be overtaken by more modern technology before a flight is attempted, but after money has been spent.


In the world we live in, where a many decades old ally is talking about creating article 5 conditions by attacking other allies, basing one's future on having said ally providing unrestricted access to space is blue-eyed. Better an uneconomic access to space than no access to space.

I hate this timeline

Sweden seizes cargo ship after another undersea cable hit in suspected sabotage

LogicGate Silver badge

"a small shaped explosive charge .... fixes a lot of problems"

It might be worth considering that sinking a ship full of oil within a relatively small body of water surrounded by the precious coastlines of your allies may create more problems than it solves.

For the same reason, I have refrained from proposing that the number of "shadow fleet" ships that just happen to get mysterious fishing-nets and ropes entangled in their propellors should see a tragic and unfortunate rise. It is a nice day-dream, but the real world consequences should be investigated first.

Trump nukes 60 years of anti-discrimination rules for federal contractors

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Good start

You are talking about Pence, right?

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: only matters if companies change policies

...and generally, it is a bad idea to have a Supreme Court that is albove all standards with regards to, for example corruption.

The fact that the most promising way to get rid of Clarence Thomas is by applying even more bribes (https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=vosq_xBAqLFEAY8R&t=1574), demonstrates that the US has no checks and balances. It had some gentlemans agrements, but clearly, Trump is no gentleman.

How to leave the submarine cable cutters all at sea – go Swedish

LogicGate Silver badge

Spelling mistakes noted after editing time passed..

LogicGate Silver badge

O, I am pretty sure it ewas a stupid Ukrainian move.

From what I read, it was a cancelled action that got carried out anyway.

Did it double-tap a childrens cancer hospital?

Murder and decapitate POWs? (or the other way around)

Rape teenage girls?

Torture civilians?

Perform chemical warfare on UK soil?

Invade a neighbouring toilet in order to steal fucking toilets (and normal ones as well)

Fuckups happen, but your beloved motrher Russia has proven again and again how reprehensible it is.

LogicGate Silver badge

So you mean that it is a proven russian spy-ship that just happened to drag an anchor and maneuvre back and forth across the cables?

Sounds legit.

Oh, and while not a proven russian asset, Jellied Eel can be counted on to parrot all russian taking points to the point of qualifying as at least a "useful idiot"


Therefore: his comments and arguments must be handled with some care.

This is how Elon's Department of Government Efficiency will work – overwriting the US Digital Service

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Once a lap-DOGE ...

the thing is that Trump has, again and again, that he has no allies. He has people that he uses, and once there is no more use, he dumps them.

An alliance s a two way arrangement. Trump only wants serfs.

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Giga

This way, the Chinese could efficiently gain access to ALL the data with one single breach, rather than the current inefficient situation, where numerous servers must be hacked. Genious!

Life lesson: Don't delete millions of accounts on the same day you go to the dentist

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: "It was just another sentence"

"Trying to crowd control a lot of paint groupies isn't worth the money you make from the merch stall."

You have misunderstood, he got to (body)-paint the groupies directly. The merch stall was not involved.

Elon Musk's galactic ego sows chaos in European politics

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Who cares

For a long time I suspected that Musk suffered from bipolar disorder. This may still be the case, but by now it is just a side dish to his narcissistic sociopathic condition.

SpaceX will try satellite deployment on next Starship test

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Suborbital

Not going into orbit has been a feature, not a bug for ships 1 to 6. Should a problem occur that renders the vehicle uncontrollable, then there is close to zero chance of having a huge hulk of hardware left in uncontrollable orbit. The amount of delta-v required to convert flight 6 to orbital flight was very small, and most likely available in the tanks when the engines were shut down.

$800 'AI' robot for kids bites the dust along with its maker

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: But..

"Is a Trump personality available?"

..There is no such thing

Musk and Trump to fall out in 2025, predicts analyst

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Oh no? Really?

Unless the Hamberder gets its revenge first.

Brits are scrolling away from X and aren't that interested in AI

LogicGate Silver badge

AManFromMars: Why are you posting anonymously?

BOFH: The devil's in the contract details

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Checking the boxes

Please sit on that chair with the whole in the middle, and I will go and get the two bricks.

SpaceX claims another Starship success, but fumbles the catch

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: I see the fanbois are out in force.

From our previous discussion, i assume that you count me as one of them bois.

Trust me, I am NOT.

Regrettably, the world is not black and white, instead, it is full of shades of gray. Even with Elon having come out of the closet as a human dirtbag, a company like SX was needed to break the stalemate of business as usual in the space industry, and SX needed someone like Musk at the top, willing to bet the bank on outrageous new ideas. Is Elon over-promising on timelines? Absolutely. Is SX burning through engineers with little regard for work-and-life balance? Absolutely -And I say this as someone who with open eyes might have joined, were it not for nationality and family.

Regrettably, narcissists often reach the top, simply through a willingness to step on everyone else. With SX, it seems to have worked out, both despite and because of Elon.

And because SX has demonstrated that it is possible, as well as one way in which it is possible, this has opened up the gates to investment in many other similar ventures (most of which will eventually fail, same as E-VTOLS and AI companies).

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: "the achievements of SpaceX are substantial and gamechanging."

Gamechanging: Absolutely. The fact that SX is making a massive profit on each launch does not take away from the engineering achievement. It is also temporary, until the rest of the industry catches up.

the comparison with previously having had to throw away an airliner after a single transoceanic flight is apt. SX have demonstrated that it can be done, that it works sufficiently well to become boring. This opens up completely new options and markets. Gamechanger is a VERY accurate description of the situation.

LogicGate Silver badge

El reg tends to post overly snarky articles about SpaceX. Whether you like Space-Karen or not, whether you are worried about future monopolies or not, the achievements of SpaceX are substantial and gamechanging.

Air National Guardsman gets 15 years after splashing classified docs on Discord

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Surely that shouldn't be possible ?

Yes, but what was this information doing in Otis Air National Guard Base in Massachusetts in the first place?

Information that is deemed secret should only be distributed on a Need to Know basis. Why must an Air national Guard base know sensitive information about losses in Ukraine? Do they decide on US foreign policy?

No pilot? No problem! EHang's autonomous air taxis take off in Thailand

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Not quite the range...

When someone like rishi Sunak wants to go somewhere, a distance of 200-300 m may be enough to call in a helicopter. Thinking about it, you may actually have stumbled over the market niche for the E-VTOL!

Top 10 billionaires make nearly $64B in post-Trump election stock surge

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Happy Ending

Just look at Mr. Peterson,

he is a self made man!

He started out with two empty hands and a chainsaw.

Today he only has the chainsaw!

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: ...we're gonna get a lot more billionaires!

Off course he istalking about hyper-inflation.

Look into your wallets.

You will be a billionaire!

You will be a billionaire!

You will be a billionaire!

You will all be billionaires!

NASA fires up super-quiet supersonic X-59 aircraft

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: "external cameras [..] provide a view for the enclosed operator"

In all fairness, so does a supersonic cruice missile. I am pretty sure that the flight controls of this machine does not use pushrods and steel wires, so there will be a computer on board taking care of the milisecond response.

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: "external cameras [..] provide a view for the enclosed operator"

Having a meatbag in the cockpit also makes it much easier to gain access to airspace. Fully integrating UAV movements into civilian airspace is an ongoing effort. Gaining access to restricted military airspace where UAVs may be operated more leniently may be somewhat difficult for a "civilian" program such as the X-59.

Toyota and Joby complete Japan's first air taxi flight test

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Safety

Which is why the propulsion components of a VTOL are required to comply with Design Assurance Level (DAL) A (catastrophic).

DAL-A is not easily obtainable, and rarely found in the wild.

Wanted. Top infosec pros willing to defend Britain on shabby salaries

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: I take it

You know the difference between an Australian and a New Zealander?

The New-Zealander names the sheep.

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: I take it

And the Welsh invented the condom by using the lower intestine of a sheep.

17 years later, the invention was improved upon by removing the rest of the sheep, an improvement which the Welsh, probably for reasons of patriotism, reject to this day.

Putin's pro-Trump trolls accuse Harris of poaching rhinos

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: "Russia"

"People I've heard talk in Russia think their government and leadership is a joke."

I have tried to feel sympatly to the Russian people. Living and continuing to live in a dictatorship is a balancing act that can not always follow morality.

But then I see what the Russian people, soldiers, civilians do in Ukraine, and my sympathy is gone. torture, rape, murder, thefth. buying "cheap" (owners killed or driven out) homes in occupied territories, vacationing in war zones.. My sympathy has dried out.

Chinese chipmaker Loongson now just three to five years off the pace on the desktop

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: 5 years behind?

not miles, nanometers

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Déjà vu

Depending on the date of the landing, it cOULD have been the dark side, wherever they landed :)

Parents take school to court after student punished for using AI

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: School rules


Trump campaign arms up with 'unhackable' phones after Iranian intrusion

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: My prediction:

Yup, they will hold back on the chicken nuggets until he implodes.

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Hmm

from what I have read, this particular nutjob was one of HIS nutjobs, all the way down to home-made numberplates on the car.

BOFH: Boss's quest for AI-generated program ends where it should've begun

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: you just need to ask AI to sum up the numbers

You are working under the mistaken assumption that the BOFH is giving the PHB >GOOD< advice, and is not just setting him up to fail even harder..

Linus Torvalds declares war on the passive voice

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: As I get older…

Did it invlove a chair with a hole in the middle, two bricks and a "urologist" with bad eyesight?

SpaceX accuses 'meme-stock' rival of 'misinformation' over Starlink signals waiver

LogicGate Silver badge

Why not both!*

MDF stained to a lovely mahogany color and laquered to a shiny sheen, Gold plated (vapor deposit 5mu) pressed zink edgings and a sprinkling of real diamonds (https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Manufacturers-Wholesale-0-7-3-flawless_1600845251068.html).

All covered in an american flag printed on Nylon fabric somewhere in China.

*: Imagery for illustration purposes only, the real product may differ.

Starlink-branded hardware reportedly found amid wreckage of downed Russian drone

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Space Karen

There are thousands of starlinks in use inside Ukraine by the Ukrainians. Many of them have been purchased by non-military entities interested in helping out.

Most likely the Russian employed starlinks were not recognized as such by Starlink's systems. Just wait with switching on until the weapon has crossed the border, and there you are, just another Ukrainian Drone.

Thus, in THIS case, malice must not necessarily be attributed.

On the positive side, since Starlink is controlled by the west, this opens up many paths for tomfoolery and misdirection. What exactly do we want the russians to see? Patriot systems in empty fields?

Crack coder wasn't allowed to meet clients due to his other talent: Blisteringly inappropriate insults

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Boat?

What an ms Cockchafer

Putin really wants Trump back in the White House

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Nope

"Russians love Putin and he's consistently got poll ratings that most Western 'leaders' would kill other people for"

Putin routinely kills other people in order to maintain his "poll ratings". Hell, he even uses chemical warfare agents on foreign territory in order to "maintain his popularity".

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Trump is Putin’s useful idiot

He may even have Trump on a video-tape..

..one which, now that we have AI video generation, is undergoing heavy inflation, since its deniability is becoming stronger every time a new and improved AI is trained.

Still, I would not mind it, if Putin releases those tapes, as long as I personally must not watch them. Poor Journalists would end up with PTSD.

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Good!

You seem unaware that when Germany rolled into Poland in 39, France DID invade Germany (The Saar Offensive).

Yes, theydid stop after a couple of kilometers, being afraid of German tanks which all were in Poland at that time. Just another one of those historical what-if's....

Lebanon: At least nine dead, thousands hurt after Hezbollah pagers explode

LogicGate Silver badge

Re: Conspiracy

Furthermore, automotive software (and hardware) is heavily reviewed, as is most software that has to do with functional safety. Also.. as has been mentioned before, there is nothing EV specific about a car being a two ton murdermachine. Get on the hifgway and turn the wheel the wrong way for asecond, and the deed is done.

From an operational perspective, it is much easier to hack the bungle of code found on most small devices nowadays and add a small explosive charge. Then all you need to do is to have your victim press said charge against his ear / groin / whatever part you want to maim.
