If Unity upset those who want a PC and not a Pad, Canonical better have to release a Gubuntu version beside the Xubuntu and Kubuntu versions.
For the moment one should believe that a single WM fit all, but that can't.
137 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2007
Sure you have three time more chance to be infected than with Win7 but, when you consider that the current PCs are an ocean of space for XP, part of the infections rely upon java-based services and the stupidity of the users, then a not so tech-savy user can afford to stick to XP.
Unfortunately XP will run out of protection in the long term, in this sens Win7 is a rather good successor, but the next Win will eat all the place again. So why having a better secure OS if it is too low too heavy to be useless ?
Even the companies which develop some product around their patents, patent some ideas for the future or in case of. Because if a competitor release a similar product the ligation will be about how has patented the idea in first. So your clause will hit these companies as well. In the end, one better have to grant the company which release the product in first, not the patent(s) about it which could come after.
That's the problem when you're a great figure, the death is better than the retirement. You become a legend with which one can keep alive everything, that's the revival.
Beside that, it would be more funny that Jobs leave Apple but open an other brand-buisness.
Unless Google has its own hardware to the mobile operator, it will stay in the PC model without standardized hardware. Is there somewhere a standard handset/tablet, something that even the PC manufacturers could produce as a commodity ?
Apple integrates everything until the user himself (since this one is just another kind of thing) but that also means that the product is entirely dedicated to its purpose.
You can't reach that with the PC model even standardized, cos you still offer a computer to people who just want to enjoy the contents.
That's the first meaning of the fragmentation : the hardware from there, the OS from there and the apps from elsewhere not mentioning the horrors from the mobile operators. It's not a matter of porting and recoding at the first place.
As far as I understand, web apps aren't completely server side, nor completely client side but a bit of the two.
I think that's not very good and we rather have to choose between the client and the server, but not a mix of them.
Web apps still require a PC and not even a light machine, they require some gears to be installed (Native Client, .NET framework and else)
The irony is that, for a large acceptance by the public, web apps should be able to work off-line since they are network dependant.
So, at this point, where's the difference with a rich client ?
So indeed, Android help Apple : the more the Android handset will be cheap, the more the Apple products will rise in the sphere of the desir.
After all, the old "Think different" slogan only means "be different", as well as the slogan "I'm a Mac" cannot state the so obvious "I'm a PC". And yes, you have to pay for that in the same way you have to buy a Ferrari to appear somewhat different, even if you're not.
That's our life : a lot of fools.
Remember when you were young. If you didn't wear the brand x, you were mocked.
People just want the content, they don't care about the apps nor the OS as far as they get the content.
That's why they buy a smartphone rather than a cell phones, because they can get or carry the content (music, video, email...).
Of course they still want to call and they like all shiny toys.
Same thing with a PC, the content matter.
Since the iPlodes, forget the tech savy Macusers from 1984, you just get consumers and a lot of kids. These ones like to have a lot of choice so, having an iPlode is certainly fine but if you have more choice elsewhere you could change your mind and buy something else. That's why SJ left some of his restrictions.
W7 seems to be, as far as I've understood, like an old distro without drivers for any current hardware.
Let aside the backward compatibility of some soft (if not some MS-DOS softies, which are the technical burden of the Microsoft's monopoly)
But at least, W7 (aka Vista SPx) is really a multi-user system now. Or it seems to be.
You're seeing the connection level dropping, well it's simple to solve that : just take your iPlode on the other side and then you can notice anything since you don't see the screen anymore.
Is it not so simple as Apple is? I don't understand why the Kid don't recommend this workaround?
(some pixels fail on your Macbook's lid, well, just close the lid)
No long or short term outlook, only speculative. The Apple's stocks are appealant as well as the investors have their iPlodes, they buy one, are delighted and so take an other piece of stock. Does a bad upgrade affect the Apple's stock value ? That's a test.
But, when we heard that Saint Job could be retired or else, hell, what will be the Apple's future ? Don't know, don't care. It may be the good moment to sell my Apple's stock.
No long, no short term, just want to know (before the other) when the term will stop.
Don't forget the usage. You don't work the same way with PS than with Gimp and it's not a matter of plateform of course, eg. Freehand versus Illustrator.
Even if an app is ported to your plateform you may need something like Wine just to avoid the reworking of your docs.
The eternal problem with the distros is to satisfy the peripherals' user. That's the main reason why people can't switch painlessly to a distro.
Since a lot of people have an iPlode, and the iPlode is only workable with iTunes, then you're late of a train and you can't satisfy your consumers.
Is that not the reason why iTunes has been ported to Windows ? To satisfy far more consumers than the Apple's share market.
Maybe, nowadays, the PC is nothing, but the peripherals are all. The latter curb the former.
Simply because the majority of the devs had already an iPlode, so they were already stoned by Apple. That's the meaning of the halo effect.
And it's really hard to break that as long as the iPlodes successes: you feel to surf upon a really good wave.
Beside that, there is the quality of the devkit, but closed against closed, your devkits have to be wonderful otherwise, as a dev, you'll find more rooms and dreams on an open-platform.
PS: one says "aculturation" in English ?
Speaking about the CNIL, it's an agency at the foot of the french government. That's certainly the same thing in other countries. Hence, Google is an opportunity for all the governements' monitoring dream.
Certainly Google is expecting upon that with a settlement like: "keep the data for a while, then delete"
In the end, Google do its ads, and the govs feel more smart.
As well as some governments agencies threatened Microsoft to switch elsewhere in the aim only to renegociate the M.Tax.
And Google could do the same to get an exceptionnal settlement with the MPEG LA, putting away Mozilla and Opera (on a non-discriminatory basis, but too much for these latter)
I believe that the H264 codec will be free for reading, but Google has the cards and the opportunity to struggle the other browsers which haven't any mobile plateform.
After all, Safari has its plateform, IE too as well as Chrome. Nothing new here: what can do the app bless the plateform.
That's the way how one has to compete in this market: avoid the tablets since the iPad, do an other device, even an tablet with a square screen would differ strongly.
And I guess that the next iPad will have a square screen. But for that, OS vendors can do nothing since the hardware isn't their buisness excepted...Apple.