* Posts by TheWeetabix

221 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Oct 2020


Ontario responds to Trump tariff by pitching Starlink deal into the trash

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: beverages

Outdoor fibre… in a country where places can go from -20 to +10 in an hour, while the wind blows at 50k the whole time. Ice an inch thick forming overnight. Hours of intense direct sunlight causing heating while gusts cool things back down. Places where the wind can roar at 80k with 120k gusts as *normal weather*. Hail. +40 summers, also with hail. Moose, bears, fucking squirrels.

And this is the *nice* weather where most of us live (seriously, there are large communities and cities in all those zones), nevermind the crazy shit out in the sticks. -40 with a foot of snow an hour with 40k winds for three days straight, for instance. Never mind the winter is our HUMID season in the west half.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Nice SpaceX Cargo Dragon you have there

I believe plain spray-paint would work, though perhaps ask for less pressure in your can…

Or you could always refocus the LIDAR. Just sayin…

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Great pic *roll eyes*

???? Transphobia is *not* “women’s rights”. Its fucking transphobia. She got pinioned for being a transphobe.


Linux rolls out the welcome mat for Microsoft's Copilot key

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Oh goody, vi for the win.

Another escape key!

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Why not already mapped?

Not all manufacturers use the same set of key codes for non-standard keys. Two manufacturers might Have a similar innovation and assign a key for take a screenshot or change volume to the keyboard, but without the driver mapping the scan code correctly to the command, it’s not going to happen. The manufacturers will just pick any given scan code so there’s no way to predict that in advance.

SpaceX resets ‘Days Since Starship Exploded’ counter to zero

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Looking to the Future -- The Limits of "Move Fast and Break Things"

Yeeeeees, and the impressive engineering is the whole point here. Your understanding of physics doesn’t mean piss in a pot if all you have is wood and rope to build the recovery gantry from. (Although the way things have been going lately I wouldn’t put that past the Japanese.)

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Believe it or not

Sometimes the only way to test something in action is to, err, test it in action. Pretty hard to test the whole thing at hypersonic increasing-Q conditions on the ground…

Sonos CEO steps down after smart speaker app upgrade hit bum note

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: "henceforth “always establish rigorous quality benchmarks

Now *that* is how you use sarcasm.

Oh, Deere! FTC sues tractor maker, alleging decades of monopolized repairs

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: It won't

Woke is allowing anyone who can fix it, to fix it. Wooe is knowing when you buy something outright, it should be yours to repair, outright.

Apple's interoperability efforts aren't meeting spirit or letter of EU law, advocacy groups argue

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

I’m shocked.

Shocked, I tell you.

A decade on from maiden flight, NASA's Orion is still waiting for its Moon moment

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: "No Bucks, No Buck Rogers"

I would too, honestly.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Deduct 2-3 years

3 people? What? Link?

Miscreants 'mass exploited' Fortinet firewalls, 'highly probable' zero-day used

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: unpatched zero-day?????

The whole article reads like “… and so, it couldn’t possibly be our fault, either.”

I also get just a hint of “… and that’s how you can know about a 0-day for a month and it’s still technically okay.”

Quite well seasoned, overall, for what it is.

BOFH: Forecasting and the fine art of desktop upgrades

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Great start to a new year of BOFH

I believe you may be putting things on (in?) the wrong stack…

Aliens, spy balloons, or drones? SUV-sized mystery objects spotted in US skies

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Ill take a male please, though being lizards the external arrangement is equally dissatisfying.

Australia lays fiendish tax trap for Meta – with an expensive escape hatch

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

You figure journalists should work for free then? If you don’t think they should get paid for their news, how exactly do you think news outlets make money? (Outside of advertising).

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Well now

You seem barely educated enough to type that out (improperly), so I fear your opinion holds the weight of a flyspeck, or perhaps a dustmote. Perilously close to Planck scale, either way.

BOFH: The devil's in the contract details

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Sounds far too familiar

I’ve had a similar experience, although, as I myself am partial to the fruity side of life, it was more hilarious than effective.

Indian authorities issue conflicting advice about biometric ID card security

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Backpedaling at high speed

“No no no! We can’t say that! Tell them it’s safe and to just ‘do the needful’ with it.”

The truth is always the first casualty.

TSMC's US operations threatened with employee discrimination class action

TheWeetabix Bronze badge


Not China.

Intel: Our finances are in the toilet, we're laying off 15K, but the free coffee is back!

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

They would make more sense and tell fewer <st>lies</st> hallucinations.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Is it decent?

Have you considered writing? You just brought me back to most of my 20s and 30s. Bizzaro-world situations like having a self grinding espresso machine, but then using (heat pasturized full fat powdered cow) to make the froth… it literally pushed me to drinking my coffee black.

At another business place, the head backend programmer and I both used to keep 20 pound sacks of our companies blend of beans (purloined on delivery) under our desk because when they took too long to re-order we didn’t want to run out of coffee, it turned out that a few months before I left the company they switched to prepackaged beans, and the extra 40 pounds of coffee then came in handy.

At this same company, since we both knew we had a supply of beans, he switched out the coffee with decaf into one of the regular bags one weekend, and watched the office slowly go nuts through Wednesday, before he confessed to me what he had done and explaining he’d been making drip coffee with his stash at his desk. I’m fairly certain this was responsible for some conflict in the program management office, and a few feisty emails.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Is it decent?

Oh, I don’t know, at least it’s a guaranteed bowel movement on the bosses dollar.

Relocation is a complete success – right up until the last minute

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Single point of failure

Considering my ADHD tendency to sweep around and bounce off the frame of the door as I pass through it, that would’ve taken maybe 15 minutes for all three. Fire safety be damned, don’t stick the clown nose right next to the main door.

Astroboffins tune into the wild origins of fast radio bursts

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

I didn’t realize

The Canadians were going to CHIME in!

Ill show myself out.

Arecibo telescope might have failed because of weak sockets

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Failure in 3,2,1...

Then the acronym would be “NFS Arecibo S + C2” which isn’t nearly as catchy.

Post Office CTO had 'nagging doubts' about Horizon system despite reliability assurances

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

They’re the poors

The poors are always thieves.

Bring my Bentley around.


TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Why always 'someone else'

If you squint, “I was only obeying orders”, and “I was going on someone else’s information” are both the same kind of buck-passing and should be treated the same way. Severely.

The phrase “Trust but verify” comes to mind. (One of America’s better exports.)

Opening up the WinAmp source to all goes badly as owners delete entire repo

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Simplest solution

Yet another good reason to make the Source available

Compression? What's that? And why is the network congested and the PCs frozen?

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Either way, I hope they’re both hanging from the same tree in hell…

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

I was in a similar position at a software company. A high wizard developer and I (ops) shared most of our names.

I didn’t need to get a handful of unit test results from the wrong department, every few days, with the occasional multi recipient email on the other days, or putting my email in the output for a jenkins job (_jesus_) *never mind* taking friendly fire when they mixed up our proxy logs and gave me a racking to avoid so much time on … $video site? maybe?

It was some site I did not use whatsoever, and I was puzzled for a moment until it clicked and I pointed out the different last initial at the end of our (incredibly short) usernames.

Fortune (hah) had me sitting next to the CTO, a kindly BOFH. I ended up asking if I could just use my nickname for a username and internal email, which worked nicely. He had a good laugh over that. Took a box of doughnuts for the mail admin and it was done.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge


I could *smell* my old office when I read that. I think I’m getting a headache….

BOFH: Boss's quest for AI-generated program ends where it should've begun

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Hilarious

Without question I have lost a keyboard to Simon, possibly two.

I’ve also laughed so hard the support team sent someone to my office to check on me…


Ukraine busts SIM farms targeting soldiers with spyware

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Show one link to a reputable news source. Al Jazeera will do in a pinch.

‘Undigestible rate of change’ sees vendor supergroup create ‘The Open Compute of AI’

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

We can’t sell AI

… so lets build a working group?

I mean, at least when Facebook shared their blueprint it was for hardware that really worked, there’s still nothing that is actually an AI for this group to flog.

OpenAI in throes of executive exodus as three walk at once

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Absolutely hit it on the head there.

UK government's bank data sharing plan slammed as 'financial snoopers' charter'

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Isn’t that how it works?

The opposition (whomever they are at the time) is concerned about peoples rights because that will get them votes, and the party already in power is concerned about more power. It’s just usually not quite so blatant. As a foreign reference, I bring you to Canada’s government, and the Trudeau liberals first term, when they passed Bill C 53, basically a police powers act, that they had initially opposed when it had been pushed by the in-power conservatives just months before.

WordPress.org denies service to WP Engine, potentially putting sites at risk

TheWeetabix Bronze badge


Looks better and better every day.

Oracle urged again to give up JavaScript trademark

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: RE: deliberate spite

I’ve always wondered why people get into bed with Oracle knowing that, and then recently I realized that some people pay to get in bed with a person who does much the same thing to them, and probably for the same reasons.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Squat and push, methinks.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

“… a customer called. Said their FuckLarry keeps throwing an uncaught Oracle. He has a PR for us already…”

TheWeetabix Bronze badge


Thats my vote!

(Chai as in tea)

If every PC is going to be an AI PC, they better be as good at all the things trad PCs can do

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

I am strongly getting the impression

That these two hardware manufacturers need a refresh cycle very soon, and are desperately hoping to start a bandwagon for everyone to get on…

BOFH: The Boss is right, the applications of AI are truly staggering

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Loved It!

I recall a scene where he notices a classroom without an instructor and goes in and teaches them some of the finer points of computing… Just a suggestion…

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

A clue!

Thermostat fights in offices are an infamous source of stress, I wouldn’t doubt it started there, and then after the cubicles were built, someone who was tired of their antics decided to really play ball.

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: the 'sheep' entrance...

I was too snookered to laugh at first. Lovely!

TheWeetabix Bronze badge


Is that the new term for a beancounter?

BOFH: Videoconferencing for special dummies

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Let me check on that...

What was your username again?

Remember Nokia? Amazon's lawyers do, in patent infringement suit

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: on the brink of bankrupcy... but

I believe “on the verge of bankruptcy” Means being unable to sit at top a large pile of ever increasing wealth that will never get spent. If you look at it that way then yes in 2013 Nokia spent a whole bunch of money on research and the aforementioned purchases and drained a few bank accounts. Over in the states that’s the same as going bankrupt id wager.

Missing scissors cause 36 flight cancellations in Japan

TheWeetabix Bronze badge

Re: Meanwhile in Zürich...

Beautiful tools. I would wager the original owner still remembers losing it. I keep one in my office toolset, but it is primarily for cutting up the large and messy loaded hotdogs from a favoured local eatery, as they have fine food but crap cutlery, and work shirts are Not To Be Stained. (Under the tie is not acceptable.)
