* Posts by midgepad

278 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Oct 2020


UK health secretary confirms end for NHS Digital, architect of the GP data grab debacle


Which failure-mode did we toggle into this time?

It will become clear soon I symplectic. This foes seem familiar in general.

Russia's orbital insanity is almost beyond redemption – but there's space for improvement


Re: Yeah but yes, but no, but...

Physics doesn't work that way.

Sun is a million miles across, moon is large, Earth casts a shadow.

UK data watchdog calls for end-to-end encryption across video chat apps by default


Re: Escrow?

And to spoof them.

Although the agencies in questionable are perfectly trustworthy.

Netflix sued by South Korean ISP after Squid Game fans swell traffic to '1.2Tbps'



That's a proxy, although not streaming g.

BOFH: You say goodbye and I say halon



One of the few gases which support combustion more effectively than Oxygen.

What to do about open source vulnerabilities? Move fast, says Linux Foundation expert


Why is Fortran so very fast?

(I've used it, punching cards by hand, but not recently)

United, Mesa airlines order 200 electric 19-seater planes for short-hop flights


Not sure they actually.

The DC3 used to put in a couple of big efforts on the runway, but A380s and B777s seem to amble along well below max power, reaching takeoff speed a little slower but more smoothly.

I'm told it drastically improves the servicing intervals.


You still have the 1970s

AQUAcar then?

Suck on this: El Reg forces dog hair, biscuit crumbs, and disconcertingly sticky stains down two mini vacuums


Bothers flat-livers


Google says its artificial intelligence is faster and better than humans at laying out chips for artificial intelligence


A singular


UK government bows to pressure, agrees to delay NHS Digital grabbing the data of England's GP patients


Waits a while

Hoping fuss dies down and people get busy and distracted.

Plans exact same thing for later.

'Vast majority of people' are onside with a data grab they know next to nothing about, reckons UK health secretary


On paper ...

Not this century, much.


Re: Theoretically...

You GP or their deputy is available for emergencies 24 hrs a day.

Their secretary and receptionist not so much.

The records sre not nowadays held in the Pracyices, they are held by a small number of system suppliers, presumably in multiple, redundant, fail over, backed up, data centres which are not adjacent.

Those deputies, generally, are found among the same population of doctors who provide the GPS who hold lists.

Some general practices are operated by health authorities - whatever the health authority is called this week.

The contractual relationship between GPs and health authorities and the NHS is complicated. Much more so than that with consultant specialists. It grew.


Re: "Think of the Children"

The codes are not individual per patient, the Practices know them and the software provides a lookup.

Now if the form had on it a set of bar or QR code graphics and provision had been made to just scan them jn, that would be a useful form.

The policy of truth: As ransomware claims rise, what's a cyber insurer to do?


Some of this is nation states

It approaches an act of war, and deserves forceful responses.

Today I shall explain how dual monitors work using the medium of interpretive dance


Some of us are ...

Some of us are Open-Sourcerers.

Home Office slams PNC tech team: 'Inadequate testing' of new code contributed to loss of 413,000 records


The Home Office ethics inadequately tested legal code

On Windrush, for one.

Oddly similar, throw away records, then demand their data as proof.

Tesla owners win legal fight after software update crippled older Model S batteries


Re: Carbon neutral

No, I don't know that.


Re: Carbon neutral

Mine switches off the engine when stationary, and starts it when I touch the clutch.

Wotks very well.

If driver-ed didn't include the clutch ... theres an automatic version as well.

Titanium carbide nanotech approach hints at hydrogen storage breakthrough


Methane is the shortest possible

Hydrocarbon chain.

It eludes me how long HCH is compared to HH and it is more like the height of a right tetrahedron but CH4 is small.


Re: Not the general but the blimp.

If it is big, which it was, it is a ship.

Open-source contributors say they'll pull out of Qt as LTS release goes commercial-only


Closing source

Maintenance and payment for maintenance - and support - do not require the source to be closed.

BOFH: You might want to sit down for this. Oh, right, you can't. Listen carefully: THIS IS NOT AN IT PROBLEM!


Long and thin

9:16 should be super then.

Police chopper chasing a crim near an airport? Ideal time to use my laser pointer, says Texas idiot now behind bars


The word is dazzle

Blinding is different.

Thought the FBI were the only ones able to unlock encrypted phones? Pretty much every US cop can get the job done


Re: @Adelio

The quote is quite clear.

In hhe usa, is there a correlation between gun carrying and mask wearing?

Munich council: To hell with Linux, we're going full Windows in 2020


What news in 2020?

Interesting times for a move.

NHS looks to the market for advice on one system to replace two separate, giant Oracle ERP and HR systems


Not fragmented

Being assembled.

Excel is for amateurs. To properly screw things up, those same amateurs need a copy of Access



Is sufficient for that task.
