Chat GPT Apples
I just asked it an ambiguous apple question .It knew if was ambiguous, and then gave a completely wrong answer :
If I have 5 apples and take two away how many apples do I have?
If you have 5 apples and take 2 away, you would have 2 apples remaining. However, if you are referring to the apples you took away, you would have 2 apples in your possession. So, you have 2 apples that you took away.
But if I then ask it
If I have 5 apples and take 2 away how many apples do I have?
If you have 5 apples and take 2 away, you would have 2 apples in your possession (the ones you took away). You would still have 3 apples left from the original 5. So, you have 2 apples that you took away.
So, it can't work out that 2 and two are the same thing.