* Posts by Max Quordlepleen

1 publicly visible post • joined 23 Sep 2020

Ancient telly borked broadband for entire Welsh village

Max Quordlepleen

Oh no, not again

Oh my goodness. Somehow why am I not supprized, and why… because the exact same thing happened in my street. Not in a sparse Welsh hamlet but in a dense town near Reading.

How can it take so long to find it out when an AM radio (or perhaps something a little more sensitive and directional) can track it down and maybe a spectrum analyser on the phone line etc.

The internet would go off at 8am and come back at 10pm. Oh and DAB radio and… It impacted the whole street but when you speak to BT/OpenReach they don’t share that so you don’t know that the guy at the end of the street who is an IT professional working from home is now working nights!

In the end, and I mean, in the end, they finally sent out someone who did not just want to change the master socket and with the right kit and I got a phone call which went something like (him) “I’m not coming today” (me) “what! I’ve taken the morning off work!” (him) “I think I’ve finally tracked it down, will you run some tests for me”. Long story short he had found the old lady who’s equally old CRT TV had failed which she switched on at 8am and… turned off at 10pm. I guess the line flyback transformer was breaking down or something. He asked her to switch it off for the test and the internet came back. Apparently she said “OK but only for a minute, I’m not missing Deal Or No Deal.”.

A few minutes later I met the engineer and also the IT professional followed by the old lady. At least some sanity regarding us not being made aware of each other prevailed and myself and the IT pro said we would buy her a new TV as she did not really have the means.

They took the old TV for analysis and said they would bring it back when finished. We respectfully told them to please *%$^(: drop it out of the 8th floor window instead.