Taking Scottish waters out of the European fisheries would have a terrible impact on Spanish fishing, catastrophic for many businesses.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Sep 2007
Bang on the mark. There are very few parts of the organisation that have a critical reliance on IT, mostly outpatient clinics where records, test results and referrals from GP's are pulled from various internal and external sytems via the Clinical Portal.
Self service tills don't 'just work' for loads of people with access requirements.
You can't use them if you aren't able to lift bags off the counter, like my granny who uses one of those tartan trolleys.
You can't use them if you have a hearing impairment like I do. They all talk in the same voice so I can't tell if it's my till or another that is talking - very frustrating.
"For example, a housewife kneading pastry could turn down a pan of boiling potatoes or turn the lights up without leaving floury handprints all over the kitchen."
Except you have to waggle your hands rapidly in front of it to get it's attention, spraying said pastry all round the room anyway...
The interface technology for vocal and gestural control is all quite mature, what is missing is the machine intelligence to make the interface as intuitive as communicating with another human.
Mines the one with the oven gloves on a string through the sleeves.
...between the necessary evil of maintaining a military-industrial complex for purposes of defence and the unecessary evil of allowing the military-industrial complex to operate in a corrupt fashion and exert an undue influence on domestic and foreign policy and the shaping of the geopolitical landscape.
In the current UK economic and political landscape it doesn't matter who is elected to parliament, they are obliged to maintain the same commitments to the defence establishment, which controls the flow of a massive amount of wealth to and from the electorate.
Eisenhower remarked on this threat in his farewell address to the nation and the current sitution - a severe risk to democracy - has come to pass as he feared, in the UK, France, the US and elsewhere.
It's not the guns you should hate - regardless of your ideology there will come a time that you will need to defend it with force or yield - it's the unaccountable behaviour of the companies that make them that you should concentrate your ire on and influencing government to hold them to account that you should concentrate you energies on.
I have been involved in many campaigns against proliferation and corruption in the arms industry (a couple of them were even successful), it doesn't mean I don't enjoy target shooting, clay shooting and hunting little creatures and eating them.
So go on Lewis, cover the DSEi by all means but it's not a fluff piece.