There basically only one reason government It is in such a mess, Margret Thatcher.
Posts by A Yank for YES
4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2020
There are plenty of reasons why government tech is stuck in the Stone Age
Apple forgoes cooling systems in M2 MacBook Air
As Black Hat kicks off, the US government is getting the message on hiring security talent
The power of Bill compels you: A server room possessed by a Microsoft-hating, Linux-loving Demon
Monday 14th September 2020 08:35 GMT
Re: Not met a demon
I was contracting for Digital Equipment for Y2K updates when I came across a DEC VAX running VMS that had been running for over 6 years. The engineer in charge of the site, Environment Agency Thames Barrier, almost cried when I told him I had to shut it down to do the update.