It's in the AWS interview process
Assuming these employees have passed the Amazon interview process to get in, they are either fun loving incredibly social people who love interacting directly with people and working 60 hour weeks for a billionaire. Or... they lied there way through it like I'd imagine most british folk would - and would much rather not deal with the realities of their sweaty boring coworkers in their face 8 hours a day, microwaving tuna, talking constantly, pulling them into useless meetings. The roost POI is coming into view... I suppose lucky in that my UK company was already really flexible, with only key support folk being in the office and meeting already starting to migrate to Team/Slack/Google when covid hit - The CEO read the room, closed our office and we now all work from home - no office overheads, wasted time in meetings plummeted, and happy people who can actually combine their work with their life - something that US companies never seem to see a distiction between. One of several reasons why I could never work for a US company, The old mantra of 'I work to live, I don't live to work' is an anathama to US companies - to them that just means you are slacking.