X-Series & Unlimted Broadband Addon
The USB modem users are not the only ones experiencing huge problems with this 'service'. Both the X-Series customers and the Unlimited Broadband addon phone customers are also being denied services yet still being charged. See http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t= for more details.
A couple of weeks ago, Three Ireland instigated port blocking on their network to prevent any access using any third party applications. I can only assume this was a cynical attempt to free up some bandwidth to improve the USB modem users experience.
In any case, this move certainly brings into question what Three Ireland in fact mean when they use the term 'unlimited' and flies in the face of their own definition of X-Series which states 'what’s free to use on the internet should be free to use on mobile broadband'.
Fring is FREE, the MSN Live Symbian client is FREE, Tinytube.net is FREE, the Voipbuster java applet is FREE meanwhile X-Series from Three Ireland is anything but free.
Those who Three Ireland have already let subscribe to the X-Series Gold service can not even complete registration for Orb as a UK phone number is required to activate the service. Just one demonstration of the total lack of regard Three Ireland treat their paying customers with.