* Posts by Manx Cat

15 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Aug 2020

Bitcoin 'inventor' will face forgery claims over his Satoshi Nakamoto proof, rules High Court

Manx Cat

Re: Old Nicknames

He should be presented with the ELECTRICITY bill for all this wankage.

Fools and their money....

How do you call support when the telephones go TITSUP*?

Manx Cat

Re: Divert

Upvote for the Monarch - that is a LONG time ago!

Russia's orbital insanity is almost beyond redemption – but there's space for improvement

Manx Cat

Re: Orbital stuff at different speeds?

Puzzle me this.

If SatNav is broken, how can the pizza delivery function?

BOFH: 'What's an NFT?' the Boss asks. In this case, 'not financially thoughtful'

Manx Cat

Re: Historically

How about fuck this game - you can have my NFT for an actual receipt of Gold (pry from my fingers blah blah...)

I thought there was a shortage of energy/power going on?

Apple warns sideloading iOS apps will ruin everything

Manx Cat

Re: Law of unintended consequences


The planet survived six hours without Facebook. Let's make it longer next time

Manx Cat


I would have cancelled my account before you, except I don't have one.

Apart from the shadow account that the Zuck has for the entire planet...<insert swearing>

EU readies 'antitrust charges' against Apple Pay for locking rivals out of iPhone NFC chip

Manx Cat

Re: While this is a real concern, it is only half the problem

I had to do a full Chip + PIN entry a couple of days ago, first time for 3 years.

However this was to verify my brand new card, so no complaints there...

China's taikonauts return from heavenly palace after 92-day mission

Manx Cat

Re: why aren't they going to the ISS?

My thought is that rather like the rest of the planet, they can't add Land/Islands to existing territories.

Oh wait...

Apple responds to critics of CSAM scan plan with FAQs, says it'd block governments subverting its system

Manx Cat

Re: Who creates the hash?

How would CrApple react to a 'Pink Lady' image?

Linux Foundation celebrates 30 years of Torvalds' kernel with a dry T-shirt contest

Manx Cat

Re: My submission...

As an aside, can we have this actually printed?

I'd order one right now...

39 Post Office convictions quashed after Fujitsu evidence about Horizon IT platform called into question

Manx Cat

Re: Perjury?

How about sentencing them to build HS2 - by hand?

No need for guards or any of that, just chain them to the rails as they build it along the route...

Partial beer print horror as Microsoft's printer bug fix, er, doesn't

Manx Cat

Re: Smug mode

It's a damn shame that Ubuntu can't retain a network connection...I'm a complete newbie, but the forums are like wizardry.

Updates haven't addressed this PIA.

Never mind, not going back to MS

The Novell NetWare box keeps rebooting over and over again yet no one has touched it? We're going on a stakeout

Manx Cat
Paris Hilton

Re: More Mystery Reboots

I've no idea why, but certainly bizarre.

When I'm logging on to Tesco (in yet another vain attempt to book a delivery) the sound on my PC goes to hell.

This horrible interference vanishes as soon as logged in..

Weird. (Yes I'm a complete newb)

Think tank warns any further delay to 5G rollout will cost the UK multiple billions – but hey, at least Huawei is out

Manx Cat

Re: What Is Mobile Communication?

A strange idea, but could the UK not partner with Huawei with the Open RAN project?

Full input and oversight along with copyright/patents...

Ink tanks park themselves all over the lawns of Western Europe as orders flood in

Manx Cat

History times...

Started with an Epson colour inkjet which cost a fortune to run, and the prints were dodgy from day 1.

I then had an OKI LED printer for about 25 years after that - absolutely great workhorse, but had to scrap it after lines started appearing randomly.

Now have an Samsung/HP something or other mono laser MFP that I can't get going as now on Linux as it's not directly supported, and being a newbie I'm both stupid and stuck!

Time to RTFM again to attempt getting those drivers installed...Icon as discontented with myself