* Posts by FFuser

1 publicly visible post • joined 15 Aug 2020

Mozilla signs fresh Google search deal worth mega-millions as 25% staff cut hits Servo, MDN, security teams


Re: Just another Corporate Scam, Playbook

Monopoly Play book in action, "Disaster Capitalism" Google's poison seed money has already killed the CEO's ability to run the company, and that was the Goal. Not unlike the killing of all US protection agencies EPA, FDA, ...and the Post Office by replacing the "Heads" of these agencies with Lobbyists and defunding the organizations and the new "Heads" destroying from within agencies, However it's hard to replace CEOs, But they can be bought easily. Google's poison pill to kill the Firfox browsers via first infiltration of Google's engine, next $450 million, to buy the CEO, have her kill key departments from within to stop the Privacy and Security protection lead Heald by Firefox browsers over Google, Chrome. It's a simple takeover, with distractions included C19...