* Posts by seldom

121 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Aug 2020


Why UK Online Safety Act may not be safe for bloggers


Re: Run and hide

you forgot the troll icon

DeepSeek or DeepFake? Our vultures circle China's hottest AI


Re: Doing Something???

It simply means that if you have device capable of creating "images of child abuse" (all computers, phones, tablets) and the government doesn't like you, you will have to prove your innocence.

Ask the postmasters how well that works.

You're going to do what to the feature? Microsoft defines what it means by 'deprecation'


So, you're still poisoning the AIs then. Good job.

Microsoft fixes under-attack privilege-escalation holes in Hyper-V


I always disable HyperV. It seems to play very poorly with AMD-V on my VirtualBox boxes.

UK unveils plans to mainline AI into the veins of the nation


Re: AI is mostly bullshit

"I fear a tsunami of bullshit"

Don't worry, the last thing His Kierness wants is an election.

You might get a Thames Water of excrement (maybe a new Vulture unit of measurement) though as the water companies will claim that brown outs (pun intended) are the reason they can't be bothered to process raw sewage.

Pornhub lockdown and fact-free Zuckbots – welcome to 2025


Business as usual


Re: I miss the old Register

Back when people could spell

Next-gen Wi-Fi to trade ludicrous speed for the boring art of actually working


Re: Other letters are available.

802.11bud(lite) seems to have been canned when they upgraded to 802.11dei

Nick Clegg steps down as Meta's top flack in favor of more Trump-friendly candidate


Re: Can he step

I am so sorry for your complete lack of a moral compass.

So, if I understand correctly, you are saying that the ex-deputy prime minister of the UK, whose electorate were so disappointed with his performance that they sacked him, could only get a job with a totally amoral corparation which has incredibly strong connections to the american power structure. You think that he had, with all his connections, no other opportunities for a job than faecesbook?

Doesn't anyone else think that he was betraying his country?

How a good business deal made us underestimate BASIC


Re: English is one of the easiest human languages

I have to confess that I'm very curious. Is "tittynope" english, french or just a word that wards females from Gerald Depardieu? And what does it mean?

Chuffed is always positive.


You completely forgot the measurements.


3 Mile Island

It wasn't my Sinclair Spectrum, I didn't write the programme and anyway why would anyone mix up us, imperial and metric in the vavle control systems.

Million GPU clusters, gigawatts of power – the scale of AI defies logic


If you spread it thinly enough then there's loads left on the knife.

Like spreading Marmite on buttered toast.

Guess who owns the knife.

Taiwan in talks to tap Amazon's Project Kuiper space broadband


Re: This would make a lot of sense to me.

He has a working product, just don't turn on the starlink autopilot function.

US reportedly mulls TP-Link router ban over national security risk


Re: It won't

It leaks the way that god, the american people and mom's apple pie wants it to.

This non-leaking communist crap, where are the backdoors built in that a nation of patriots needs?

Guide for the perplexed – Google is no longer the best search engine


Re: Different Rules?

I think that the author used Perplexity to write the article.

We told Post Office about system problems at the highest level, Fujitsu tells Horizon Inquiry


Re: The Bright Side

We can talk about it, comment on it and watch it happen again and again and again...

The sweet Raspberry taste of success masks a missed opportunity


Re: After a whole minute looking at Reaper DAW...

You would have got the same comment on your end of term report that I did;

If Seldom had spent as much time, creativity and effort into doing his homework as he did into crafting excuses why he couldn't hand it in, his grade would have been an A instead of the C he recieved.

Australia passes law to keep under-16s off social media – good luck with that, mate


Re: Does that include el'reg?

My anti-social media app was a commercial failure.

It only ran on air-gapped devices with no physical connection ports.

Many beta-testers complained that it was difficult to install, the luddites.

Discouraged, the venture capalists refused to believe that an IPO would produce the market interest I had hoped for and didn't fund me further.

Ten years under Dr Su: How AMD went from budget Intel alternative to x86 contender


Paid Promotion?

Shouldn't this article be marked as sponsored?

UK council still hadn't fully costed troubled Oracle project 2 years in


Re: Birmingham Fail 2.0?

Nah, they all retired on the proceeds. % of project cost contract.

How US Dept of Justice's cure for Google could inflict collateral damage


Did Google pay for this article?

Just wondering. Equiring minds want to know. If they did, how much?

Now Online Safety Act is law, UK has 'priorities' – but still won't explain 'spy clause'


Re: His Majesty's Stationary Office

May I assume that you are a politician as you don't mention bribery or corruption as explicit bad things.

Even worse, you mention Phil Collins in a public forum. Think of the children.

OpenAI loses another senior figure, disperses safety research team he led


Re: Ya know. . .

If will come at the weekend I'll start to believe in God


And cold fusion

Say hello to the epi-bit, a new approach to DNA data storage


New Tech

I'm sure that in ten years it will be commercially available. Installed in flying cars and fusion reactors.

Keir Starmer tells regulators to chill as Microsoft exec takes wheel of advisory council


Mr. Fox

In other news, the government has adopted Mr. Fox's new henhouse design. In order to promote efficiency, economy and inclusiveness the new design removes fencing and includes an accessability portal in place of a door.

Crack coder wasn't allowed to meet clients due to his other talent: Blisteringly inappropriate insults


Re: Inappropriate insults

HR are only there to make sure nothing happens to the managers if they make "mistakes".

The mystery of the rogue HP calculator: 12C or not 12C? That is the question


I thought HP is shorthand for a scandal.

Global powers sign AI pact promising to preserve human rights, democracy


Re: And I'll Bet

They did it while being (generously) advised by all the AI companies.

Israeli hacktivist group brags it took down Iran's internet


Inquiring minds wish to know if the intestines are still attached when cooked. Is a cast iron pan better or an open fire?

I find that this recipe lacks a certain amount of precision. Even Jamie Oliver would be ashamed.

Also would the intestines be stuffed with the removed parts of the emasculated, making a sort of sausage sausage?

Uncle Sam sues TikTok for 'extensive' data harvesting from millions of kids


DOJ LOL (at the Justice part)

You want a crime? They'll find one (or thirty two if you insist and are sharp as a tack).

WhisperGate suspect indicted as US offers a $10M bounty for his capture


Is there such a thing as a legal invasion?

Yes of course;








We won't mention Canada, Peurto Rico, Hawaii or North Mexico becauuse that was the bad old days.

TeamViewer says Russia broke into its corp IT network


Strange how these Russians/Chinese/Iranians/enemy of the day have the programming capabilities to attack all these systems but aren't capable of hiding where they did it from. I assume hiding the origin of your packets is really hard. And it's impossible to rent a server in a different country.

Gosh, these commies/ayatollas must be really stupid.

Thank goodness that we have PR departments (staffed by the best white-hat hackers) who can tell us that, even though the IT department can't defend the company from Cyber-attacks, PR know who did it.

Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer, CPO says in bombshell lawsuit


Re: The moral of this story`

FTFY: Remember, for most managers, their primary motivation is "self-validation!"


Re: I've heard this song someplace before.

Thomas Edison, Stevie Wonder, Steven Hawkins, Ray Charles, Gordon Brown, oops, not a good example. Not to mention millions of people working in wheelchairs. If the 80cm cubicle is too small for a wheelchair then maybe it's too small for everybody.

Tesla sued for 'systemic' racism at its Fremont, California plant


Amazing how Musky's profile in the US has changed since the Twitter Files.

Before;God of renewable, best person ever.

Now, post Twitter files, there are lawsuits from all over the place (mainly government related orgs) and constant bad press

We all knew he was a wanker before, (any fule nows) but now I actually have... don't know, but anyone who pisses off the the USG that much while still getting loads of money from them... respect.

And the landing of the the last Falcon 9 booster was cool.

Biden bans Kaspersky: No more sales, updates in US


Re: UK

Almost certainly, and to show just anti-russian they are, anything with sky in the name will also be banned.

Crapita will get a no-bid contract to write software that will protect everyone from the *sky's. In 20 years time, when they deliver the first beta (7000% over budget) it will be noticed that Kaspersky has changed it's name to Kasperski and can thus avoid any blocking. Crapita also outsourced most of the programming to N. Korea as they had the cheapest bid ($20/month/programmer and a Big Mac once a year).

Government ministers then assign the contract to Fujitsu after assuring the populace that this is their best interest.

AI Octopus predicts results of Euro 2024: It isn't looking good for England


Re: "It's hard to say Belgium because we had a hard loss against France"

Meteorology. Meteorologists get it wrong most of the time and everyone says "well they did their best"

Windows 11 tries to escape Windows 10's shadow with AI muscle


Re: For what stats are worth...

Bet you turned off TPM in BIOS, like I accidently did when I got my gaming laptop, my new main PC motherboard and my NUC .

I am so clumsy

4 more years! Intelsat, Northrop Grumman extend satellite servicing contract


Re: Bravo, Intelsat/Northrop Grumman

amanfromMars takes all the fun out of buzzword bingo :-(

TikTok ban could escalate US-China trade war, ex-White House CIO tells The Reg


Re: At least americans have the right to choose, unlike Chinese

Never reply to AC's, please. They either have some inside knowledge to contribute which, because of their position, means they want to remain anonymous and therefore know more than you or I ever will. Or, like on this thread, they or he/she/it/them are/is are complete wanker.


Re: And nothing of value will be lost

Upvote for the quote and the reminder that nothing changes.

The Elizebethan government had spies making sure that nothing that would "rock the boat" appeared in the playhouses.


Re: As he peered down from the clouds

Which is why any nation that doesn't mandate that any politician that votes for a war/police action/intevention/limited engagement will be the first on the front line with badly fitting clothes and a rifle that they don't really know how to shoot should be nuked.

Any grammar people there, am I turning into a german with that sort of sentence?


Re: A sideshow in the overall economic war

AC, it must be true.


Re: Tiktok needs you!

My lack of paranoia has given me many interesting experiences. Mostly not illegal.

Volunteer visiting prisoners who don't get visits otherwise is not easy, but maybe helps someone.

It's not always fun.

Maybe you should try it.

Jensen Huang and Sam Altman among tech chiefs invited to federal AI Safety Board


Re: Committee of protecting incomme streams

We're not sure where the hens are going to live, but let the foxes design it. I mean they're the experts, so they know best.

NASA's Psyche hits 25 Mbps from 140 million miles away – enough for Ultra HD Netflix


Now I feel really guilty about bitching to my provider about getting only 790Mps when I had paid for 1000.

Ex-Space Shuttle boss corrects the record on Hubble upgrade mission


Re: Obsoleted?

What killed Concorde was that it was not American and so the FAA created rules that would not allow supersonic airliners to overfly US territory.

Because of this Concorde was always a vanity project.

However the engines came from the TSR 2 project. Imagine a 2 seater fighter bomber with 2 of the 4 engines that powered Concorde.

Brown envelopes + McDonald Douglas + US pressure = F4 Phantoms (already outdated). TSR 2 scrapped.

At least Lockhead had already spent their bribery budget on the Germans which meant we didn't get the Lockhead F-104s which killed more pilots than enemies did.

Senate passes law forcing ByteDance to sell off TikTok – or face a US ban


Re: Nobody needs $app

Is that really you?

If it is your CAPSLOCK key seems to be broken.

We never agreed to only buy HP ink, say printer owners


Re: Never buy HP anything.

I wouldn't even let my enemies do it
