* Posts by nintendoeats

692 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Aug 2020


Porsche wants to sell you a rusty tailpipe soundbar for $12k


Re: As the saying goes....

You can envy somebody and still think they are a loser.


Re: VW version

We shall never forget.

Elon Musk shows what being Chief Twit is all about across weird weekend


Re: Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints

A result that a sensible and fair-minded person would accept.


Re: chief moron

If by "muddy the waters" you mean "try to understand a complex issue through a variety of lenses".

I believe that the primary result of deplatforming people is to turn them into martyrs. "'They' didn't want me to say this, as evidenced by the fact that they literally shut me down". I am fully aware that letting people say whatever bullshit they want will have real-world consequences, but unfortunately the world is not a shiny happy place and I believe that the benefits of a general policy of free speech outweigh the negatives.

Our big problem right now is a lack of compromise, understanding, and mutual respect in public discourse. Telling people to shut up does nothing to promote any of those values. It only makes the people being deplatformed more angry, which helps nobody.

I'd also observe that the people who are being deplatformed are literally on the verge of starting a civil war (and pulling people off Twitter has done nothing to quell this). When that happens, ignoring them is not going to be an option. So you can either try to find common ground as a starting point for discourse now, or deal with THAT consequence later.


Re: chief moron

II don't think Elon particularly represents the left or the right. It only looks like he is right-wing because it is the MAGAs who have been most agressively de-platformed, and he has been fairly consistent about being opposed to de-platforming.

For a whole bunch of reasons, I also think that it is a mistake to silence people who believe things that I would deem "insane". That doesn't mean I in any way support those ideas, it just means I don't think I anybody should have the authority to unilaterally deem them unfit for human consumption.


Re: Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints

I'm concerned about the same thing. Never mind this specific instance, such a council must have mutual respect and the ability to step outside themselves. You can't just throw Alex Jones and Dejywan Floyd in a room and expect anything useful to happen.

That said, such people do exist and I believe such a council can be created. In fact, I'd say that setting these things up usually isn't that hard...it's keeping them going that is difficult, as the members and their priorities change.

^subtle microcausm alert ^


Re: Free Speech

Anonymity is one way of enabling free speech. This is why China is hell-bent on destroying it for their citizens.

A healthy society permits and acknowledges anonymous speech, but provides greater weight to named speech (since it comes with personal risk).

Minecraft's 'first luxury goods collection' features real-world $3,000 Burberry coat


That catalogue is hilarious. Seeing some super-serious super-model walking around in a scarf that you normally see on tweens. Highly amusing.

The upcharge is also amazing. Literally a t-shirt...600 bucks...I can get a minecraft t-shirt from a thirft store thanks very much.

Open source's totally non-secret weapon big tech dares not use: Staying relevant


Re: Mozilla not even mentioned?

"Nobody ever changed the world by saying that everything is fine."

"I didn't want to change the world! It was fine!"


Re: The burden of untold riches

The micros~1 from the micros~2...

Boy is it ever.

No, I will not pay the bill. Why? Because we pay you to fix things, not break them


This has to be one of the best programming jokes ever. "It can't be that...holy crap it is!"

You're Shipt outta luck: App sued for treating delivery workers as contractors


Because the economy is completely arse-fucked and some money is better than no money.

US orders safety recall of Tesla Cyberquad-for-kids ATV


Re: Rollover protection?

...Which is all totally reasonable, and why wouldn't they just add the roll bars? Was it a lack of good mounting points, or that they unbalanced the vehicles?

Twitter's most valuable users are ghosting the platform


Oh, is that why 90% of the emails I get on one of my secondary accounts are from Twitter now? It's quite annoying.

Firefox points the way to eradicating one of the rudest words online: PDF


Re: That's a false choice.

I don't think that's fair. I'm not opposed to epub or whatever, but the article in question specifically talks about reflowable formats like HTML as being superior. We are arguing against that premise.


Re: Use tools for what they are good for

This is what I was going to say. I was recently submitting resumes. I obviously don't care if they can be read on a phone, but I definitely do care that everybody will see the formatting that I did when creating it. Thus, PDF.

Senior engineer reported to management for failing to fix a stapler


Re: Shredder

Ah, is it made by the same company as the left-handed skyhook?


Re: Is it just me

They seem to be scraping le bottom of le barrel.


Re: Really?!

I once wrote a procedure that required my coworkers to add something to PATH. Unfortunately I linked to instructions that were not as clear as they could have been, and somebody instead deleted PATH. Fortunately our machines were configured very similarly, so I had him use mine.

In my defense, my coworker had been documenting Windows software for 30 years, so I didn't really think this would be needed at all.


Re: Shredder

Network...shredder? The only use I can think of is being able to check whether it's in use.

The new GPU world order is beginning to take shape


Re: Is the author positing an inverse relationship between performance and price ?

Moore's law would like a word with you.


We dry cleaned 2 coats and a pair of pants the other day. It cost half my daily pay (after taxes). I wasn't pleased.

Elon Musk tells Twitter: My takeover deal is back on


All of the other nonsense aside...

...those texts seem to reveal that Elon and I are on the same page about what free speech means. TBH, I didn't see any texts in the linked article that I would be embarassed about.

I reserve the right to think that Elon Musk is a whacko for many other reasons.

Google kills off Stadia


Re: Solution to a problem nobody had?

If you are the sort of person who will spend over a grand on a GPU, does it seem likely that you will tolerate network latency and video compression? I'm also not sure about the environmental benefits, since now you have to run servers which we all know are so good for the environment. Even if you leave your PC on 24/7 (which people are not obliged to do), how many watts does an idle GPU draw above a machine with integrated graphics?

Fixing an upside-down USB plug: A case of supporting the insupportable


Also, trying to minimally expose the connectors. I think that's important in a card that you carry around.

Is it time to retire C and C++ for Rust in new programs?


Re: Thread Safety ?

It doesn't, and I'm glad it doesn't because I have the freedom to either use a mutex, or write lock-free data structures.


Re: C++ and memory safety

And do you think that you switching to Rust will fix the bug in a library you wish to consume? Because I daresay whoever wrote that library would rather just fix the bug than completely re-write it in Rust.

I also have recently had to deal with a read-access violation in a GPU driver for a 10-year-old GPU. If you use a library that has a bug, there is nothing you can do except work around it. That will never change.


Re: C++ and memory safety

Exactly. I cannot remember the last time my C++ code had a GPF or more subtle memory access bug. We've had RAII for a long time now, it works very well and is easy to learn. You can turn pretty much any concept that should have a limited lifespan into an object by writing a simple RAII wrapper, and it will happen automatically when the stack unwinds...even if there is an exception.

I am growing weary of The Register pushing political opinions on Rust vs C and C++.

Removing an obsolete AMD fix makes Linux kernel 6 quicker


Re: shoot yourself now, before you reproduce

"Ted Bundy was a psychopath."

"Do you know who ELSE is a psychopath? All <members of a group>."

Not exactly a sequitur.


Re: That's weird...

I was wondering the same thing...je ne comprends pas.

PC component scavenging queue jumper pulled into line with a screensaver



Girls Who Code books 'banned' in some US classrooms


"You cannot be what you cannot see"

I think the mission of teaching women and visible minorities to take on engineering roles is admirable, and it sounds like this group is being effective towards that end. HOWEVER, I wanted to call out the quote in my title as being dangerous.

So long as people are raised with a general sense of empowerment, they certainly can "be what they cannot see". If there is a group of people that does not feel they are able to determine their own aspirations, then it's important to target that lack of confidence directly; don't tell them it's normal, and that they should still be limited by the roles that society has shown them to be acceptable.

Ex-Broadcom engineer asks for house arrest over IP theft


Re: What he said isn't relevant, what he did is.

I agree that white color crime needs to be treated more seriously, but (assuming his statements are truthful) I don't think this is the place to do it. Circumstances are generally taken into account when determining sentencing, including to people who commit robbery. Mercy IS (and should be) a part of the criminal justice system. If somebody does something stupid, for a stupid reason, and ultimately no harm comes of it...how does society benefit from imposing a punitive punishment. Some punishment of course, but what would be the value of ruining this person's life any more than it already has been?

Showing mercy makes it all the more meaningful when you really bring the hammer down.

(of course he could also be full of shit, I don't know)

Cloudflare stops services to 'revolting' hate site


Re: far right?


Can be used as a cop-out for a lot of things. Not everybody agrees on what the greater good is, nor on how to achieve it.

Big cloud rivals hit back over Microsoft licensing changes


I mean...this article is quite clearly questioning, and infact contradicting it...

Googler says she was forced out after opposing $1.2bn cloud contract with Israel


Re: Employee

I also have a choice of ISPs. I'll go with the one that doesn't suck. Oh wait.

EA shares volatile on the back of unconfirmed rumor of Amazon bid


Would be the Origin of their undoing, or just the Ultima-te indignity?

Mouse hiding in cable tray cheesed off its bemused user


Re: "Out of Cheese" Error

Also, must have the emotional maturity of a 4 year old.

UK launches 'consultation' with EU over exclusion from science programs


Re: Reap what you sow

That claim is in direct contradiction to the fact that the UK is seeking a funding program in association with the EU. If they got less than they put in as part of the EU, then this whole thing would be moot.

Keep your cables tidy. You never know when someone might need some wine


Re: This is why

I'm quite sure the employer is happy for their employees to (incorrectly) "feel ownership" over their work. You are much more likely to stay late you fix "your server room" than "Jeff's server room".

Twitter unveils US midterm election integrity plans, upsets almost everyone


Re: world leaders and politicians should be held to a higher standard when tweeting

I believe that preventing people from saying stupid things turns them into martyrs. Banning certain types of speech is bad enough; putting people in jail over it? All you are doing is making it impossible to have a public discourse with people who hold these positions, which also prevents you from publicly exposing that their positions are untenable.

I am opposed to all infringement of free speech, no matter how much I dislike that speech (barring "fire in a crowded theater" exceptions of course, which would include direct incitement to violence).

'I wonder what this cable does': How to tell thicknet from a thickhead


Re: Fun with RJ-45!

Ah, maybe that's the most critical answer...this was before the introduction of 10BASE-T.


Re: Fun with RJ-45!

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that's what it was about. This was also the age of MCA.


Re: Fun with RJ-45!

It's really weird watching old episodes of computer chronicles, and they are saying stuff like "Will the future be XEROX's ethernet or IBM's token ring? Nobody can say for sure".

And you sit there wondering what possible technical reason could lead people to actually choose token ring. I know that hindsight is 20/20, but I don't think it took a genius to see how much better ethernet was.

President Biden signs CHIPS and Science Act into law


Re: Caution ... Chuck Schumer is Back! Going Going ... Gonif

I don't want to live in a purely capitalist society, and what you are presenting is one example of why. There are cases where a majority of people would benefit from something, but no individual is willing or able to foot the bill for it.

I am just as opposed to a purely capitalist system as I am to a purely communist one, so to me the argument "that's not capitalist!" is not compelling.


Re: Caution ... Chuck Schumer is Back! Going Going ... Gonif

I don't think your evidence proves your conclusion. The reason governments invest in these kinds of projects is because they have significant risk; more than most investors will be willing to bear. If we want to accelerate commercialization of alternative energy vehicles, somebody has to assume that risk. Distributing it across all taxpayers seems like a reasonable option, since they are supposed to be technologies that will benefit everybody.

Of course then if a company is successful they will "forget" about all that investment and charge consumers through the nose. But that's really a separate issue from the question of where such a company can find capital investment.

I say this as a person who loves his supercharged Miata.

Google hit with lawsuit for dropping free Workspace apps


Re: The cloud

Eagerly waiting for Spotify to try to change the ToC on my reel-to-reel.


Re: $5M for not getting something for free

If a legitimate business agreement is made, then it is important that such an agreement be enforced regardless of its content (so long as it remains legitimate). If an entity cannot trust that the government will enforce such agreements, then those agreements have no meaning. Thus, the entity cannot make decisions based on their agreements with others.

Ergo, the government must enforce agreements to facilitate economic stability.

Yeah, we'll just take that first network handshake. What could possibly go wrong?


Re: The guiding principle

std::optional<bool> of course.

Hi, I'll be your ransomware negotiator today – but don't tell the crooks that


Re: More GBIrish to Input for Output and Try to Avoid being Classed More Epic Eponymous BullShit.

- "And what shared there is not accurate and true and gibberish?"

The long paragraph that was a single run-on sentence. Additionally, even the sentence I have quoted doesn't make sense. I think you mean "And what shared there is not accurate and true, and therefore is gibberish?"

I am however upgrading your status from "chatbot" to "the worst writer to ever correctly use a word longer than two syllables".
