* Posts by TheInstigator

375 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2020


Australia’s spies and cops want ‘accountable encryption’ - aka access to backdoors


Re: It's only about cost savings

Nothing wrong with this - make all data freely available to everyone in the country.

I think those in power would be more scared than the average person on the street


Re: Modest proposal.

"The authorities will just keep pushing to emulate China in the West."

But when the West does it, it'll be in support of truth, democracy, justice and the rule of law - unless you're exposing what the elite of Western countries are doing and they don't want you doing that - in which case FAFO

As long as Western countries never act like China (?!) it'll all be ok


I'm all for this idea - I think all Western countries should have this type of encryption

... they will note the error of their ways when someone also finds out what the backdoor key is to the algorithm :)

They do say the best teacher in life is experience :)

Also - to whoever is downvoting all my posts - may I suggest signing up with multiple accounts so you can downvote from each of them? Either way - I'm glad you're expressing an opinion on the content of my posts and I hope you're enjoying reading them as much as I am posting them :)

WhatsApp, Threads, more banished from Apple App Store in China


Difficult to see ....

... how this can be anything but a reaction to the TikTok news ....

It'll be interesting to see how far things get ratcheted up and which country really needs the other more. I've always stated that I think the US's end goal is to sanction/blacklist China, and treat it in the same way as North Korea, Iran, Syria etc

The US and Chinese economies are too entangled to do this currently, but I think it's only a matter of time before this happens. Both countries have isolationist policies so it's kind of obvious (at least to me) that this is the way both countries will go ...

Germany arrests trio accused of trying to smuggle naval military tech to China


Does anyone spy on China do you think?

Whenever I read these news articles I often wonder whether anyone considers the fact that everyone spies on everyone else and no-one is innocent in this world?

Germany should certainly remember this from when the US were found to be spying on Merkel, but I wonder if the populace of Western countries realise this fact that everyone spies on everyone else

US government reportedly ponders crimping China's use of RISC-V


Re: US reach

The interesting concept here is whether this is undemocratic? There is no independent oversight in doing this - and explains very well as to why BRICS is making such gains outside the US circle.

I particularly enjoyed reading about Blinken's visit to China, demanding that they not sell potential dual use items to Russia, whilst they directly arm Ukraine and Israel and see no hypocrisy in doing so.

Given how bad the relations are between China and the US are, I'm wondering what Blinken can threaten China with - "be careful - if you don't do what we want we will ..... ban you from existing?"

Both sides have nuclear weapons - and China can now aim them from a direction the US does not expect them.

Senate passes law forcing ByteDance to sell off TikTok – or face a US ban


With this and the discussion about RISC V ....

.. I think it's becoming very obvious that this isn't down to China being a mortal enemy, but everything to do with the US maintaining a military, financial and technological lead over every other country on the Earth - and in this way they can continue being the ONLY super power in the world. I would advise everyone to not think that just because the UK is friendly with the US, we will be treated well in the new world.

Realistically the UK will be expected to dance to the US's tune on all things - "certainly sir - I'd love to buy chlorinated chicken from you"

I see that China has banned WhatsApp recently - Iet's see what the future brings


Re: OK, let's follow this through then..

lol - although not 100% directly comparable, that worked well for the likes of Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange right?

Whatever happened to truth, democracy, justice and the rule of law?


Re: OK, let's follow this through then..

The UK will always ever be - the US's bitch


Re: OK, let's follow this through then..

But the US would only ever do this as a last resort on the basis of truth, justice, democracy and the rule of law - whilst the Chinese are just in it to take over the world


Re: OK, let's follow this through then..

"It makes a difference when the owner is 100% controlled by the Chinese Communist Party."

100% correct here @SundogUK

America doesn't commit human rights violations or allows other countries to do it, they promote freedom, democracy, justice and the rule of law wherever they go - and they certainly don't indulge in nepotism

The US all the way! Hoorah Hoorah - does anyone have an American flag I can wave and a Bud I can drink?


Re: OK, let's follow this through then..

"I really don't understand how forcing a company to sell part of it's operation really changes things.

Just because the "owner" is based in the host country does not change anything in terms of operation. They can still pretty much do what they want."

This is wrong - the current TikTok owners are CHINESE and as such are THE ENEMY.

If it was owned by an American company then being American everything they do would be legitimate and above the law.

Nvidia sees Huawei, Intel in rear mirror as it grapples with China ban


lol keep sipping the cool aid - say what you want about China, at least they don't enable other countries to commit genocide

Cisco delivers a powerup to its switches for small and medium biz


All of them having a direct line back to the US

and subject to all the buggy code that Cisco releases.

I still remember Huawei releasing their source code for inspection to alleviate security concerns ... and Cisco didn't ;)

US lawmakers want blanket denial for sensitive tech export licenses to China


Re: A Gazillion Dollar Question?

No - I think it's a code for America to be able to invade China if they so desire in the name of bringing freedom, democracy, the rule of law and all that other mighty fine stuff.

They also might happen to find some Weapons of Mass Destruction in China while they do all this - or they may just aid a genocide to take place.

You just never know with the US - I think it depends on how much money you can give them

Uncle Sam to tighten chip export chokehold on China... again


Re: What part of this...

If this is even true - you know Cisco does this too right?

Yes Cisco - the company that isn't willing to make it's source code open to scrutiny by intelligence agencies.


Re: What part of this...

Ah I like your tactic here AC - "I can't tell you what they've done because of National Security - just trust me bruv"

Source - "trust me bruv" lol


Re: So what do you do...

> You put country in jail? Laughable.

Try not to be deliberately obtuse dear chap - you're countering your own argument - No - you hold the leader of the country to account - you know the way that the Allies are doing to Putin now? Yeah - that kind of thing but holding the countries that took part in Iraq's invasion need to be held to account - and every day that doesn't happen it emboldens the participants to push far beyond their boundaries.

I can't be bothered to dissect the rest of your post - it's quite clear that neither of us will change our point of view and both of us think we're correct. However what is decidedly incorrect is how you think I am siding with China - I've quite clearly NOT done that - but you haven't agreed that the US has done some dodgy s*** as well - and that - is just hypocritical and something which I can't abide or condone so I choose not to interact with you any further.


Re: You're not following

- You did ask me how the Chinese went pass the 7nm milestone. Remember? So implicitly, you thought they did. More renegading.

I would like to refer you to YOUR comment in a previous post:

- I'm still waiting for a technical post regarding the plausibility of Chinese semiconductor firms to go pass 7nm with a decent yield and without EUV, near perfect optical and AI.

So YOU asked me if I knew - I said I didn't and I asked YOU if YOU knew - but let's not talk about that as it doesn't fit your narrative.

- Taking side for China under Xi is as smart as diving in the swimming pool to avoid the moist of the fog. Nothing to brag about.

I actually said all countries are s*** and do bad things - repeatedly - i.e. not just once - I said China does bad things and I invited you to the concept that America (being another country) has probably done some bad s*** as well ... to which you have not responded.

So a hypocrite along with being an AC.

I take offence to bullies as a whole - regardless of whose "side" they're on - and on this particular occasion it is my opinion that the US is being the bully - but as bullies do they don't come out and own it - they weasel and blame other factors and reasons - "security" etc - in fact pretty much the same noises that the US made years ago when Japan started to make LCDs - so the US has form in this regard ...


Re: Ridiculous...

Huawei was known a lot more for their network kit initially than their mobiles


Re: You're not following

So you're worse than I thought - you're only loyal to the US when it suits you.

You stand behind America when it suits you, then you're an individual person when it suits you.

Here's a fact for you - a country is defined by many people - it's what's called a one to many relationship.

As I've always said - all countries do dodgy s*** - all countries have jails - and those jails have ALL different nationalities in - did you know that AC?

As to your point:

> - Chinese haven't passed 7nm. Try to follow. This is El Reg, not your favourite Dazibao.

I didn't say they had - I frankly don't care if they have or haven't - it makes 0 difference to me - you care because you want to ensure the US continues its domination of another country - I don't care because .... I don't care and have no vested interest one way or another. There are many things in the world that happen which I have 0 ability to influence and are sufficiently out of my ability to influence that I need not worry abotu them - this is just another one of those things.

> - Land of Hope and Glory is a British song. Nothing to do with the US. Ever been to the Prom in the Royal Albert Hall?

So you know some history then! Yes indeed it is - as I mentioned earlier the history of actions towards the Native Americans and Native Australians (essentially the British) are quite telling within themselves .. although I know now they happened a very long time ago and therefor we should just conveniently forget about them as they don't fit the current narrative. However the point I was trying to make was to lump all the Allies in together ... as we all know the UK happily (at least politically happily) followed America into the illegal invasion of Iraq - oh - sorry - I forgot that we weren't supposed to mention that as well ...

To end with the same point I began with (disloyalty) - in the words of Denzel Washington in Training Day - "You disloyal m****** *******"


Re: Missing the irony again

> LOL. Like "TheInstigator" is not anonymous.

A lot less anonymous that AC

> The most I can actually do is publicly debunk crackpot theories, expose biases and lacks of understanding of the subject matter.

Not true - you could join me in agreeing that all countries do dodgy s*** - but you won't ;)

> I'm still waiting for a technical post regarding the plausibility of Chinese semiconductor firms to go pass 7nm with a decent yield and without EUV, near perfect optical and AI.

"still"? This is the first time you raised the point - I have no idea how they did it - that is not my area of expertise - but I'm sure a well planned raid by SEAL Team 6 and a few nuclear bombs will probably clear that mystery up for you PDQ hey? All you need to do is convince 'murica to press the button ...

Out of interest, do you know how they did it?

> But maybe that's... Chinese to you.

Not sure what this is really meant to mean apart from demonising THE ENEMY THAT MUST BE HATED!

So - we're all agreed then AC? America is the land of hope and glory and all things goood and the rest of the world is bad? Or is it just China that is bad? Or is it just Russia? Or is it just Syria? Or is it just Iraq? Or is it just Afghanistan? Or is it Libya? Or is it just Germany? (why did you feel you had to spy on the mobile phone belonging to the leader of an Allied country?), Or is it just North Korea? Or is it the UK because they won't get rid of the NHS and let all the American health care companies in (cause what a great system the American health care is!), Or is it just any other country that disagrees or goes against what the US wants?

Just for you I left one out which I'll include here for you - or it is 1940s Germany? ;) (I thought you'd enjoy that one)

You have a good day now and eat that peanut butter sandwich of yours - I hope you don't have a nut allergy you don't know about


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

.. and it appears as if I've been proved right ... history does indeed repeat itself ... the most you can impotently do is downvote posts which cut a bit too close to the quick for you, yet you can't bear to bring yourself to criticise what you know to be broken ...

You make a good drone sir - know your condition - as this is your condition you keep with yourself every day when you wake - you really do live up to your username - congratulations on that


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Trust me - I'm in no pain.

Also - for the record - I'm not anti West or pro China (or any other country) - we're all human - we all eat and we all s*** - and no-one's s** smells of roses.

All countries do bad stuff - ALL COUNTRIES - "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" - remember that line by any chance?

You want me to say China's a bad country and does bad stuff? Sure China's a bad country and does bad stuff - guaranteed - now are you willing to say the same about the US and other Western countries?

I am willing to bet quite a lot of money your blind loyalty to a concept of the US which has long since died that you will not be able/willing to join/agree with me in the sentiment that every country (including the fabled US) does bad stuff


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Well now you come to mention it - the US's treatment of the Native Americans has been rather admirable don't you think? Same kind of treatment the Native Australians received at the hands of the invading foreigners ... now is there any commonality there perchance?


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

I think the tipping point for Huawei was when they were set to eclipse Apple as the biggest earning company in the world ... cue the protectionism ...


Re: Here we go...

Well - I'm sure you'll agree with me is that one theme in human history from the dawn of civilisation is that humans don't learn - hence there are always repeated stories/issues

I feel very strongly that if America envisages China being that much of a threat, it should immediately launch all of its nuclear arsenal that it can spare at China and convince all allies to do the same.

Why would you allow your enemy to survive?


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Oh - and shall we talk about Libya - Gaddafi not only killed but his son too ... and why was that I wonder - maybe because Libya was looking to be one of the first countries to settle a petro-chemical trade in a non USD currency?

No No No! Of course this was all done because Gadaffi was a bad person - and it's none of China's business now as well - so they should steer clear of it - I forgot about that bit!


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Here's something to think about AC - in the prelude to WW2, one of the techniques of AH's rise to power was to use the concept of an "outsider" group to be the source of all the pain and woes of the great country of Germany ... which helped unite the people against a common enemy and to galvanise opinion/action.

It helped him rise to power - maybe - just maybe - the technique may have been used by the US?

BTW - you made mention in another thread of troubles with China's financial system - yes - it's pretty bad isn't it? You could say it's almost as bad as the $30.93 T (2022) that the US owes - oh wait - let's make it worse by just IMAGINING money into existance when required for any deal that we want to do ...


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Oh - and I do believe Cisco has flat out refused to allow review of their code ... anything to hide perchance?


Re: Ah - so that's ok then ...

The more I read the above statement, the moronic I think America is - how else is the other party supposed to take it "Oh America loves me"?????????

I also seem to recall America being at pains to stress to China that they didn't want a war/mean any bad intentions at a previous point in time too - it's so stupid it's actually funny

Country A embargos/sanctions/imposes tarrifs etc on Country B, but says to Country B - don't worry - we're still friends


Re: Take a breath

Not sure why I've been downvoted for my comment - I mean - a 100% tarrif is pretty much the same as 10000000% tarrif right? It's the consumers (American) who pay and it's the (American) government who gets the money - hang on a minute!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I'm glad China is now not the number 1 importer of goods to the US - the sooner the US gets away from complaining about "cheap/low quality Chinese tat" the better - China makes a lot of high quality stuff - but American importers don't make the same profit margins importing the expensive stuff that they do with the cheap tat - and cue all the complaints ....

Now you can complain about cheap tat from your new number 1 importer instead


Re: Why don't you just learn

So why is America whinging if it can get them from elsewhere?


Re: Resorting to whataboutism...

Anonymous Coward - when you put it like that you're totally right

It's nothing to do with China and America should be left to do what it wants unchecked right? Because America stands for truth, democracy, freedom and the rule of law right? Globally? Where was that for Iraq? Sorry - I forgot - none of anyone's business

Yes - that was a war - and Iraq was defending itself - but looking at it in another light it could be an invasion by the US possibly, but no one should get involved as it was just the British, Candians, Germans, Americans and a load of other countries against Iraq. None of China's business - got it

So I also get that America has to involve itself between Taiwan and China - because America said it would help Taiwan in case of any issues - and I get America has to get involved in Ukraine because they said that they'd help out the Ukrainians but then surely you get to the stage of Quis custodiet ipsos custodes - although surely this could never happen to America right, because America is the land of the free and the brave?

I meant the US itself was founded upon insurrection from the British right? Are you willing to come back under the subjecation of your superiors and admit the error of your ways?

On a related note - of all the claims of security issues with Huawei products - nothing has been found even after several security reviews done by intelligence agencies of Allied countries - maybe poor programming practices but nothing along the lines of malicious code - so why is there a persistent undercurrent that Huawei - and largely now - anything Chinese is bad? Could it be to do with protectionism and ensuring that America retains its global dominance? No surely not because America is magnanimous in sharing its wealth and largesse with the world right?

I could go on, but to be fair I don't think anything I'll say will have much effect on an anonymous coward


Re: This is a new thing...

Ok - you're right - let's be pedantic - why is the US complaining when China then decides to implement the requirements for licences to be given in order to export raw materials useful in the manufacture of silicon/integrated circuits.

Is that good enough for you or would you like to get more detailed?

If you understand the question, can you then answer the question? Or is the answer simply - cause it's 'murica and anything they say must be adhered to?


Re: This is a new thing...

You know what I mean - but by all means side step the point that I am trying to make


and what rules did the US break when they invaded Iraq and found 0 WMDs?

Actually bad example - we'll gloss over that because it was American safety and security at stake - so totally understandable

Oh yeah - and oil of course ...


Re: Since 2001 China...

Is that why the US are complaining when China slaps tarrifs on the raw products for semi conductors?


Re: Take a breath

You/The US needs to decide how far they are willing to go to preserve the safety and security of the US.

You do not need to have worked in mainland China for that - you just need to love the US and want the best for it - after all that's why you're proposing for 100% tarrif on everything from China right? Why stop there? Make it 1000% - more money for the Government.

It's like if you're trying to stop plastic bag use - making bags 10c each isn't going to do anything - make them 100 USD each and single usage will plummit


Ah - so that's ok then ...

"Washington has already given China early warning of the coming changes to the restrictions, Reuters claimed, in an attempt to avoid souring relations with Beijing as much as possible."

Could it be that this is the equivalent of a bully saying they're going to punch someone in the face, and therefore the victim shouldn't complain too much if it hurts?


Yes - totally agree here - I believe given the long term safety and security of the US is under threat, that a pre-emptive military strike (possibly nuclear in nature) must take place against the Chinese too - to ensure American safety and security.

I mean - US military intervention has worked so well everywhere else in the world, why not China?

China caught – again – with its malware in another nation's power grid


So let me get this right - you trust EU stuff?


Re: No need for China to infect the UK or other grids, they already have enough power

I must remember - the Israelis are our friends right?

China identifies AI, optoelectric semiconductors, as challenges it wants to crack


Why broadcast this type of information?

I can't see why China is making their future direction public - all you're doing is giving a heads up to other countries on where next they can impose sanctions etc.

Just know where you want to direct your R&D and do it - you don't need to broadcast it to the world

China suggests America 'carefully consider' those chip investment bans


Re: Aren't we lucky...

So if anyone says any supporting words on China it's propaganda?

So everyone must only say bad things about China? So if I said they make good food, is that ok? because it's not about IT?

I'd like to know exactly how far/what I can say about what country in the universe you live in - it seems kinda Orwellian


Re: Trade

Maybe the DoD could ask the Chinese for help - I've heard they're quite good at 5G


Re: Trade

I want a hot war - one involving several nuclear weapons


> China will get old before it gets rich. Economic tofu dregs just like their buildings.

Glad to see racism is still alive and kicking

US govt IT help desk techie 'leaked top secrets' to foreign nation



I'm wondering if there is a department called "Military Systems - Department of State"? A throwback to technology of old ...


Re: Never trust people with foreign ancestors...

Doesn't that mean you shouldn't trust any Americans apart from Native Americans?
