Ok, i am game...
Philip Jeffery..........i am up for it.
Cost of Eurofighter program to UK stands at £15.9 BILLION. SO FAR !!!!
Total MOD budget for 2006 around £30 Billion. RAF budget always strangely 33.3% of the total.
Orders from the RAF first tranche 144 units (115 active rest as spares)
Second order tranche committed to by the government but unwanted by the RAF (not enough pilots etc, 7 squadrons only wanted) bring total to 232. Remainder will be mothballed.
Cost per plane for the 232 is £86 Million (lets say $175 Million). Cost for the original 144 that is actually wanted of which perhaps as few as 120 will ever fly is closer to £175 Million (lets say $350 Million). That is per Unit.
Projected Per unit cost of the vastly better F-35 will be $55 to $70 Million depending on the model type.
Time of project from start to operational status 21 years. (remember how this was called Eurofighter 2000...yep thats how late it is)
And that is just what it has cost the UK
Oddly enough both the F-16, F-18 and the F-22 Raptor come with a cannon....and the 'why take something you would never use to a fight' argument has never stopped the navy ordering loads of anti submarine frigates 16 years after the Red Banner fleet tied up and started to rust, and since the EF2000 is such a great air superiority fighter it is interesting to see what it will be up against since the only comparable air superiority role would be held by an F-16, F-18 or F-22?
Alternatively, the Saudi Air Force recently obtained 72 F-15 with all the kit for $372 Million....around $3 million a pop.
Now Philip, if you still want some fun and games do you want to play with Merlin next or Nimrod?
All figures from either Manufacturer, Global Security sources, or from the Author of the original article in The Reg, Lewis Page and his excellent book 'Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs'. Available in all good bookshops