Re: Study A, then comment on B?
Fluffy Bunny:The only thing that is definitely wrong is action without evidence.
I have to disagree there. Many of the strategies required to mitigate against possible A.G.W are beneficial in their own right reducing pollution and increasing efficiency, finding alternative energy sources to oil & gas.
We don't just use oil for fuel. We are completely surrounded by its direct and indirect by-products. When you distil the activities of the human race you realise all we are actually doing is digging shit out of the ground, using it to make junk, which for some reason generates paper, and then we bury the junk again usually in a form where it won't be useful again except on geological time scales.
I'm sure you've heard of built-in obsolescence. These days it is built-in to everything. Often if we buy a tool, let's say a first world problem - a garlic crusher. Made in China from materials potentially shipped from further afield. Chucked on a boat half way round the world, trucked across Europe to my local supermarket and bought by the missus.
That garlic crusher then managed to only half crush a single clove, from which it was impossible to scrape the results because the cage is 3mm shy of the outer housing. All that digging, all that fuel to do the job a single time so badly that it immediately gets discarded with a mutter. Probably to be buried rather than recycled because the quality of the materials are so low. Multiply that by millions of garlic crushers and then add all the other 'hardware' sold in supermarkets, everything in all pound-shops, pretty much all Christmas decorations and everything technological bought by an elderly relative on the cheap. etc... etc... ad infinatum.
Even the pieces of paper they make from this activity is no longer backed up by anything of real value.
Most of what we do is utterly wasteful. Multiply that by 7 billion people & the eventual outcome is inevitable; resource scarcity,starvation, civil disorder, war etc... these are the real potential killers of global warming.
Yes it has been warmer in the past, but then we didn't have 7 billion people relying on a society built almost entirely on consumption.
Do you think that there aren't people in power who can see this coming? There are parliaments and board rooms all over the world full of people feathering their nests and preparing their bunkers, whilst doing all they can to muddy the waters so the proles don't see it coming.
Rant End. phew!
Flames because we're all doomed I tell ya!