* Posts by Mr GIF

3 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2020

ZFS co-creator boots 'slave' out of OpenZFS codebase, says 'casual use' of term is 'unnecessary reference to a painful experience'


Re: experienced any discrimination, hardship or oppression in their personal (...) lives.

I think the song "Books are burning" by XTC puts this well.

There's one line specifically which resonated. It described books and writing as a "wisdom hotline from the dead back to the living".

Hell of a guitar solo at the end of that tune too!


Re: My first thought:

It just strikes me as unnecessary work. If there were truly a benefit, it would have been done long ago, no?

Likely based on posturing more than anything.


Hear hear!

I tried changing careers at 25. Even that proved incredibly difficult as I was either "too old and experienced", or "too young and not qualified".

I find that, as someone who has experienced discrimination on race, sex and orientation, those who are the most vocal about these things are ones who haven't been discriminated against.

My view is that words will only hold power over you if you let them have that power.