* Posts by Me.I.Am

5 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2020

NASA mistakenly severs communication to Voyager 2


Just watched that Red Dwarf ep last night. Odd timing for a random quote from a 35 year old TV show whilst reading a random post on The Reg because I'm bored before work.

Luxury smartphone brand returns with $41,500 device


I repeat. There are still children starving around the world unnecessarily.

Dear phone owner ... Sort your priorities

Audacity users stick the knife – and fork – in to strip audio editor of unwanted features





Must 'completely free' mean 'hard to install'? Newbie gripe sparks some soul-searching among Debian community


I'll just stick with my Centos 8 installation .... Oh right !

The reality is I like my OS to just work to do the job I need it to do. I use Windows 10, Centos, Tinycore, Windows Server 2019, Free as, Linux Mint etc etc.

But the next time I need total privacy, and openness I will in deed consider Debian, as I am signing into IceWeasle to access my Outlook account and shop on Amazon whilst listening to my free Spotify (wait wrong kind of free right ?) ... ! At least YouTube never fails me.

Linux Foundation, IBM, Cisco and others back ‘Inclusive Naming Initiative’ to change nasty tech terms


I'm offended

I'm offended their offended.

Can't they pledge all this time, effort and money into solving world hunger or making sure every child can read.

Agree with other posters. Total waste of time.