Re: Free Vending
All good things must come to an end, though, and one day, we were informed that Security considered our coffee maker a fire hazard. .... Security was informed, and magically, the problem went away.
This shows a distinct lack of imagination. You could have called the coffee maker the engineering department's mission critical aromatic liquid dispensing tool or something along those lines. That should have been enough to keep the company's elfin safety bozos at bay.
Something similar happened at a former place of work. Management decreed there couldn't be any non company-supplied electrical devices in the building. The safety goons tried to confiscate our shared fridge that had been used for years to cool all sorts of tasty beverages. They got told to fuck off. It wasn't a fridge y'see. It was an electromagnetically, thermally insulated test chamber - and vitally important for the effective running of the department.