* Posts by davepl

5 publicly visible posts • joined 27 May 2020

'I wrote Task Manager': Ex-Microsoft programmer Dave Plummer spills the beans


It's me!

Since they locked the reddit post... might as well add here that if do File/New to launch a new program and it doesn't work, or hangs, hold down CTRL. This will bypass using ShellExecute() and will use CreateProcess() to launch you a cmd.exe window without and dependencies. I just tried it on Windows 10 and it still works that way!

If you're curious about what I'm up to since, check out my YouTube channel! Subscribe for my programming series!


Assembly language, arcade games, and YouTube: The Reg speaks to former Microsoft engineer Dave Plummer


Re: One fan here

Thanks for the kind words about the channel! You can find it directly at



Re: Is all BASIC to me

I have an Amber VT220 in my office today... you just don't see enough amber CRTs :-)

Ex-Microsoft engineer resurrects PDP-11 from junkyard parts


Re: Dave Plummer has a new UTube vid out!

Just lurking, because it's interesting, but... I find it all a bit ironic, as I think I'm one of the least "YouTube" YouTubers out there. Have you seen my thumbnails? They're hardly LTTesque. I do videos on PDP-11s and assembly language, and there are still gatekeepers who find it too mainstream?

At the end of the day, you're getting my best masking performance. If I could do better, I would... and will. And since I can barely stand to watch anything from more than about a year ago, I'd say it's evolving over time.

The implication that I've exaggerated my Microsoft accomplishments is a bit weird. Yes, I made a video about start menu code that it turns out didn't ship at the last minute, but I wrote the code, I've confirmed that with the team lead, and as soon as I was made aware, I (a) wrote about it on Twitter, (b) updated the video description, and (c) wrote to the Register directly to let them know. It's not clear to me how it should have been handled differently. What should I have done in light of this honest mistake where I just didn't have all the info when I hit Publish?

Even in that Start Menu video I'm careful to give extensive credit to the Win95 team as the original authors and designers within the first minute. I'm guessing that it still irked SN.

If there's something I've taken credit for that rubs people the wrong way, let me know specifically, and I'll answer to it. But I don't like the "innuendo" thrown around like that!

And other than things that were "just me" initially, like Task Manager, Format, ZipFolders and the pinball port (which I'm always careful to disclaim as a port) I don't think I've taken "credit" for anything, especially since I was just part of a larger team, and am pretty clear about that.

To quote myself from one of my videos, "Success has many fathers, and I'm just the fun uncle...". People often comment that it seems I worked on everything, and part of that is I was one of the devs that ported the entire shell, so I touched a lot of it. And I had to fill in a lot of missing blanks like Format, and they were all in pretty visible places. So I had the privilege of working on a lot of stuff that people have been before, which is handy for a YouTube channel to make a connection. But I sure don't claim it's any better or worse than someone who spent a decade working on the unseen heap manager. Just easier to write about!

As a trivial example, did I ever write a shipping kernel API? Sure. Was I a kernel developer? Hell no... And I worked on the *prototype* of Windows Media Center but not the shipping one. I added CD-ROM caching to MS-DOS but it already had disk caching. And so on. I'd like to think I'm fairly careful about that stuff!

Explained: The thinking behind the 32GB Windows Format limit on FAT32


Re: Future proofing size constraints

Using this idealized approach, early MS-DOS wouldn't have had 32M limits either. It'd be unlimited, with IIDs for sectors and so on, unlimited length filenames, no file size limits. And it should finish booting in about six weeks from tomorrow... to an unusably slow state.

Sometimes limits aren't failures of foresight, they are CONSTRAINTs arbitrarily and artificially put in place by designers or implementers in order to make an unbounded problem more tenable, or to make it possible to solve given the practical limits of the typical consumer's hardware.

And if all that failed, you could always still pick NTFS, which had far fewer constraints at a higher performance and RAM penalty.