Sausage rolls
Downvoted cos I happen to think Jamie's sausage rolls are tasty.
16 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2020
Tesla have a doozy at the moment: there's no way to turn the fog lights on except by bringing up the controls screen, then selecting the lights tab, then turning on the foglamps.
Just what you want to be doing when you run into a sudden bank of thick fog and you're wondering whether the people in front have kept going or slowed right down.
That's why, in the end I opted for the Jaguar Ipace, it didn't feel like they were trying to save money on individual controls by moving them all to a screen. I rarely look at the screens other than to check range or navigate but navigation and speed limits are on the on the heads up display anyway so still keeping eyes on the road.
Is it true you can't open the glove box on a Tesla except by using the screen user interface?
I know of several XP installations which have worked just fine for decades (10 years and more) without needing reinstalling.
I can take your 10 years and double it and go back another generation.
We have Windows 2000 still running in a production environment after 22 years. And has never been reinstalled ! It runs one very specific program and nothing else. Still on the original hard disk.
programmer of the simulation
Makes you wonder what sort of universe the 'programmer of the simulation' exists in, or is he in fact also in a recursive simulation.
The Recursive Universe, Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge
The cost to the company may well escalate, but there's not much mention of the number of hours wasted by users trying to get some buggy software to work properly, How many reboots. Multiply that by the number of users and your talking about a huge waste of time to everybody because one programmer couldn't be bothered to check the return codes on functions. Yes, that's my pet hate, programmers that don't check return codes. Yes it takes longer as you now need to think about dealing with failures but if you want solid reliable code always check return codes.
Nonsense! What happened to "move fast and break things"? "Breaking things" is vital to modern progress! (Repairing them is unimportant, and thus optional.)
What utter bollocks, breaking things is what programmers do that don't understand what the fuck they are doing. The target is to code with next to zero errors. Thank goodness there are programmers out there that actually give a shit about the quality of code they write.
We're still running 486 processors with DOS 4 at work and to be perfectly honest they are as fast as a modern processor running a resource hungry OS for their particular very specific non internet connected use case. Although I don't actually use it I still have my Zx81. I just wish I'd kept that Perkin Elmer mini computer with its core memory from the 70's
Hang on there, is this me from a alternate reality? Your comment is word for word identical to what I would have written. Even your name dwarf has some important meaning to me. Degaussing coils, tick, never buy anything from Philips tick, (you didn't once work for them or many of the companies they gobble up?)
with main
across its services
You've been able to buy PCs from Novatech without an O.S. for years.