What about the mandatory installation of Facebook?
My last two Galaxy phones have had Facebook preinstalled and it can't be uninstalled. Is this any different from what is alleged to have happened in MA?
3 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2020
If CoPilot or competing AI systems generate ASR rather than AST for training their ML systems, is this a violation of copyright? ASR could generate source code in a number of languages from the language-invariant concept in the ASR.
LFortran, a modern LLVM-targeted Fortran compiler, generates an ASR of the source code. This enables cross-compilation to Python and other languages.
That D200 with the APL PROM and APL keyboard was great. I worked for DG and was responsible for marketing APL and other DG languages in Australia. I met Ken Iverson at an APL conference and he said that DG's APL interpreter was the finest implementation he had seen.
Back to Algol - before the Nova even had a disk-based OS there was SOS - the stand-alone operating system. SOS supported the 8K paper-tape Algol compiler which was probably the only other high-level language other than BASIC on that machine in the late 60s.