* Posts by STOP_RUN

2 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2020

NHS contact tracing app isn't really anonymous, is riddled with bugs, and is open to abuse. Good thing we're not in the middle of a pandemic, eh?


symptoms of covid-19 compared to common cold, flu and asthma

Using Wolfram Alpha to comparing the symptoms of covid-19 with common cold and flu gives fever/cough as common to both of them, and cough/shortness of breath is common to asthma. An asthmatic with a cold scores all 3 symptoms.


COVID-19 : fever | cough | shortness of breath

COMMON COLD : head cold symptoms | soreness of the throat | nasal congestion | fever | cough

INFLUENZA : fever | flu symptoms | pain | cough | nasal congestion | fatigue

ASTHMA : cough | shortness of breath | wheezing | laboured or difficult breathing | head cold symptoms


Will the app ask if the user has a cold or is asthmatic?


best not run for a bus then, symptoms like shortness of breath and a temperature could result, and a cough too if a smoker