You wrote
"Next year, Microsoft will start switching Microsoft 365 Enterprise users to the new-look Outlook (with an option to switch back)..."
But linked article says April 2026, which is not quite yet next year...
7 publicly visible posts • joined 8 May 2020
It is often written this way - "...personal voting records of every American citizen..." and what is actually meant is the record of whether you did or did not vote in X election. WHO or WHAT you voted for is, still, not public information, and while I can't speak to every state or jurisdiction, in most cases the way the vote is recorded makes it practically impossible for even an insider to determine WHO or WHAT you voted for.
And actually all they are probably able to determine is "did the person check in at their polling place for X election", as in most cases you could go check in and then "vote" a blank ballot, making no choices at all.
It's really frustrating that this is described as your "voting record" as it feeds the (incorrect!) idea that your actual voting choices are recorded along with your name somewhere.
I'm not sure why the record of whether you checked in at the polling place is considered public info, but it generally is.