* Posts by Helen Waite

7 publicly visible posts • joined 8 May 2020

Amazon already has a colossal ads business and will extend it to Prime Video in January

Helen Waite

Re: Prime

Maybe they acquired Reginald Perrin's inventory?

HP printer software turns up uninvited on Windows systems

Helen Waite

Re: Maybe there's an HP device visible from wifi or bluetooth?

On a dark and weary train commute home, I've occasionally just watched the available wifi networks slide by. There were at least two named "FBI Surveillance Van."

Why should I pay for that security option? Hijacking only happens to planes

Helen Waite

Re: Ah, yes. The dreaded "fix it NOW!" call ...

Newt Pulsifer?

What job title would YOU want carved on your gravestone? 'Beloved father, Slayer of Dragons, Register of Domains'

Helen Waite



Terminal trickery, or how to improve a novel immeasurably

Helen Waite

Re: Novel interference

My boss thinks I am understable.

George Clooney of IT: Dribbling disaster and damp disk warnings scare the life out of innocent user

Helen Waite

Oh, I LOVED Talking Moose. I had it on a Lisa running MacWorks in the mid 80s. I still sometimes repeat my favorite Moose Phrase: "You're getting sleeepy. Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier..."

Go on, hit Reply All. We dare you. We double dare you. Because Office 365 will defeat your server-slamming ways

Helen Waite

Re: User education

I'd like to customise the error message, replacing "How to Fix It" with "This Yor Folt."