* Posts by magumba

6 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2020

Bill Gates lays out a three-point plan to rid the world of COVID-19 – and anti-vaxxer cranks aren't gonna like it


Re: Not the same thing

Wont it be quiet after the 25000 staff were paid off ?


Re: Wake up sheeple

I watched the original on channel 4 ....far superior...and in the name of the baby jeebus and all his goblins i find myself living in an approximation of it now.

India makes contact-tracing app compulsory in viral hot zones despite most local phones not being smart


Re: so what *is* the solution?

My proposal is free....no 'tracing' app of any kind....the cost again free....the death toll....well if we could get back to recording deaths properly instead of labelling everything possible as crowflu the death toll 'could' be restricted to just people who are funded by bill and melindas depopulation and trillion dollar profit cult and would probably be no more than the pre lockup levels of approximately 1600 a day (all causes,ONS statistics) unfortunately people die every day...but look on the brightside....lots of little people are also born on a daily basis (approx 1800 per day..again ons stats)

Singapore to require smartphone check-ins at all businesses and will log visitors' national identity numbers


Re: oh, id checks, welcome back!

“Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America nor, for that matter, in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. ... [V]oice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Hermann Goering 1946

Academics demand answers from NHS over potential data timebomb ticking inside new UK contact-tracing app



.....the new app is offered with your best interests and for your own good.....HOWEVER.....We forgot to mention that the data WILL be used to identify anyone who may possibly be infected with flu like symptoms we can then take them to our approved isolation centre/s for their own and the NHS safety....I know we said the Nightingale hospitals were for the inrush of batfloo cases however due to function creep we have rebranded all the Nightingale hospitals as Regional centres for the isolation of the brave soldiers of the fascist communist kingdom of seperated states of Hibernia/Albion/Cymru/North Erse....STAY AT HOME...STAY SAFE....OR ELSE

Florida man might just stick it to HP for injecting sneaky DRM update into his printers that rejected non-HP ink


My solution

As a home user and having quite often a need to print in colour and b & w i tend to buy discounted printers from those pesky auction sites,i normally budget between 70-100 pounds a year for this....at the end of the year i bin them,i read the reviews splattered copiously online once i have selected my sacrifice (avoiding those HP abominations) and occasionally buy a full set of compatible toners .i am presently using a samsung which cost 40 quid and 60 for a set of toners,it will last to the end of the year...then goodbye....admittedly this isn't a business model that would work for any genuine business not to mention weee regs....but i do find old laser printers burn exceedingly well leaving little in the way of scrap