* Posts by scotthannen

1 publicly visible post • joined 1 May 2020

Faster than reflection: Microsoft previews Source Generators for C#


Re: Yeah...

I've seen this also. Messy, untestable code is a problem regardless of whether it's C# or SQL. It's enough of a struggle encouraging developers to keep C# clean and tested. They (we) have a tendency to throw all that out the window when it comes to SQL.

It's possible to make SQL somewhat testable, but it's much harder and most developers don't even think of writing unit tests for SQL. It's not an option in some cloud implementations of SQL.

C# and SQL are different in our minds, but long, unreadable, untested, and untestable mountains of code don't follow different laws because they're written in one language or another. The defects and technical debt are the same. http://scotthannen.org/blog/2019/01/22/untestable-code-knows-no-mercy.html