* Posts by coolsausage69

3 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2020

On Christmas night, a computer logs a call to say his user has stopped working…


Where's the man from mars?

I would've thought the whiskey would be needed to make any sense of the AI, given what amanfrommars puts out. And give it 10 more years it can only get worse. Does make good come backs though for which I'll have no reply, but I'll be ready with the whiskey all the same.

Why machine-learning chatbots find it difficult to respond to idioms, metaphors, rhetorical questions, sarcasm


Re: Changed Days Require and Deliver Novel Ways and Means and Advanced IntelAIgent Memes ‽ .

I'm growing suspicious of you. Fancy a game of noughts and crosses?

Prank warning: You do know your smart speaker's paired with Spotify over the internet, don't you?


Not a proper one.

Nah man, not a proper hipster, a real one wouldn't have this issue. If he was he'd be using an old Rotel RX402 stereo receiver and a knackered old marantz record player he'd nicked from his mum. The only issue he'd have is the dodgy bloody power cable that needs setting _just right_ to not lose power and the feeling that the needle probably needs replacing but he doesn't know how long they last anyway and if it's even damaging the precious copy of Rio - Duran Duran or not.