* Posts by JudeK

25 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2020

NHS would be hit by 'significant' costs if UK loses EU data status, warn Lords

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: For the love of god

Hi there anon. Moderators have not deleted any posts for this article.

All the best,

A friendly vulture

NASA missions are being delayed by oversubscribed, overburdened, and out-of-date supercomputers

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Numbers are flat out wrong or ancient.

These numbers are pulled directly from the audit, which was released three days ago. See page 17 of https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-24-009.pdf.


Latest Grant Shapps article

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Latest Grant Shapps article


There was a bug, which our hardworking tech team managed to fix in a manner of minutes, so you should be able to comment there now.

Deutsche Bahn stands to lose €400M if it has to do Huawei with Chinese kit

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: "Do Huawei"

We love a good pun at The Reg .... and sometimes we get quite carried Huawei. Ahem. https://www.theregister.com/2020/01/28/uk_says_yes_to_limited_huawei_non_core/

Direct lithium extraction technique for greener batteries gains traction

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Re: How green?

Bob? You OK, mate?

Lack shame? Fancy some festive Windows knitwear? We've got your back

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: The only real answer

Hey tgpips. It looks like you're trying to make someone laugh. Would you like me to send you a jumper?

Congrats! Can you email jkarabus@theregister.com with your UK mailing address so we can send you your prize?

Jude & the team at The Reg

Microsoft: Cloud and Windows OEM sales up, but Surface? No, not even during WFH boom

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Advance sales booking?

This is sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2021 (that's the first three months of fiscal 2022 for Microsoft.)

Engineers' Laurel and Hardy moment caused British Airways 787 to take an accidental knee

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)
JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Thanks both - that's really useful. You should now be able to up- and downvote everywhere where Register comments are available.



JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Hi good morning,

Jude from The Reg here.

It would really help us if you could let us know which story has an AC with no upvote button on it so we can fix it.


TITSUP* in the UK

*Try Imploring Techies to Support Understanding of Problems

Audacity is a poster child for what can be achieved with open-source software

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Today's article...

"* you missed the sponsored tag"

No, we did not. The feature is a response to the project's growth over many years before Muse entered the picture.

Please don't accuse us of running sponsored copy as editorial – paid-for articles are clearly marked.

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Huh?

We know about the update - you'll see something on it soon

Seoul adopts AI for suicide prevention on Han Bridge: Uni boffins train machine learning model on rescue teams' data

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

The idea is that a more efficient spread of resources and better understanding of the behaviours would mean being able to save more lives. Efficiencies in rescues would mean more rescuers freed up to get to the others in time.

US nuclear weapon bunker security secrets spill from online flashcards since 2013

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Re: Can't help wondering

Thanks mate ー(  ̄▽ )_皿~~ much appreciated!

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Can't help wondering

We've had tech problems on comments over the weekend which our incredibly hardworking tech team has now ironed out.

This team really, really, really cares about readers and serving the readers and we all especially want this space to be a good place to chew the fat.

To be completely frank, this comment is the last thing any of us would want to read coming back from a long weekend.

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Re: secrecy

We did some work on our backend systems over the weekend, including article comments, and there were a few gremlins, which our tech team has fixed now.

This meant some of you submitted a comment at the weekend and are only seeing it now. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

(The truth is: we heard the sound of a helicopter, and then a ceiling tile moved, and a shadowy figure silently rappelled down from the ceiling into Vulture HQ. They took our editor and stole our biscuits, and then I posted this as a response to Timbo's commennnn... NOOOOOOOOO! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME!)

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Blocked posts

Hello steelpillow,

We did some work on our backend systems over the weekend, including article comments, and there were a few gremlins, which our tech team has fixed now.

This meant some of you submitted a comment at the weekend and are only seeing it now. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.


Jude & the rest of the vultures @The Reg

The Fuchsia is now. Google's operating system lands on real-world consumer devices, starting with 2018's Nest Hub

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Google started the development of Fuchsia in 2016

Yep, exactly so.

There's a cached version here for now: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3AizscKhCWBH8J%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Ffuchsia.dev%2Ffuchsia-src%2Fcontribute%2Froadmap%20&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de

There may have been problems with the JEDI deal but you still wouldn't have won, Oracle told by US govt


Re: Going through the motions, but northing will change.... hence....

It's immature but it makes us giggle.

Oracle hosting TikTok US data. '25,000' moderators hired. Code reviews. Trump getting his cut... It's the season finale

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: Re: Key fact missing

We borderline considered flagging you for saying "This!!!"

Video? That's so not what we care about, says Slack, as it signs video deal with AWS

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: FY2021, really?

Hi there.

Slack's fiscal 2020 ended on January 31, 2020. The 3 months ending April 30, 2020 are the Q1 of its 2021 (https://investor.slackhq.com/news/news-details/2020/Slack-Announces-Record-First-Quarter-Fiscal-Year-2021-Results/default.aspx).

Tech firms and their reporting periods - gotta give those expensive accountants something to do, don't you?

Have a great weekend

Integrate all the things: OpenText would like to knit together application data from across company boundaries

JudeK (Written by Reg staff)

Re: OpenText Content Server

Good morning Anonymous,

If you'd like to get in touch with our friendly Reg data-stirring reporter Lindsay Clark about OpenText and related issues, he's all ears. You can email him at: lindsay.clark@theregister.co.uk
