* Posts by TechHeadToo

60 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2020


The future of radio may well be digital, but it won't survive on DAB


Re: just receive an IP stream, buffer as necessary.

That's odd. seven hours ago you said

Anonymous Coward

"My car was built in 1998, and I've got good reason to assume it will carry on for at least another 5-10 years. It isn't going to get wifi."

So does that make you a lying anonymous coward?

Apple's Safari browser runs the risk of becoming the new Internet Explorer – holding the web back for everyone


Safari does everything I need

I really, really, hate seeing my CPU cycles being stolen to animate a F**ing advert for something I will never, ever, have an interest in.

Bring back text only and being able to navigate from the home keys.

OK, Yes, I have a number of browsers installed here. I can take my pick of them, but every time I turn to one of them, it feels the need to 'update' and deliver some shiny feature that adds complication to my life.

Simple is efficient, and should be the default. If you want to run some sort of sparkly this week's 'thing' then turn it on and pay the sponsor - in power, in adverts, in plain old subscriptions - but stay out of my interface.

Microsoft was a lost cause years ago, and Android started with the obvious intent of being rabidly commercial. Linux is the way to go, but still mostly needs user input to refine and tune it. Apple is as simple as the power supply. You plug in and it works, and works reliably and consistently across releases. Almost as if they test stuff before release. But you pay. My time and involvement versus the money. My time nowadays is used for stuff that doesn't involve IT (mostly) or only uses it like a real user - just doing what I want to do without all the config and debugging.

So I'll stay with Safari (mostly)

Schools email marketing company told us to go away when we told them of exposed database creds, say infoseccers


Teachers eh?

It's the education sector. Probably run by ex-teachers, and the subjects are teachers.

So it's about what i expect. After all, teachers know EVERYTHING and cannot allow themselves to be shown to be, to be, well, a lot stupid about so much of life.

UK VoIP telco receives 'colossal ransom demand', reveals REvil cybercrooks suspected of 'organised' DDoS attacks on UK VoIP companies


Re: I don’t remember the PSTN ever being attacked

Lots of people make lots of money by doing it cheap and 'maintaining' it and redoing it every other year.

And if you're a chum of the PM - what's not to like about the arrangement and the contracts? The public don't ever seem to care about what is done in their name.

I've got a broken combine harvester – but the manufacturer won't give me the software key


Re: Only half the story

and the other workaround is to hit the big red button. No power available to the device = no noise.

Everyone cites that 'bugs are 100x more expensive to fix in production' research, but the study might not even exist


Well, now I've read most of the comments, and my life is shorter than it was.

And the takeaway is still that

Thought and requirements and code and testing is cheapest done at the design stage.

having to correct a bug in production will always cost more than fixing it before release.

People who think they know about these things, quoting from experience, will sit and argue the minutia of whether it is 87x or 100x or 273x more, and completely miss the point that the root cause of increased costs of whatever type (reputation or dollars) is always going to be poor requirements or poor coding.

All else is mere avoidance smoke.

Won't someone think of the kids? China's Cyberspace Admin steps up, orders massive cleanup to make the net safe for minors


Re: The internet as we know it

I think that's the point.

The internet as a source of information (facts, that is) and a resource for learning,

Instead of 'free speech' ruling and any nutter is able to propagate any idiot, anti - social ideas.

I'm all for free speech - and reasoned debate and criticism, but the www as currently encouraged by The West is removing all hope of an intelligent society.

Sad but true.

Windows 11: What we like and don't like about Microsoft's operating system so far


"but with a bit of effort can be made into a useful application launcher,"

That says it all for me.

I don't expect an OS to need effort to make it useful. I expect to turn the PC on, and start doing whatever I came to do. Windows long ago lost its way. I hate to use the A-word, but I have 20 year old machines with a desktop recognisably the same, with the same options, same descriptions, as those on this PC. Under the desk I have a similarly competent OS from IBM - the newer ones are glitzier, the icons fresher, but the essential of being able to do useful stuff without needing to spend a week tuning and re-learning is the same.

The pile of dead Windows PC's goes all the way back to XP - one or two applications only run on something quaint.

But then, I'll never get to be a billionaire holding views about making it easy (and secure)

The PrintNightmare continues: Microsoft confirms presence of vulnerable code in all versions of Windows


YOU may be able to do that, but, like another commenter, I've supported small organisations who can barely keep shares running, and would have no chance if Linux appeared, minimal though its admin requirements may be.

Bug at payments processor WorldPay swipes £2k+ per ride ticket from Brighton Pier revellers



Bunch of charlatans. 2 years ago we had an account. Closed it. Have the records to say it was closed. Suddenly they invent a £150 debt under the heading misc, with no invoice or backup.

Not for the first time, either. Totally incompetent back office systems. Not able to blag money from me, they turn to outright fraud.

Might also add that despite them using paper mail with all manner of threats and legalese, they never, ever, respond in print to letters, evidently preferring the anonymity and deniability of phone calls and emails.

Bunch of charlatans.

Good news: Google no longer requires publishers to use the AMP format. Bad news: What replaces it might be worse


Re: AMP is not a problem, nor is its replacement

And how many of the manipulated public can spell URL, let alone know what it is or how it works, so no chance of them avoiding google.

Tim Cook: Sideloading is a disaster and proposed App Store reforms would harm user privacy and security


Re: User's best interest?

"Since when is it in a user’s best interest ."

Well now. The readers here are a self selecting bunch of folk who know way more than the average purchaser.

So come on - think back to reality - those of us who have had to take support calls - all those funny stories we read elsewhere in Reg about the terminal stupidity of users. Most of that is because computers are not vacuum cleaners - all the systems need a constant effort to understand, to make them work, at all, let alone the way you want.

So the more someone makes computing into a reliable user tool that just works when you turn it on, the better. The dumbest devices will win, because dumb people can use them. Those of us who have the knowledge and the desire, to deal with arcane sequences of key presses, and resets, and hidden configuration settings, and the myriad of pseudo programming languages, will always be disatisfied with dumb machines. But there are few of us, our needs are costly to provide, and we're always complaining - as this thread is doing.

So if Apple can take more money from the masses by giving them fewer options, I'm OK with that. When MAcOS no longer does what I want, then I'l take a breath and use Linux mainstream.

Meanwhile, MacOS gives me a stable system for everything office like I need to do, which is 40-50% of my time.

For other things I Use another box or two. Avoiding Windoze.

We don't know why it's there, we don't know what it does – all we know is that the button makes everything OK again


Re: Dummy thermostats

Light switches at a height were deliberately to stop children from poking their wet hands into the switch, or unscrewing the round face plate to 'have a look'

Some things just get stuck into folk expectations.


Re: Thermostats

You said it - local government. Never anyone actually accountable in local government...

Global Fastly outage takes down many on the wibbly web – but El Reg remains standing


Only £200 Million Revenue?

The only thing I'm surprised about - that low revenue figure.

"If you want a more reliable service, you'll have to pay a bit more....."

"about x10 more"

- and scammers think their ransomware is able to present a threat...

Here's how we got persistent shell access on a Boeing 747 – Pen Test Partners


Re: File

Sounds as if NT4 is a whole lot safer than BIllG's latest efforts

Microsoft sheds some light on perplexing Outlook blank email incident: Word was to blame


As I've said before

"When the history of computing comes to be written The Judgement will be that Bill Gates and Microsoft held back the advent of reliable computing by 20 years"

I'll stop at that.

Blessed are the cryptographers, labelling them criminal enablers is just foolish


you can read it two ways...

When I saw

"Privacy creates agency. When you can communicate privately, your potential actions grow. Someone who cannot communicate privately cannot reach out for the assistance of others."

I expected an argument showing how BAD people are given free rein to organise, to share information about how to be more Bad, and so on

then the quote

"The ACIC went on to state, “These platforms are used almost exclusively by SOC [serious and organised crime] groups and are developed specifically to obscure the identities of the involved criminal entities and enable avoidance of detection by law enforcement…"

Bad grammar. Try reading it through more squinty eyes and you get "SOC [serious and organised crime] groups use these platforms almost exclusively..."

which is (almost) clearly what they meant to say.

And my point is...

Very bit of tech we've made has a dark side. Our desire to keep our conversations private is reasonable - until BAD people also want to keep their conversations private. Citizens want to be safe from these bad people, and in the past, the GPO operator could listen in, and track down bad people and forestall bad things happening. Not so now.

And the authors assertion that law enforcement still functions is a bit laughably naive. I can sit here being a criminal mastermind, using all that free and available encryption, and the globalisation that is the internet, and the law won't ever find me. A click here, a click there, and the proceeds move between national boundaries, into and out of crypto currency and the paper trail is shredded. My location defined by IP and mac addresses is unfathomable. My lifestyle is not ostentatious.

For the benefit of GCHQ, I am NOT a mastermind, but I accept, if not welcome the idea that everything on the 'net should be transparent and available to police (and bent coppers) for the sake of cleaning up the Bad people in society and preventing them getting the oxygen of privacy. (and to stop them breeding - but that may be a bit radical until 2057)

Now, where did I leave the cat?

NHS App gets go-ahead for vaccine passport use despite protest from privacy groups


Just use a loaner phone.

has Boris even considered that a phone is not surgically attached?

Just cosy up to someone with a good record and use his/her phone.....

or does the NHS application know whose hand it is in. I refuse to use it. I did download it, I looked at what it offered, considered the likelihood of it being hacked, considered the capability of the people coding it (World leading Track n Trace, remember)

and I deleted it.

Roughly speaking, anywhere that won't let me in I don't want to give my money to, and this is all about the moeny. to the venue, and to Boris's chums who wrote it quick and cheap for only a couple billion.

If you call me a sceptic, you'd be telling the truth.

Something went wrong but we won't tell you what it is. Now, would you like to take out a premium subscription?


And the sad part is that it is all true. Though maybe not ll in one place.

Coming from a discipline where we created unique error codes for each situation, and a full explanation of causes and correction had to exist and be referenceable the ability of Windows to say 'error' and no more has always been a cause for me screaming and sobbing over the years.

Security is now the all purpose get out for sloppy coders. "We can't tell you anything because even admitting that there is a password would reveal too much to bad people, so we're just letting you know that we think you are an idiot"

Not saying you should but we're told it's possible to land serverless app a '$40k/month bill using a 1,000-node botnet'


Well, that seems like a really good idea for ... each of the following to use. They'll have way plenty spare boxes to run DoW attacks on their clients. Silently, insidiously.... profitably.

" Google Cloud Functions cost the most, followed by AWS Lambda, IBM Cloud Functions and lastly Azure Functions."

Harassers and bullies succeed in tech because silence is encouraged


And the net of all the chatter...

I've read the comments, and the tirades, and the frothed up righteousness below.

The net of it all it seems to me is that harassment is a Bad Thing.

'We' don't know if someone os being harassed or bullied unless there is evidence beyond the words of the parties.

It's a good way to tarnish someone by inventing a story. Blackmail even. Or preferences 'unless you give me a pay raise I shall claim.... '

So the law needs to prevent NDA's and only accept affidavits from more than 1 person regarding another person's behaviour.

And the idea that society could come up with a better way is perfectly valid. If we make the media responsible for what they punish, then of course society can change. We have stopped slavery. We have mostly stopped the idea of invading the next village and stealing goods and cattle and people.

Dev creeped out after he fired up Ubuntu VM on Azure, was immediately approached by Canonical sales rep


And yet...

And yet 'we' can't track down spammers, psycho's, paedophiles, and the rest of the bad stuff on the 'net.

Everyone here knows that nothing you do is private unless you are physically disconnected.

Me? I'm expecting some sort of major shakeup and a 'new net' to appear with built in traceability dictated by government (so they can track voters and influencers)

Barbs exchanged over Linux for M1 Silicon ... lest Apple's lawyers lie in wait


Re: A lot of lost sales?

Well then, that's two of us that are strange.

I no longer 'Have' to use windows on a daily basis, and I'm so much happier to be able to use PC stuff that just works, doesn't install crap or updates without asking me, and doesn't install drastic interface changes. When I have to use W10 to support other people, I find I'm increasingly annoyed by the absence of standards across the user interfaces and the weirdly unintuitive and confusing hidden configuration settings.

Apple stuff just works.

An old mac mini that must be a version 1 still works - no updates available for anything of course, but it just keeps going, doing what it does. Bit like my IBM as/400 - way past end of life as far the OS is concerned - but it keeps doing what it does.

It's all only 0's and 1's - so until a 0 or 1 wears out it should all still work. Eventually I'll maybe want the extra speed of the M1, but until then..

Showering malware-laced laptops on UK schools is the wrong way to teach them about cybersecurity


Re: meanwhile......

So moving on - if software packages were secured against tampering, and websites were made responsible for the quality of what they allow to be downloaded, ( Responsible as in 'go to prison and have all assets confiscated') then the more careful members of society could feel a bit more assured about computing devices.

It really isn't beyond the wit of man to create a secure operating system, and a secure comms network which only move traceable objects which are themselves secure from contamination.

If only we could end this nonsense about the internet somehow being special and free of the need for society to regulate it....

You would expect a qualified electrician to wire a building to spec, right? Trust... but verify


Re: You would expect a qualified electrician to wire a building to spec, right?

Oh no, not the lads employed to prove that they need the job. No chance of getting heat back if you do that.

My daughter. disabled, was well brought up, and so understands many of the potential hazards around the place, though she cannot fix things herself.

So when there was a cause for concern at her flat, the lads were called, they visited as a gang, agreed there wasn't any immediate danger, and insisted on the main supply being turned off until the head honcho could come and sign it off. Not the same day.


Watchdog urges Tesla to recall 158,000 Model S, X cars to fix knackered NAND flash that borks safety features


Ah - the optimism of youth

Amusing - because I own neither car nor shares in Tesla.

Young people today eh? Not enough real world experience to think through ALL of the usage cases when they design a new thing. 'Get it rapid prototyped and out there, and we'll fix it on the go... Everything is thrown away after 5 years....'

But no - it seems that when you rush stuff to market and put software out early on the basis that users will do the bug finding, there are real consequences.

Victorian cast iron engineering is the way to go. Everything replaceable, re machinable. Lasts 'forever' with some rebuild maintenance.

All the stuff in our industry that has gone wrong - Year 2000, Windoze as an OS..... yet still people believe us and but more stuff to throw away. If you keep running fast enough you stay ahead of the mob.

(Only Star Trek tells the truth - any alien even looks at a starship and smoke and flames come out of the control panels)

Leaked draft EU law reveals tech giants could face huge 6% turnover fines if they don't play by Europe's rules


Re: "legal but harmful"

That may be correct, but the internet is unique in being a media with no governance. Newspapers, books, election leaflets are all covered by laws of libel and defamation and the rest. The internet is not, so views and comments and incitement’s are allowed unchallenged.

Witness the USA where many people have been allowed to claim absolute untruths as until even twitter - a major culprit for spreading untruth - has taken to placing a warning on some items.

Then, separately, is the issue of how much financial damage this activity is causing to the law abiding organisations in Europe and elsewhere.

Way past time that google ‘do no evil’ and chums were made to be responsible for their actions to some degree, like any other media outlet.

Millions wiped off value of Capita outsourcing deal with English councils amid 'further contract variation agreement'


I once worked for Capita, last century, when they were smaller, and relatively new. Their sole ethic was to make the council pay for as much as possible, and do the least possible.

I've watched their corrupt (remember the CEO who had to leave due to a bit of 'bribery' of officials?) greed driven expansion over the years, and can only hope that this may mark a significant fallow period coming up.

Up from the depths, 864 servers inside, covered in slime, it's Natick!


You know, if they can get all the applications running, and maybe shrink it a bit - say to somehting more of a shoe box size - then we could each have one.

We could call it - a Personal Container - or PC for short

Bill Gates debunks 'coronavirus vaccine is my 5G mind control microchip implant' conspiracy theory


And Word for Dos was ... what.

DOS was text based. Text input, text menus (love those) text screen. So it was never possible to create a wysiwyg display. As with 'word processors' of the day. The output was in a font, and probably spacing that could not be shown on screen.

I still support WP - my (now disabled) daughter learnt how to use its format code editing panel, and still uses it. The only Windoze PC in the household, except for a wee laptop I had to buy to see what the F*ck Microsoft had done with W10 and where they'd hidden required settings, again.

And remember

Bill Gates got rich by selling goods that would fail the requirements of the Sale of Goods Act and by extinguishing all and many businesses that made better products.

GSM gateways: Parliament obviously cocked up, so let minister issue 'ignore the law' decree, UK.gov barrister urges court


Re: Laws not needed in UK

And it's now well used - bubbles, mixing, travel, non travel, no bubbles..... and eye tests - don't forget the get out jail card excuse...

NATO's at risk if you go your own Huawei on 5G, US government warns Germany


It's a passing phase

I'm just a simple soul.

The USA has Facebook and twitogram and access to everything anyone who uses anti social media places on line. Trump has seen and benefited from the mass misuse of such things. If China makes all the kit, and the CIA and its cronies can't make them bend over to install acces to all the traffic. His world domination plan could be threatened. China did have Zoom, and that came close, of course. Our very own dear Boris'nDom running cabinet meeting through chinese servers, and continuing to promote the channel... Not just James Bond any more.

Can any of us be sure that chinese kit doesn't have the ability to provide some access? If Trump had brains enough to think it up, he'd have insisted on a similar wheeze for US makers to install. A golden packet that trips in? How would testing pick that up? New firmware download in 3 or 5 years or 'when required'

There is SO much about the DARPA created internet which is a security risk anyway - DDOS and all its friends... and don't get me started on Mr Gates's non-operating system.

On the bright side though, When we and the chinese have eaten all the animals, burned off all the trees, and died out from the Chinese invented plague that led them to briefly be 'top nation' we will all get a good laugh of all this.

Shared memory vulnerability in IBM's Db2 database could let nefarious insiders wreak havoc – so get patching


Re: I know this is a theoretical flaw but...

Last I heard it was just i - like z, but i.

And a nicer, better behaved DB I have yet to meet.

Single-line software bug causes fledgling YAM cryptocurrency to implode just two days after launch


And still nobody goes to jail.

but I live in hopes....

Steve Wozniak at 70: Here's to the bloke behind Apple who wasn't a complete... turtleneck


We are fortunate to be able to judge over several decades. The Apple founders were not alone in the world of people making Pc's

Whilst we're saying all these things, I think I should add my oft-repeated prophecy that when the world looks back on the rise of computing, Bill Gates will be judged by history as having held back the progress of computing by about 25 years.

- the above comment about USB and NT4 (new Technology, aka 'written by IBM') reminded me that on my desk here I have laptops running MAC OSX and W10. I have needed to use a USB stick in each. OSX accepts 'eject' and closes the device, and the window it was visible within. Windows10 current edition does nothing. After closing everything that could possibly have the device in use, it still ignores an 'eject' command.

All this time, and Microsoft still haven't managed to make the most fundamental of operations work in a friendly way.

And don't start on the rest of the windows ecology

Woz genius was in leading the way on the tech, Jobs was a genius in demanding that stuff worked the way it should, be consistent across the entire UI, and by crikey, be beautiful doing it.

Let's just say - it takes two to tango.

It's been five years since Windows 10 hit: So... how's that working out for you all?


Re: Nope

That was the one co-engineered by IBM wasn’t it? Or the one the guy from DEC? Created. Proves the case about native Microsoft being a bit, well, lacklustre. Maybe mor so since Bill ripped off the original versions

But hey, I’m used to serious boxes that don’t fall over. At least they seemed to fix that problem eventually.

Cabinet Office takes over control of UK government data: Mundane machinery or Machiavellian manoeuvrings?


Re: that Cummings is the sort of kid who'd get beaten up at school just for the hell of it.

So is this your commentary on your own posting, or has your identity been hijacked?


Re: With Dominic Cummings in charge ...

I count four, the last one is a little longer that the first, thus

Dom Dom Dom Doom

It's a Meow-nixed system, I know this: Purr-fect storm of 3,000+ insecure databases – and a data-wiping bot


Whilst I agree with all the comments saying 'serve them right' I believe we should also keep at the forefront of our mind that

It Is The Criminals Fault.

In just the same way as It Is The Criminals Fault if your unlocked house is robbed.

Equally, the fact that such activity can take place is down to the design of the comms. It is no longer beyond our capabilities to run comms and Operating Systems which are intrinsically secure.

Bt I have no idea how you could implement same whilst the USA, China, Russia, etc want to have access to all information, everywhere.

Me? - My fountain pen still works for secure communication.

Raytheon techie who took home radar secrets gets 18 months in the clink in surprise time fraud probe twist


Re: Editing

My memory (the organic one) stretches away back in the fourth dimension.

When email was new...

It was often the case that 'important' emails were being keyed in so quickly that an occasional error was proof of its urgency....

No time to spare to correct it before sending.

Now we have automated spell checkers that can put in the mistukes for us.

Capita's bespoke British Army recruiting IT cost military 25k applicants after switch-on


I worked for Capita, briefly. The organisation was driven from the top to be utterly unscrupulous and blind to users needs, to the point of deliberately luring them into bad specifications so they could charge double for changes.

I have watched them since - the departure of the Chief Exec as a sop to be able to say they were all cleaned up. The give capitalism a bad name. It seems that every system they 'somehow' acquire (WHY was he thrown out?, oh yes - suspected bungs to toady politicians)

Disgraceful. As I get older seem to get more right wing. The only answer is really to bring back capital punishment, and asset stripping, as for drug lords.

Judge green-lights Facebook, WhatsApp hacking lawsuit against spyware biz NSO, unleashing Zuck's lawyers


Only in America

Where it is a Good Thing to make handguns and pass them out like sweeties, and makers are not sued for providing weapons that kill people.

as opposed to a company that makes software.

Why then, is Facebook not being sued by all the people who have suffered at the hands of material posted on it? The incitements to self harm, to suicide, to hate speech and acts?

One rule for the Feds, one rule for for the peasants.

Seven 'no log' VPN providers accused of leaking – yup, you guessed it – 1.2TB of user logs onto the internet


You can say it.

But now you are on a list... somewhere ...

Is it Patch Blues-day for Outlook? Microsoft's email client breaks worldwide, leaves everyone stumped


I left Windows behind, thankfully, when I retired. Solely Mac or Linux on home built kit.

The I had to have W10 to support my daughter.

I had expected that W10 would be a big improvement. But no. The arrogant way in which MS insist on installing its junk. My daughter is disabled. She cannot cope with changes to screen designs or workflows. I have Macs over 20 years old with a UI which is instantly recognisable from the one on this machine.

Also - the email has been working, continuously, without interruption, (as has the OS) all that time too.

TomTom bill bomb: Why am I being charged for infotainment? I sold my car last year, rages Reg reader


Re: As I read that

Regardless of the technicalities,

If the 'man on the Clapham omnibus' (A legal simile to indicate ' an ordinary man in the street ' ) is led to believe that he is buying a Mazda by all the advertising and print and signing. Then it seems reasonable for the judge in the case to take his part in saying that Mazda should have taken more care about their relationship with their supplier, and what that supplier does with Maxda's customers. For more years than Mazda has been selling to this country pre-installed entertainment equipment has been a part of the vehicle, and the vehicle manufacturers' warranty covered it. Not so with 3rd party equipment. IN the days when we took our radio less car to a fitter and chose our own, the radio was the responsibility of the fitter, and through them, to the radio manufacturer.

Mazda therefore has the primary relationship, and nowadays, their relationship is to TomTom. I don't see that the requirement for the customer to register, post sale, with Tom Tom, negates Mazda's responsibility o the affair.

GCHQ's cyber arm report on Huawei said to be burning hole through UK.gov desks


Re: Can't identify the smell

We are still a moderately major economy, so being able to pull some strings and influence policy by having ministers and officials in debt - actual or moral, or even unethical, is all to the good. We seem to be heading towards being a failing country, so plenty of opportunity to extract profit. All those foreign investors in steel, cars, universities knowledge, smashing our high streets are not in it to keep a few jobs afloat, they're here so they can take their money home.

And they're here because they come from a culture where NOT playing by rules and laws is normal, so they have an advantage.


Analogue radio given 10-year stay of execution as the UK U-turns on DAB digital future


ON and OFF and a choice of 3 channels would do it.

It isn't as if any of them offer any broadcasts of quality, and only a rare something which hasn't been on before.


Re: DAB Is dead in the water

Well, that's certainly been true for big donors - USA, China... Property developers...


Re: The future is behind you ....

I listen to Radio 3 or classic FM in the workshop. I'd like DAB quality for both of those - but no DAB signal.

Who is going to pay for all my kit that will be instantly redundant?

Same scam as promoting cars, then stopping petrol.

Where does the money go? - are we propping up the makers - Bush, Roberts, Armstrong, Philips - unnamed Chinese Dab makers - and which MP's and party backroom string pullers are the ones making the money from all these unwanted changes.

Not that I'm paranoid or anything.

'Community Radio' - was there ever anything of value broadcast on 'community radio'?

