* Posts by VibhorTyagi

21 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2020

Remember cryptojacking from way, way back (2019)? Site infections are down 99% – thanks to death of Coinhive


Engineer AI for cryptojacking

In the realm of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, folks have managed to engineer AI machines that combats uncombatable malware like coinhive. A persistent malicious spyware since the epoch of crypto and blockchain technology, now sees global eradication.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Pervasive digital surveillance of citizens deployed in COVID-19 fight, with rules that send genie back to bottle


Engineer AI for spying on citizens

What seems to be something taken out of a dystopic novel, has become a waking reality. The Simpsons predicted the manufacturing of a crisis, by top leaders of the world, for malicious purposes. Many nation-states engineer AI bots to spy on their citizen's, and their whereabouts/ behavior. This should be controversial, but is seen as a crackdown on the novel coronavirus (Covid-29) outbreak - rather than being a snatch at personal democracy.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Hey, Sparky: Confused by data science governance and security in the cloud? Databricks promises to ease machine learning pipelines


Engineer AI through the use of Sparky, Databricks

The crunch for folks who engineer AI related machines has only increased. Popular tools and languages do aid in the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - however, this is seemingly not enough. There is always scope for better tools on the market. Other folks like me, who engineer AI machines as well, work with even inferior tools. Databricks making Machine Learning (ML) much more streamlined, could help a great deal.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Google: You know we said that Chrome tracker contained no personally identifiable info? Yeah, about that...


Google to engineer AI tracking software for Coronavirus

Following in the footsteps of Microsoft, who managed to engineer AI tacking software for the coronavirus outbreak, Google seeks to chime in with their own version. This however, is in line with the many amateur netizens, who've also managed to engineer AI tracking software, using various technology, such as blockchain, etc.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)


Google engineers AI to spy on its users

To expect that Google, of all companies, will come to aid users who's data are at risk, is laughable at best. The Big G routinely manages to engineer AI, so that they can keep a close tab on everyone using their services.


Apple reopens stores in China as Middle Kingdom regains control of COVID-19 – after closing all its outlets in Italy


Shame On Apple!

Also.. "store closures outside of Greater China?" Really?! Every Apple store in the world is closed, except the one at the epicenter. Amazing. This online webinar stuff is just a diversion from their usual disregard for employee security (typical Apple)! They could've helped in some form or another - turns out even Microsoft has managed to engineer AI based tracking software. one that has accurately been able to detect and project the rise and spread of the Coronavirus (covid-19) across the world.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Azure admins' cold sweat likely caused by a 'isolated' power problems that browned out West Central USA region


I Engineer AI, ML, DL...

Useful information, really loved the explanation on this. During the day, as I engineer AI as a process, Azure has really been crucial to me and my team's coordination. Microsoft should be proud with this one. We have managed a lot of work where we engineer AI, at the same time schedule and plan the next course of action as we go along - all because of an ease of access cloud capability which Azure provides.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Uncle Sam stonewalls probe into its secretive airport facial-recognition technology. Now the ACLU is suing


Uncle Sam able to engineer AI facial tracking software but...

The worst part about dealing with algorithms, are their affinity towards unpredictability. Scientists had managed to engineer AI sorting software some time ago in 2017. The thing is that this AI randomly discriminated against women - almost on a whim! It even showed preference against people of color, over much fairer counterparts.


ICE, TSA and CBP are at a loss for being allowed to engineer AI trackers for their own uses (which, as mentioned, create almost 80% false positives).

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

When the world ends – coronavirus plague, WW3, whatever – all that will be left are cockroaches and Larry Ellison trash talking his rivals


This is Doomsday

For all I care, Larry Ellison can sleep with the Roaches. Although, I must say, these doomsday predictions has given me an idea to engineer AI bots that try to project the end-times effectively. I might not be as accurate as my Artificial Intelligence creation, but with Trump in office, and Fascists in majority of counties - it looks like we are being punished, and cockroaches are the least of our worries. There is incentive, however, to engineer AI machines that do manage the loss of productivity being experienced throughout the globe (maybe that would be the most realistic use IMO).

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

BT CEO tests positive for coronavirus, goes into self-isolation after meeting fellow bosses from Vodafone UK, Three, O2 plus govt officials


It's getting the 1% as well

To the reports that are saying that the most rich are far from being infected, saying that this coronavirus pandemic is a bio-weapon against the working people only, is disingenuous at best. I saw somebody managed to engineer AI tracking bots that are actively managing the count of people, based on official data administering. The thing is that covid-19 (novel coronavirus), has infected the poor and rich, both - the former are left to fend for themselves most of the time.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Resellers facing 'months' of delays for orders to be fulfilled. IT gathers dust on docks as coronavirus-stricken China goes back to work


IT Professionals should Engineer AI that tracks the productivity lost...

The entire global commerce is expected to drop by 15-25% by the time the entire coronavirus pandemic is abated. There are many of us who engineer AI bots and machines, who are also struck with the gigantic hammer of Covid-19's (novel coronavirus) spread. However, unlike most other industries, the IT industry is expected to be less affected than most (some might say that it'll see a sharp rise!). The nations should develop and engineer AI to track the loss of productivity (as they are actively tracking the number of infected) around the world. Comprehensive analysis would benefit the various industries which would be facing sure loss in the months to come.

~Vibhor Tyagi (Techie at Engineer.AI)

Secret-sharing app Whisper shared secrets like last known location and actual password tokens in exposed database


Not Even Remotely Surprised

When Whisper launched way back in 2012, similar worries had users on edge. The difference between then and now, is that the company is now in the middle of haggling billions of private data to miscreants over the internet. There is an algorithm that Google and other search engines use to stay away from the fire, but really, it is only propagating this further. Whisper managed to engineer AI that has leaked over 600 million users' data over its course of life.


Yelp finally gets its chance to tell US Congress how Google screws its listings service every minute of every day


Google Using Algorithm To Boost Favorability

Google manages to engineer AI, which according to its algorithm, prefer its own products over everyone else. Yelp has had years of reviews, basically squashed by Google. Thus rendering the voice of the people obsolete. Google has also managed to use its algorithm, to engineer AI for opponent suppression and ad favourability. This is not going to die anytime soon


White House turns to Big Tech to fix coronavirus blunders while classifying previous conversations


They Should've Done Better

The WH is nonchalant at best concerning the spread of this deadly disease. There are even talks about a mass quarantine now - the likes of a concentration camp! There is no news about a safe cure, or how long this is going to last. The last I checked, companies like UBER and Googdle were about to engineer AI to help with tracking and subsequent quarantine measures. While the disease is unmitigated, the response shouldn't have been - only because there used to be a Pandemic response team in the CDC - now, its not.


Corporate VPN huffing and puffing while everyone works from home over COVID-19? You're not alone, admins


Work From Home Engineer, AI Expert

This recent development in my dept has seen a vast array of utility tools adjunct with my WFH profile. We engineer AI, and as such, have no qualms about working from home (I would rather prefer it). The thing is that my company has additionally moved on to MSTeams due to this, which has basically changed how we work completely. I'm shocked that its not just us AI engineers who are doing this, but a large number of folks as well.


California tech industry gets its first big coronavirus hit: RSA Conference attendee infected, in serious condition


Engineer AI To Track Spread Of Coronavirus

This is nothing to be shocked about, honestly! They couldn't have postponed the meet a bit further, right! They have now managed to engineer AI that can track the spread of the coronavirus in real time. Shocking that the tech heads couldn't anticipate this from a mile off.

The Internet of Things is a security nightmare, latest real-world analysis reveals: Unencrypted traffic, network crossover, vulnerable OSes


IoT Used Through Malice

The thing is that IoT exists in a similar buzzword-sphere as Artificial Intelligence does. Although it is not what it should be currently, miscreants who engineer AI, can easily disrupt your life as you know it. Slowly, but steadily, they might be able to engineer AI that literally holds you, and your data, hostage.

Don't be fooled, experts warn, America's anti-child-abuse EARN IT Act could burn encryption to the ground


US Senate can engineer AI to manage this scourge

With the abundance of tech heads at their disposal, USA could have easily set in place some well guided encryption walls that engineer AI to pick up noticeable, and suspicious activity, which leads to violations of the law. But the senate has managed to pick us all for our discretion, and managed to make sites like Facebook, even more privy, than they originally were. They could've easily employed some well tested bots, and engineer AI to be proficient in tackling this despicable crime.


What would machine learning look like if you mixed in DevOps? Wonder no more, we lift the lid on MLOps


I Engineer AI, ML, DL...

There is a reason that Machine Learning become so frustrating, I will tell you as an engineer. AI are generally formed on the basis of Deep learning, as such they rely on a huge amount of trial and error. DevOps, MLOps, etc become important because they create an aura of synergy between the other AI engineers. Without this, there is little to no coordination, management and planning between the ideal of work, and the active process wherein we engineer ai on a daily basis.

What's inside a tech freelancer's backpack? That's right, EVERYTHING


I engineer AI and my bag is full of trash

I engineer AI for a living. As such, I rarely have anything in my bag that I will need in the most immediate of senses. It is cluttered with chips and boards that will be useful for AI engineering way, wayy down the line. Among all the garbage, the only thing that I can say I really need, is my laptop, which I use for freelancing and engineering AI.

No joy for all you Rover McRoverface fans: NASA's next Mars bot is christened Perseverance


Perseverence Devs Engineer AI To Perfection

It never ceases to amaze me how much we misjudge the size of these rovers. It's almost as big as an adult human. As opposed to the previous rovers, Perseverance boasts some of the latest modules that space agencies have come up with in the past few years. They have also managed to engineer ai, so that it gives them a clear idea of landing impact, formulate weather patterns, geological conditions, and biochemical testing.