Surely an on land PTP carrier grade microwave link would have been more appropriate? Way more capacity and with lower latency too.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2020
My sentiment regards RDS exactly. Have been recommending / installing this to clients for years - even a 3 user dog kennel. Staff can skip between any pc, laptop or phone and just carry on from where they left off. Even a power cut leaves them at the curser where they were typing until power restored. End user devices can be considered "dumb" and throwaway if need be - so any old cheap device will work. Backup is a cinch too.
Well. The last couple of migrations from on-prem ad/exchange to an office 365 domain required me to use Internet explorer as part of that process. Otherwise it would not have been possible no matter what I tried via Edge or Chrome. This is on 2012R2 and Server 2008R2 too. So even Microsoft themselves are still getting it wrong never mind third party systems!
The first thing that comes to my mind is where you print something on a colour printer and possibly the make, model, serial and MAC is watermarked into the printed document as described here...
Finding that hidden info is generally not enough to identify the person printing but once a database exists of the locations of a particular MAC address that suddenly changes. Also consider the many possibilities this opens up - there are quite a few things i can think of - good and bad, What about stolen devices that have a MAC address??