I second above WTF for the same reason. Additionally, I ain't touching HPE shit with 50 foot pole. I've got burned with their crappy hardware, cataclysmic firmware, and support by the fellas mostly called Steve with so heavy Indian accent that you can make out, if you're lucky every other word. I can understand any English accent but this was too much for me, especially when their shitty HD firmware killed the entire server and a$$hat Steve is telling me it's not the HPE problem...
Posts by Trbonja
12 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Feb 2020
Now that we're emerging from COVID-19 hell, who's ready for some on-prem IT, asks on-prem IT giant HPE
Cloudflare goes retro with COBOL delivery service. Older coders: Who's laughing now? Turns out we're still vital
That's Just it. Last 10 years I had misfortune to run in to programmers with god complex and yet their code is a crap and they can't be bothered to figure out why is it unreliable. They are good at scheming . backstabbing and spending money or "critical tools" when those tools are just covering their incompetence.
I'm not a programmer by trade as I find it to boring but I don't shy away from coding and checking the code to fix "network problem"but the crap I find lately just can't be be unseen. As for security..all access points wide open and "security" is implemented by hiding commands behind menus with every user profile having qsecofr level access...
Lattelly I run in to many shops with this crap and it is getting annoying. I just want one decent project where programmers can think outside of box and see whole picture, not just "my-code-is-best-everything-else is unimportant"
Beer will not do it this afternoon for me. Vodka will ;-)
This old COBOL language shit needs to finally die. I'm sick and tired of old school programmers who think they are gods and yet they can't grasp the concept of basic network connectivity, never mind security... If COBOL language and to some extent as400 is a dog, it should be be taken out in to woods, shot and corps burned 'till nothing is left.
There are exceptions to old school programmers but I have met very few over the years.
Real-time tragedy: Dumb deletion leaves librarian red-faced and fails to nix teenage kicks on the school network
Control is only an illusion, no matter what you shove on the Netware share
Re: "Or heard the sphincter-loosening words: 'What's a backup?' "
Very early on in my career I've learned that most users are liars, cheats and they are never to be trusted. For that reason, my techies are NOT permitted to overwrrite or delete anything without a backup. If latop has to be re-imaged, the backup image must be created.- It saved us countless times.
Some users still bitch and moan about mundane things so every-now and then I have to let the worse offenders crash and burn.
You've duked it out with OS/2 – but how to deal with these troublesome users? Nukem
Re: Had a mischeif disk...
I have to politely disagree with this statement of yours: "past age of 8 as ur brain has shut down its language learning pathways".
There is no such thing as "brain shuts down...". Granted, it gets slower with the age but as long as you keep your brain/mind occupied and busy, you will still be able to learn the subject in question.
I'm not in the medical field but I have learned several languages in last 40 years and currently, I'm tackling Mandarin. No, I’m not a rain-man. Just an average but very stubborn bloke - "I can't" was never in my vocabulary.
Morrisons puts non-essential tech changes on ice as panic-stricken shoppers strip stores
All the IT ladies (all the IT ladies), all the IT ladies (all the IT ladies), now put your hands up! Oh, still not many here
Re: I have three children
Same here but I have two of girls.
Older one was raised in old fashion way: "suck-it-up-and-move-forward-no-mater-what". I've trained her in martial arts, we built PC's together, PHP coding, a lot of quake 3 death matches. Direct, clear spoken and if someone is on the way, better run; Basically she would be perfect admin from hell! She's in the health industry, child psychology.
Younger one, has zero interest in technology and preffer things that just work. Sadly, all my attempts to teach her some usefull tech/electronics stuff failed. She is in medical field as well.
I hire co-op students all the time so I can pass on some knowledge (good and bad) but over the last 15 years I had only 2 female students.
We regret to inform you there are severe delays on the token ring due to IT nerds blasting each other to bloody chunks
feeling old....err Experienced!
I hate TWINAX cables and connectors so much and I swear those connectors and pins were cursed. Glad that died long time ago.
In the late 90's and early 2000's, I had a really good gig; replacing overpriced Cisco Pix firewalls with IPCop boxes running off of the SFF Compaq desktop. Beside moderate payment for my services I insisted on 2-3 months of "burn-in" time.
So from 12000 to 1300 and after 1700 hours cron job would happily start quake 3 server with 20 slots and space maps only. Interestingly enough, a lot of Brits were connected and moaning about my ping time (I was playing on the LAN where the firewall is ;-). Nothing like DM17 and 20 ppl fragging each other!!
Mind you, this was done on clients sites were Cable or at very list ISDN line were used...we wouldn't want to impact email flow which was another fun activity back then: Checking email filter: back then as there was so much stuff in the emails and very few places were filtering Pro0n and other nasties.
I heard somebody say: Burn baby, burn – server inferno!
A couple of decades ago I came in as a contractor to support two server rooms in two diferent buildings. AC was in place in each location but backup power generator was at capacity so if street power goes out no AC...what could go wrong?!
Many hot summer days, power outages and intel servers later (even one AS400), I got approval....for two portable AC units for each location. At least these units are on backup power and temps stay below 27C...most of the time.