* Posts by John Atkins

3 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Sep 2007

Boeing zaps PCs using CHAMP missile microwave attacks

John Atkins


Neutron bombs supposedly would kill people, but leave everything else intact. For some reason that was not considered humane-enough warfare.

iPad's biggest rival? Microsoft's dead Courier

John Atkins

Keypad for iPad

I just got the "ZAGGmate with keyboard" from www.zagg.com .

It works well as a keypad and as a hard case. It isn't a separate item when carrying it about.

Not quite as spiffy as an integral keyboard, but good when entering text. It will act as a laptop in a reasonably stable manner on a lap, but very well on a table/desk.




A US CERT reminder: The net is an insecure place

John Atkins

Raheim: Significant risk...maybe

Off topic: Don't spread an urban legend.

Y2K was not a fiasco - because major corporations (I am familiar with US telcos) spent the time and effort to analyze and correect some VERY large legacy programs. Thus - no failures. That is a success story. What would have been said if no one had done these corrections and a major network had failed for a long period.

On a small scale, I used a server side database program that had a y2k problem that went undetected (by us) until Feb 2000. Fortunately, this was an annoyance, not a crisis. The vendor had a fix that we purchased for $300. If the vendor had not already had this fix, it might have turned into an embarrassment.
