* Posts by The Griff

16 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2020

The hyper-clouds are open source's friends

The Griff

Re: "For the PostgreSQL core server, AWS employs…."

Would postgres be a better project if AWS contributed 100% of the development effort...?

Red Hat greases migration to RHEL for CentOS 7 holdouts

The Griff


The decision taken in 2020 was to, effectively, end support for CentOS 8 (not 7) by migrating it to Streams, thereby making it upstream of RHEL instead of downstream.

Support for CentOS 7 was always going to end next year, at the same time as mainstream support for RHEL7 ceases.

Microsoft boss Nadella's compensation pack swells 10% to $55m

The Griff

Money for nothing

Boardroom pay is just ridiculous. They always justify it by comparing it to the "market rate". The market being made-up of a bunch of other vastly overpaid execs.

Huawei looks to staff for strategy to reverse declining fortunes

The Griff

Free, as in speech

They're encouraged to "speak freely", but not too freely, otherwise it's a nice trip to their local re-education centre.

Privacy is for paedophiles, UK government seems to be saying while spending £500k demonising online chat encryption

The Griff

Remember to...


Things that are not PogChamp: Amazon's Twitch has its source code, streamer payout data leaked

The Griff


I'm waiting for the obligatory press release that categorises this as a "sophisticated" attack. Because then it's not their fault. No company can be reasonably expected to defend against sophisticated hacks now can they?

Open-source developers under corporate pressure to adopt less-permissive licenses, Percona CEO says

The Griff

Re: The actual problem

Yes, this is the core issue. The commercial landscape has changed. OSS developers used to rely on selling support to put bread on the table but the big cloud providers have pulled the rug out from under them

One solution would be for AWS & co to voluntarily donate funds back to the OSS projects they benefit from. But as a previous poster noted: rich people didn't get rich by giving their money to others...

Virtual cycling service bans riders for doping – doping their data, that is

The Griff

Re: How sad do you have to be ...

It's worth bearing in mind that these riders are towards the elite end of the sport. So good performances on Zwift may result in sponsorship deals or even professional contracts. Not condoning the actions, but just pointing out there is a temptation there for those desperate to break into the professional ranks.

Android 10 ported to homegrown multi-core RISC-V system-on-chip by Alibaba biz, source code released

The Griff

Anything that adds "more impossible" to the world gets my vote. Someone send out for covfefe.

Facebook appeals ruling that it stole tech. So, Italian judge issues new judgment: Pay 10 times the original fine

The Griff

3.8 mill. That could be a much as an hour's wages for Zuck. I hope he won't be left in financial difficultly in these uncertain times.

Not just Microsoft: Auth turns out to be a point of failure for Google's cloud, too

The Griff

Re: Thanks be to God

People are harsh on Dido, I like that one she did with Eminem.

Backdoored SolarWinds software, linked to US govt hacks, in wide use throughout the British public sector

The Griff

I was worried for a moment...

but it's OK to be hacked as long the attack was "highly sophisticated".

Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight

The Griff

You forgot 50 quid for printing the ticket at the airport, plus another 100 quid for the pressurised cabin option.

One for the super rich fanbois: Ultra-rare functional Apple-1 computer goes on auction

The Griff

Re: Fully Functional ?

If Bill Drummond is bidding on it then that may well be its fate.

Android owners – you'll want to get these latest security patches, especially for this nasty Bluetooth hijack flaw

The Griff

Compulsory maintenance periods

Vendors should be required to provide security updates for a minimum period from product release (e.g. 5 years). And this end date should be clearly printed on the box when you purchase it.

My moto g5 ceased to receive updates in Feb 2019, which means it got 23 months of updates from release (pathetic).

Of course vendors will never do this voluntarily because it takes away one reason for you to buy their next shiny model with a bunch features you'll never use and a screen the size of a barn door.

BSOD Burgerwatch latest: Do you want fries with that plaintext password?

The Griff

Re: Surprised they don't use *NIX

My local Pret has just had a shiny new POS installed by that lovely Larry Ellison (at a very reasonable price, I'm sure). It seems to work exactly as the old one, except it crashes every lunchtime and requires 20 key presses to ring up each item. #progress