* Posts by Scottish Scientist

1 publicly visible post • joined 29 Jan 2020

UK energy watchdog to probe National Grid and Scottish Power over fault-plagued subsea cable

Scottish Scientist

The future for undersea power cables

The delays and outages have been disappointing but I think it worth persevering with the undersea power cable technology, to perfect it, to make it sufficiently robust and reliable.

This is just the beginning of the wind power transmission from Scotland to consumers in England.

Ireland is another great wind resource country which can do the same - export wind power to England and Wales using undersea power cables.

Iberdrola and other Spanish power companies ought to be thinking about undersea cables to transmit Spanish solar power to England.

Undersea cables connecting Spain, France, Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland can comprise a Western European electricity grid whose power supply / demand mismatches can be managed with new pumped storage hydroelectricity schemes in the mountains of Scotland, Wales etc.

But then why stop there? A European Grid ought to be wide enough to manage renewable energy resources from Greenland to North Africa to Russia and Turkey. Scotland is ideally placed to serve as a major power distribution hub for an inter-continental electricity grid.

World’s biggest-ever pumped-storage hydro-scheme, for Scotland?
