* Posts by David

1 publicly visible post • joined 8 Sep 2007

Apple lobs $100 credit at iPhone buyers


Too little too late

Apple's actions are encouraging people to WAIT before purchasing.

I think the idea is to encourage people to buy now and NOT wait. We've all been taught that waiting is a virtue - not when it comes to capitalism.

By rewarding people for waiting, you delay purchasing, which delays the whole cycle of development. I know I would have waited if I knew the price would drop within two months, as the Apple execs by their own admission knew it would. They planned it that way.

I think the new price point is EXACTLY where it needs to be, when it needs to be. I only question why some kind of incentive wasn't put out there to reward those who jumped right in, especially since the price drop came unusually quickly. Remember, these are the folks who enthusiastically went forth and sold it to their friends who are now the ones to reap the benefit of waiting. So they've been rewarded for waiting. Again, waiting is not good.

And would it have been so hard to acknowledge and thank all those true believers at the time of the announcement, especially since they are adopting a whole new product? What would that have cost? Nothing. And the price drop would have been much easier to take especially with the store credit.

NOW the belated thank you rings hollow, as it is forced. And thus the compensation is necessarily higher. Sorry Steve, but your $100 bread crumb that can only be redeemed by purchasing yet MORE of your overpriced products is just another SLAP IN THE FACE.

iMac Intel core 2 duo Mac OS X (10.4.8) 24" screen, 2GB,