* Posts by Nafesy

28 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2020

Japan Post closer to replacing snail mail with autonomous drones


Re: Good luck with letter boxes

I can only assume the drones will be fitted with a standard log splitter attachment to remove those pesky doors...

Stack Overflow bans ChatGPT as 'substantially harmful' for coding issues


Re: It's like outrunning a bear

You're missing the point - it's hard enough to wade through the human generated crap without also having to deal with computer generated crap too.

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Re: ChatGPT appears to getting glowing reviews

Hopefully it'll keep them distracted for...a few centuries

Get over it: Microsoft is a Linux and open source company these days


Re: Optimist or pessimist... what am I supposed to be

VS Code is free...?

Azure pulls in front of AWS in public cloud adoption


Re: Azure is a sack of shit

Nice try, Jeff B - worried about the fact that Azure is catching up with you? None of the above connects with reality.


Re: Like watching Gangrene Spread

Have used it for years and no such issues. Support was helpful where needed (rare as there's a big community and the documentation is extensive). Either the OP is really unlucky or inept/using it wrong (or works for AWS)

Europe advances crypto-coin regulation – without potential ban on Bitcoin


Re: just ban this conmans dream shit

I think you'll find that the majority of crime involves traditional currencies. Should we ban those? No.

I get the energy wastage argument against PoW blockchains, but your stated view here is very outdated. (In fact, blockchain generally improves transparency)

For example, the Swiss government has developed an app ( https://profila.com ) to allow users to maintain ownership of their personal data on the Cardano blockchain (not a proof of work network - https://cardano.org/).

Switzerland's SWIFT data centre under guard after Russian banks excluded


The point?

I wonder if those guards are trained to handle ICBMs....

AWS postmortem: Internal ops teams' own monitoring tools went down, had to comb through logs



Put an extra layer of protection around the Nintendo Switch gaming service for next inevitable outage please AWS. Rest can burn.

Sweden asks EU to ban Bitcoin mining because while hydroelectric power is cheap, they need it for other stuff


Re: Not Happening

Shame all these thumb down brain washed folks are all missing out on this next part of the digital revolution; consuming electricity is a short sighted argument against the market disruption this brings. You can always generate more electricity and do so in a lower carbon fashion. That argument against bitcoin is just the old financial powers trying to suppress this huge change which they fear. (And you have fallen for it, open your eyes)


Just to get an idea of adoption... https://map.bitcoin.com


Re: Not Happening

You haven't found Bitcoin Cash I see.

Transaction fees in the thousands of a penny and scales significantly better than BTC (which is more akin to digital gold than cash)



Re: Quite

In that case... quit crying into your eco-warrior soup and go after a target you can actually do something about like fossil fuel usage. This is just a convenient distraction topic hyped up by the real carbon emitters.


Re: Not Happening

Plenty of people actually. You believe the "criminal" narrative? Don't be so naïve.


Not Happening

If you try to regulate P2P, you will fail. That's the point of decentralisation. It will just move to Africa or Australia or wherever else. The time any country may spend trying to regulate this stuff is totally wasted.

Move on and make use of it, adopt this incredible technology... or bury your head in the sand.

UK Treasury and Bank of England starting to sound serious about 'Britcoin'



Bank of England could just use the Ethereum network and issue their own erc-20 token... Job done.

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Re: No

Define "massive waste"…… opening with such a broad, I'll defined statement is a guarantee of a sprawling, broad thread of people talking across each other.

Tron has been running dpos for years...ETH is moving to pos because it's significantly more energy efficient... Both huge networks with it in their best interest to be energy efficient. Dyor before spouting drivel please

UK science suffers as lawmakers continue to dither over Brexit negotiations


Re: Negotiating...

Sorry, stopped reading after "sound economic and political reasons" as I was laughing while crying while vomiting....

Teen bought Google ad for his scam website and made 48 Bitcoins duping UK online shoppers



I guess he's learned the meaning of "not your keys, not your coins" the hard way... had he followed correct crypto usage protocol, the gov would have been unable to confiscate the proceeds.... one flight to Malaysia later and he'd have been a multi millionaire

Britain publishes 10-year National Artificial Intelligence Strategy


The Irony

Surely the government is already an artificial intelligence superpower... albeit in the literal sense of having only intelligence which is artificial.

Fix network printing or keep Windows secure? Admins would rather disable PrintNightmare patch



People still print stuff? Not very forest friendly.... my printer hasn't been switched on in over three years.

UK.gov is launching an anti-Facebook encryption push. Don't think of the children: Think of the nuances and edge cases instead


Disabled my account about a year ago and feeling much better for it. Amazing people still think it's a good idea.... but maybe I'm just in my own little happy echo chamber

Faster .NET? Monster post by Microsoft software engineer shows serious improvements


Re: Performance on on-Windows platforms?

There are Unix specific improvements listed (where the change is os specific)

Why comment asking for more detail if even the original is too much for you?

Verified: UK.gov launching plans for yet another digital identity scheme



Stopped reading at "the government also said it thinks digital identities were an easy way to"... it's like they don't have a clue... ah.... well.... yes

Australian cops, FBI created backdoored chat app, told crims it was secure – then snooped on 9,000 users' plots


Re: Mobile phones that can't make calls?

It's a secret code phrase for a tablet....

'Trust no one' is good enough for the X Files but not for software devs: How do you use third-party libs and stay secure, experts mull on stage


Re: It's actually not that hard

"And if MY code relies on something that can be updated by someone OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL, then it NEEDS A RE-WRITE to AVOID that."

Wow, you maintain your own OS?

Seriously though, the only calls that you'll be experiencing are from new devs tearing their hair out and wondering why they're having to deal with your home brew nonsense when it could have been done better, more reliably and in less time with a well researched library choice.

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Re: It's actually not that hard

Um, that's awful advice! (and yes, its actually very hard!)

How likely is it that Joe Bloggs will successfully mitigate formatting/injection/overflow attacks by rolling their own parser? (The answer is ZERO!) And yes, csv is vulnerable to macro injection attacks.

I would never attempt this - and I've been coding professionally for twenty years, and over 30 years in total.

Just don't!!

Calling all, um, 'general AI' practitioners: Blighty needs you for public sector glory

IT Angle


I can smell the (now standard) whiff of failure already....