Re: End all this nonsense
Also sounds like he's trying to talk it up to encourage more buyers and boost the bitcoin price. Not sure that's allowed.
174 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jan 2020
I agree, the Hunter Biden story could be reported here - picking it apart for the nonsense it is would be quite interesting. Failing that, Vice did it for anyone interested:
I'm sure this will be a great comfort to wheelchair users who are still in the exact same end position of not being able to make their journey. How they find out doesn't fix that ultimate issue. I suspect this is more about keeping pissed off customers away from the station so they don't have to deal with them.
You conveniently left out a definition:
"INFORMAL: Engage enthusiastically in sexual or disreputable pursuits."
Maybe you're not based in the UK, but it has a well established negative connotation in UK media/tabloids. And even If the author meant they were "prancing about" (your chosen definition), I suspect they are smart enough to know the other uses of the word so why use a loaded term in the first place when there are a myriad number of ways to state that she was just in a new relationship.
"as she cavorted with new lover"?
Have you hired an ex Sun journo?! The marriage had apparently down and she was in a new relationship, there's no need for language that implies she was doing something wrong. She is the victim here ffs.
And then you go on to make it worse with "Kate Ainge is not the only judge to have been involved in Computer Misuse Act proceedings in recent years". Comparing her, the victim, with someone else who committed a criminal act. Or do you somehow think she is in the wrong here, not her husband.
Gives an unpleasant sexist undertone to the article that is well below Reg's usual standard
If your gonna asterisk a sentence for further comment or explanation, can you at least put the explanation at the end of the paragraph, not bottom of the article, 20 paragraphs of scrolling away. Or, here's a radical idea, just put the additional info in brackets instead of asterisking to another place on the page. It's something Reg does far too often, and really not necessary for the sake of a single sentence.
So, questions. Does this require you to have Bluetooth turned on or does the OS/app turn it on in the background regardless of user setting? And will force stopping it prevent it from running in the background or is stopping it not possible (or it just restarts itself)?
(as someone who is not getting out much at present, would far rather have it only running when I go out, not running all day, every day for no good reason)
This is stupid, was nothing learned from the megapixel race of digital cameras. The worst things you can do to a sensor when it comes to image quality - smaller sensor, smaller pixels, massive megapixel count. They are literally spending money on making the product worse! And the entire tech industry has known this for years. But hey, it'll make the phone a few μm thinner, and we all know thinner phones are better right? Doesn't matter if the camera is worse, battery is tiny, no room for headphone jacks or SD slots. All unimportant, just bow down at the altar of thinness and keep buying the shiny shiny.
"EMUI 11 will begin rolling out to users of the beta programme later this month, with a wider general release expected not long after."
Yeah right. My Huawei has only just updated to EMUI 10, a year after it was released. I won't be holding my breath for version 11 (hell there is a 10.1 release before EMUI 11 too)
Look at the angle he's having to hold it to get max sunlight, and how much button mashing he's doing, and it STILL turns off. They've built a battery free device that doesn't actually work battery free, and instead of MAKING it work just threw in a game save workaround for when it stops working every few seconds. Nice idea, failed execution.