* Posts by CB__

17 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2020

Meta's value plummets as Zuckerberg admits AI needs more time and money


Re: "investors are unwilling to wait too long"

"people pouring money into Meta (and all the other new shiny tech stocks)"

-- very much reminds me of the heady days leading up to the millennium, when "people" were pouring obscene amounts of money into anything that had a ".com" at the end, with crazy pound signs in their eyes.

I wouldn't say that it all ended badly (although a lot of the sillier things did) -- but there was a > 5 yr dip before the more sensible stuff actually became viable/profitable. So like most good investments, it's definitely not for the short term -- and some due diligence on whether it's "sensible" would also be... er, sensible.

Firefox points the way to eradicating one of the rudest words online: PDF


Is this a joke article?

Wrong side of the year, but is this a joke article? Or is Rupert Goodwins actually the work experience kid who's only ever viewed content on YouTube with the obligatory coloured subtitles and backing track? As so many other commentards have said, PDF is a great standard for ensuring that documents are viewed as they were meant to be viewed, and this article is just self-defeating in every way!

The Metaverse is the internet no one wants


Completely appreciate DLSmith's comment, but imho the whole look and feel of a website shouldn't need to be compromised in order to satisfy the affected few -- as noted, there are built-in browser tools these days to improve accessibility, and the considerate website designer may also add such features by choice.

We could make everything black and white, but without meaning to sound inconsiderate, that's not much fun for everyone else.


Re: Zuckerberg in a dipper

Got to love a dipper. How about a nappy instead?

Left-wing campaign group throws weight behind BT strikes


I think I can tell which of Disgusted vs Boris are in the private vs public sector. Boris: an employment contract will dictate which days you work and how much holiday you'll get per year -- you get to choose whether you agree to that contract, or to negotiate it if you don't like what's being offered. Similarly, employment rights, and health and safety, have long since been statutory (written into law). I don't agree with exploitation in any form, but too many public sector workers expect the world on a plate, and don't realise that most of us in the private sector are not fat cat execs, but hard working folk. Those of us who are small business owners regularly work 60+ hour weeks trying to make a success of our ventures with very little help from the government, maintaining a payroll for our staff, and end up take home less per month than you do. So please do bear that in mind.


Re: UK news Merkin spelling

Downhill, or down the hill? Since you're talking of spelling...


A comment, not an essay please. I got bored after the first two paragraphs.

Former Microsoft UX boss doesn't like the Windows 11 Start menu either


I assume that if the ligature aligns well for 'Start', then it would align equally well for 'Stavromula Beta' -- so your point is...? ;)


The Start menu was never Microsoft's idea in the first place - they nicked it from Apple's System 7, where its simplicity was perfect; for Windows 95. Then they made it progressively worse under subsequent versions of Windows and subsequent UI bosses... oh hang on.....

Decisions on health data sharing should not be taken by politicians, citizen juries find


I'm afraid it's endemic in the NHS these days, and if they don't get it to work this time, then they'll try a different way, again. Anyone remember care.data from a few years back? They'll get our health data eventually, whether we like it or not, and whether it's legal or not. The best thing you can do is to tackle it from a different angle -- buy your cakes and booze with cash, and don't use your Nectar/Tesco card when you do it ;)

Google tells Apple to 'fix text messaging' in bid to promote RCS protocol


Headings, seriously? I fell asleep at the first one. These are supposed to be comments, not essays, you know...

BT union announces 48-hour strike action in protest over pay


I'm not sure whether anyone will actually notice...

Microsoft open-sources its emojis as part of new design philosophy


I agree. The new Teams emojis are awful. The winking one looks like he's been in a fight. Who thought this 3D "upgrade" was a good idea...?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the BBC stage a very British coup to rescue our data from Facebook and friends


Data are, not is

You lost me at "what your data is" and "what data is kept". I guess your children is at school and your apples is in the fruit bowl? Pedantic perhaps, but it's a slippery slope...

University of Cambridge to decommission its homegrown email service Hermes in favour of Microsoft Exchange Online


Re: MS' deep pockets

Agreed, and same here, but wasn't it a great time to be at university -- a very special few years when the world-wide web (and other internet services) were beginning to transition to the mainstream. We were fortunate to be able to witness it all from the forefront.

'I'm telling you, I haven't got an iPad!' – Sent from my iPad


Re: Which is why I always turn off email sigs...

I got the Red Dwarf reference. BSc ;)

Remember that Sonos speaker you bought a few years back that works perfectly? It's about to be screwed for... reasons


Re: Hands free and convenient - never hi-fi

<< ...while I am up to my elbows in the sink, washing up. What do you use for that purpose? >>

I've got to say it... A dishwasher...?