* Posts by d0nnyoz

1 publicly visible post • joined 19 Dec 2019

Poor, poor mobile networks. UK's comms watchdog plans to stop 'em selling locked-down handsets


Make the unlocking process easier!

I don't really have a problem with the networks locking the contract phone to their network. Personally, I think it makes business sense.

What I do protest with is the task of unlocking and Vodafone are the worst culprits.

Here's a scenario. Someone with an iPhone has completed their 12/24 month contract and they decide to sell the phone (as is) as they have now got an upgrade.

I purchase the phone but want it unlocked.

There are 4 major networks - O2, EE, Three and Vodafone. They all allow immediate unlocking (for a small fee) with no prior relationship with the network except Vodafone.

Vodafone require you, in fact they demand you to use their network for 30 days before they will do anything. Admittedly is a free unlock after 30 days but there is a cost to that 30 days and an inconvenience!

I feel their practise is unfair on the consumer - they should no longer have a relationship with the phone as the contract is now past. I even wrote to OFCOM 2 years ago about this unfair practise and they dismissed my complaint!