* Posts by ChrisHolland

1 publicly visible post • joined 24 Mar 2021

Now that half of Nominet's board has been ejected, what happens next? Let us walk you through the possibilities



The departed directors have treated Nominet as their own personal fiefdom and cash cow for several years and a full audit needs to be conducted at this time to closely scrutinise all financial dealings with them, their families and connected businesses.

The breathtaking stunts that they've pulled and the millions of pounds that they have systematically looted from Nominet are just the ones that we know about. Given the extreme implausibility that they've been able to resist the temptation to also help themselves to even more money under the table, any irregularities uncovered should result in civil and criminal proceedings being broughts against them as well as seeking to have them banned from being able to act as.comoany directors.

I'm appalled, but not entirely surprised, that none of the pro gravytrain directors didn't have the decency to resign. Especially the despicable David 'Judas Iscariot' Thornton, who has not only slavishly and sycophantically rubber stamped everything put before him, but who was actually elected under fraudulent pretences in the first place. If this deeply unpleasant human being doesn't mince out of there of his own accord.